« first day (452 days earlier)   

12:12 AM
Not About Programming stackoverflow.com/q/77511933
2 hours later…
1:52 AM
typo (admitted in self-answer) stackoverflow.com/q/25673784/2943403
3 hours later…
6:06 AM
question is unclear and a mess; it might be asking how to filter one query result set by another query result set but the requirements are poorly explained. One of the answers doesn't even try to filter data. stackoverflow.com/q/28702405/2943403
6:34 AM
Needs debugging details; images of text stackoverflow.com/q/41668753/16217248
7 hours later…
1:29 PM
81 messages moved from CV-PLS old questions
3 messages moved from CV-PLS old questions

« first day (452 days earlier)