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1:00 AM
I just experienced a weird thing. Refreshed "StackOverflow questions and suddenly, the first seven or ten questions are all based on LightStreamer. and now.. they're all gone.
5 hours later…
6:29 AM
@ewokx possibly spam and nuked by mod
@AndrewT. strange thing is amongst the bunch of LightStreamer questions.. a few had accepted answers.
so that kinda confused me.. but oh well..
1 hour later…
7:42 AM
@VLAZ "People have complained for years that stock prices have a very tenuous link to the intrinsic value of the company. Cryptocurrency solves that problem by removing that tenuous link."
@ewokx not seeing any recent deleted LightStreamer questions. Odd.
1 hour later…
9:02 AM
@RyanM it's not just deleted.. it's actual Lightstreamer posts of which some had answers. It just appeared once and then when I loaded the page again, they disappared.
5 hours later…
1:48 PM
Hey @VLAZ you beat me to it :3
7 hours later…
8:21 PM
Q: Unwarranted (?) deletion of self answer by new poster

skomisaYesterday a new poster asked this question: How do I track down this exception in netbeans? The question related to a problem when using the NetBeans installer to install NetBeans, and there were several comments and an answer which collectively pointed the user in the right direction for a possi...

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