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9:07 PM
puts 'Hallo Welt!'
puts 'Hola Mundo'
puts 'So, how do we actually advertise this?'
puts 'Every message should run in Ruby'
puts 'That actually makes a great running gag; like Python’s cabbage.'
puts 'Why, thank you!'
9:28 PM
puts ' Ok, time to learn more Ruby'
puts 'I’m trying to find out atm how to start irb in PowerShell without launching it in a new Window'
puts 'It’s a bit annoying like that; but I’m not exactly surprised…'
puts 'Is there a PEP 8 for Ruby?'
puts 'OHHH! Of course it was due to Ruby’s stupid .bat abuse… I hate that.'
room topic changed to Ruby: puts 'Hallo Welt' [bunnies] [kittens] [puppies]
Q: Ruby coding style guidelines

ReadonlyIs there a document for Ruby that describes some preferred conventions for whitespace, indentation and other style issues? I found Python's PEP 8 to be very helpful and am looking for something similar for Ruby.

9:34 PM
puts 'Awesome, thanks'
puts 'Oh wow, that’s really promising…'
puts 'Ruby 2.1.0 was released on Dec 25th—the RubyInstaller Windows thingy still doesn’t have it.'
puts 'I wonder if I can compile it myself…'
puts 'brb, Ruby meeting'
9:53 PM
puts 'Compiling Ruby requires Ruby…'
puts 'Done... it was just a meeting to scare the hell out of us'
puts 'So no more massages?'
puts 'Actually, I have one scheduled in 2 hours'
puts 'xD'
10:13 PM
puts '@copy welcome'
10:28 PM
hello =]
i is just makes 20 points
puts 'Hi, gwho5150'
So how do you find the chat to be different from the static boards, in terms of what utility?
what can you get here that you can't get in the regular Q&A boards
syntax error, unexpected keyword_in from the static boards, in terms of what utility?
...                               ^
syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting keyword_end
puts 'The chat is immediate, so you get an immediate response, while also offering persistence, so you can look it up later again.'
lol ^^
10:30 PM
puts 'That being said, in comparison to SO itself, chat allows for much more casual things, or even very specific problems.'
i gotcha. so the pretty intuitive benefits
puts 'i.e. stuff that would be closed on SO would still be fine in here.'
Do you guys find the point system to be fun and rewarding
or more trivial?
I am into gamification, and games. as well as all sorts creative ways to improve things, and analyzing them
puts 'I think it’s working pretty well, trying to draw people into the community. On the long run though it’s not really what keeps you there. I for example stopped caring about rep quite a while ago. I just help because I like to help; and as I’m also sometimes asking questions myself, it’s only nice to give back.'
puts '@BadgerGirl This ruby syntax rule is getting a bit annoying ;P'
right. i figure that's how it is for most programmers. Did you find it engaging initially?
10:34 PM
puts 'We should write a bot that moves invalid messages to the bin'
everyone uses puts syntax here. is that a cool thing to do or some kind of convention on the chatrooms?
puts 'Yes, very actually. And of course, I still try to get rep by making my answers good etc., but it’s not a priority. It’s just a nice side effect.'
puts 'You must use it or you will get banned pretty soon'
1 hour ago, by Badger Girl
puts 'Every message should run in Ruby'
puts 'It’s just a joke ;P'
10:36 PM
puts '@poke I don't see how we could do this differently'
puts 'lol, you’re the boss.'
puts 'I’m glad that I use unicode apostrophes so I don’t need to worry about escaping \' characters.'
I find the point system at SO accomplishes multiple functionalities.

