11:54 AM
Q: PrimeVue InputNumber's width exceeds the width of its parent

AngelinaI have a list of items in the cart that's presented in Bootstrap rows and cols. Each item has a PrimeVue InputNumber for changing the quantity of a specific product in the cart. Here's the sandbox with this issue. This is how I use InputNumber: <InputNumber v-model="item.qty" inputId="...

The codesandbox is not publicly accessible. Otherwise, I recommend inspecting the whole HTML element in your browser devtools to see why it does not behave as you expect.
@kissu, I changed the link. If an error pops up, feel free to tell me. And here is the code of the cart page on GitHub. And I inspected the component. Couldn't find a single reason why it behaves like this. I haven't seen the InputNumber being set a fixed width or anything similar anywhere.
Sorry, question closed. I apologise for being useless.
Huh ? What do you mean?
@kissu, I mean that I shouldn't have asked this. I also shouldn't have used Bootstrap and PrimeVue together. Going to fix this. Thank you for paying attention! Bye!
All good, this platform is to ask technical questions so that you can improve. Don't beat yourself or anything. It is true that you should skip using Bootstrap with Vue3 altogether, but it's not the end of the world if you did, just move forward. You did a great job at explaining your issue properly + put some effort into it, I found it quite nice for a new member here. :)
11:54 AM
@kissu, thank you for appreciating my efforts! I really considered deleting my account, so I "won't ask something useless again". I've never had a good relationship with StackOverflow.
@kissu, your comments opened my eyes on a fundamental issue with my project. I did the wrong thing using PrimeVue and Bootstrap together. But I struggle to make a decision on choosing one of them. I absolutely love PrimeVue components. With them, I managed to make a multi-range price slider that works flawlessly without too much effort. I also use a carousel from that kit. But I have a Bootstrap layout, and changing it to a PrimeFlex one looks like a big task, considering the fact I'm not familiar with PrimeFlex yet. I guess I'm gonna use Bootstrap.
@tao, I decided I'm gonna stick to Bootstrap. Unfortunately, I can't make the sandbox work. When I log in and start working on it, it launches fine. But when I use the public link, I get that @vnode-... error. I tried deleting node_modules, package-lock.json, and running npm install before sharing, but that didn't do the trick. I coudn't find another way to solve this issue, unfortunately. You can ignore this question, it turned out that I have an issue with choosing the tech stack.
Would be curious to know why no good relationship with SO, writing an article about it currently. If you use Bootstrap only for the layout, I recommend ditching it and using Flexbox or Grid, you will have an easier time and get some good foundations in CSS. You could even maybe try to ditch PrimeVue if you want to fully improve and learn the internals of each component you're using. If you struggle to make a minimal reproducible example, you can always share a public Github link repo.
12:07 PM
@kissu, I don't really know the reasons. I guess I get very little feedback because I'm asking questions about very narrow cases that very few people struggle with. Also, I think I sometimes ask questions too hastily. This question is the one that I think I should've thought out more. And I don't yet have enough time and experience to help others, i.e. write answers.
narrow cases are not an issue per se, not everyone has an answer to it that's all
yes, asking good questions is not always easy that's for sure
it's okay if you ask questions that need some work still, don't delete your profile and everything with it just for that haha
no need to stress the helping part, you are not obliged to do so and you might have other things to do anyway :)
any other issues with SO that you're facing?
why do you not like the platform.
I'm writing a blog article to try to help newcomers understand the platform and fix some of its pain points
here is an outline that I wrote
- The platform, how does it work?
- where should I post, StackOverflow or "StackExchange"? most people only know the first one.
- StackOverflow is not the right platform for me, okay what's next? other places on the Internet are available, but keep in mind that they would require a similar netiquette for the questions.

- What's a good question, the audience will understand how to formulate a good question and also the why.
- most people don't know what is a good reproduction, spoiler it's not a direct VPN connection to your bank. sometimes it also requires you to put your ego aside and go
if you feel like something is missing or any kind of feedback, feel free to share 🤗
btw, sorry if it's a lot to read haha
feel free to just share some of your experience with the platform
if you have some time
otherwise, all good :)
12:23 PM
@kissu, it's not that I don't like StackOverflow, think it's "snobby and toxic, blah-blah". I sometimes think that I'm not a good member for this community, cause I haven't brought anything really valuable to it. Also, this is my second SO account. I have already deleted one because I was getting a warning when asking a question. I found out that this is not social media, and it's not okay to delete downvoted questions here, the hard way.
Your outline is good, by the way. :-)
of course you are a good part of the community, because people might read your question someday and get some answer to their question, even tho it needs to have a good title + tags to even come out someday. if it doesn't, it's not a big deal :)
what was the warning regarding the question? I'm very curious.
I mean, you could delete some downvoted questions if they are not relevant. people will actually do that for you if it's very poor quality (I sometimes vote for such a thing myself).
but usually, leaving a question be is a good way to go.
my first question for example, wasn't that good
could delete it, but I guess that some people still found the answer useful
@kissu, I don't remember the exact content, but I guess it said that I was at risk of being question banned.
hm, interesting. I'm taking notes.
what did you do to trigger that?
asking 3 questions at the same time or something?
also, a ban would have been a day or something alike?
I never asked a lot of questions myself tbh so not sure
@kissu, deleted several questions that got downvoted. Maybe asked a duplicate once, but I don't remember exactly. In general, I ask questions hastily from time to time. That's my pain.
12:39 PM
take some time on the next one :)
if you ask a lot and delete a lot, makes sense that you're banned
duplicates are not an issue so far
Oh, I thought the ban is permanent. Thank you for educating me on this!
12:58 PM
@kissu, also, I use Bootstrap for everything, except carousels, several inputs and a range slider.
why do you use it? CSS is not enough?
@kissu, it takes less time and is much easier to develop with it.
@kissu, I know CSS, and I can use it if I will need something that neither Bootstrap nor other packages can provide.
Bootstrap does not really work with Vue3 tho
@kissu, if you've meant BootstrapVue, I don't use it. I use plain Bootstrap 5.
then you don't have any interactivity with the components
only the styling
A: How to use Bootstrap 5 with VueJS 3

kissuBootstrap-vue is in v2.23.0 since 2022, aka a now-abandoned project that doesn't support Vue3 fully. The bootstrap v5 you're talking about is the regular CSS framework here. Those 2 are not the same. You could implement the CSS framework into VueJS but you gonna indeed have a lot of issues regard...

1:06 PM
@kissu, I see what you're talking about. Now I considered ditching Bootstrap and using PrimeFlex and PrimeVue.
@kissu, can PrimeFlex be used with Vue?
I would rather use Tailwind for any kind of utility purposes.
And stick to any of the UI libraries listed in my answer above.
Primeflex looks like an alternative but with not as much support.
first time I am hearing about that one tbh.
but yes, I guess you could use Primeflex with Vue3 because this is meant for PrimeVue.
PrimeBlocks is also mostly TailwindUI.
TailwindCSS is well-known and used by a lot of people.
With great performance, flexibility and support.
PrimeFlex, it's a niche utility by Prime's maintainers, not that great in comparison.
1:23 PM
Thank you! You really helped! I'm going to learn Tailwind now.