Gamification, as well as filtering spam and low quality users, lightly incentivizes crowdsourced moderating, and can make anyone lose enough points to be essentially banned.
puts ' i'm thinking of using it in my sites too. the elegance of multiple functionalities with one system is beautiful.'
bleah, i know that apostrophe canceled out my string. whatever.
puts 'A friend of mine recently published a post “Why I still contribute to StackOverflow” which was essentially a response to someone else’s post “Why I no longer contribute to StackOverflow”. The latter focused a lot on the reputation being the only incentive to contribute, but in the response Amber showed that that’s actually not the long term deal here.'
puts 'I pretty much agree with everything she said there.'
require 'copy'
as far as the results of becoming rank 15 on alexa, who cares about the imperfections?
the point system did a great job.
wait so is using puts '' really a requirement here, or was saying that's a joke talking about some else?
puts 'See the starred messages'
and hwy isn't it automated
puts 'One more non-puts post and you will be gone for a day'
puts 'Just kidding, I can't ban you'
puts 'But I can kill you'
10:47 PM
very interesting article.
How much expertise does it take to get a ruby or rails job
Is it mainly answering the questiosn in interviews?
I know many places don't require a CS degree.
puts '@copy You’re The Guy. Everything kills you :P'
although I see plenty
My plan right now, is to make a rails web app, and start applying
I am familiar with the basics of C++, made simple programs in matlab, worked with Unity and coding companies for a bit
@gwho5150 puts 'Where are you located? We are hiring'
I have mechanical engineering bs
What do you have going on?
I am open to relocation to many places.
lol, "meow i may help you."
puts 'Best job ever at Ooyala, you just need to answer interview questions and relocate to Mexico. But there´s Ooyala in California too, I just don´t know how the process is there'
10:53 PM
What do you like about it there?
puts 'Food'
puts 'BTW, I’m going to California in one month. Wanna meet? Are you close to Santa Cruz?'
I am in Orange county
I'd love to move up north actually
I've got lots of ideas I want to implement
Implementing better and creative stuff is what I realized was satisfying to my inner soul.
puts 'Having ideas is always great'
I knew grad school was not for me because just the idea of working so long on some obscure theory, and barely getting it read, or having it come to reality
yeah, it sure is. executing is even more satisfying =]
and more importnat
I'm watching the ooyala videos on the careers portion of hte page
the culture is definitely what i'm looking for. flat, performance driven, encourages improvement and contribution
I think that's the great thing about software industry. There are a lot more companies with that kind of culture
11:04 PM
puts 'In here we have table tennis, all you can eat, videogames, no schedule, yoga, massages and cute girls'
room topic changed to Ruby: puts 'Hallo Welt' [bunnies] [cute-puppies] [kittens]
puts 'hi dog'
puts 'hi dog'.gsub(/dog/, 'puppy')
@BadgerGirl puts 'Other than yourself?'
@poke puts 'No'
puts 'Aww :( So only one.'
11:10 PM
massages are essential to coding companies.
that really is the ideal work environment and culture.
11:22 PM
puts 'Guess this was a bad idea after all…'
puts 'What was a bad idea?'
puts 'Trying to compile Ruby myself… on Windows.'
puts :cabbage
puts down the burrito.
Grabs burrito and runs off...
11:30 PM
misses burrito.
man there are some great software comapnies aren't tehre
CS is where it's at
Plus, you can do your own projects for full ownership, and execute the business side of it.
Nice burrito - thanks :)
yw haha
The best burrito i ever had was in norcal, despite my living in socal
There is a place in SF called LaCornettas
it's like chipotle style, with not much ethic seasoning, but the way it's cooked is just amazing.
I prefer scooby snacks - but the occasional burrito is a welcome change :)
poots "Woof"
11:43 PM
bunny noises (still doing that)
(That’s mostly sniffing and rustling)
I've heard bunnies squealing
like pigs
Yeah, but that’s very rare, and usually only when they don’t feel well.
Whoo! openssl configuration went through—finally!
So, the only modules that failed now are dbm, fiddle, gdbm, pty, readline and syslog
That’s not too bad
I’ll get readline via rb-readline, and ignore the rest
miaow <- chinese cat
i wnat a cat
and a bunny
11:50 PM
Me too
@poke How many cats are there in NRW?
Oh god.
I really don’t know
Probably enough
Can you get one and keep it safe for me until I move there?
Uhm… you could get one when you’re here?
But I want it NOW! :(
I think there is approximately an infinite amount of kittens available at any time.
But if I got it now, you won’t have it
11:52 PM
Why not? Would you kill it?
I mean, you won’t have it “now”.
No, I would. I could say I have a cat, it's just in Germany.
Well, unfortunately, I can’t have a cat here atm.
Get one and give it to @copy
He'll take care of it.
Oh, @copy is from Germany too! Where are you from?
We could almost make German the main language for this channel…
11:56 PM
Ok, dann sprechen wir Deutsch.
Er ist in Bochum.
Ach, gleich um die Ecke, wie praktisch
and turtle
turtles smell tho
Ja, seid ihr beste Freunde?
I think turtles are boring

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