« first day (5011 days earlier)   

3:02 AM
@ParkingMaster, if i can be any help let me know
3:35 AM
@matt I always ask here or on stackoverflow if I need anything :D
ok cool
14 hours later…
5:44 PM
! its friday night again ( utc )
this used to be one of my favourite pieces of music to code to, i think ive over heard it now, i just used to let my fingers play along on the keyboard
this used to be one of my favourite pieces of music to code to, i think ive over heard it now, i just used to let my fingers play along on the keyboard, Mozart: Concerto for piano and Orchestra (d-minor) K.466, Uchida
2 hours later…
7:17 PM
is there a quick way to append a path to an array of file locations?
const sourceDirectory = "src";
const glob = new Glob('*.ts');
const entrypoints = [...glob.scanSync(sourceDirectory)];
I want to add suorcePath to each entry
map over it?
is there an option in scanSync that includes absolute paths? would that serve your purpose
ah thanks
const entrypoints = entrypoints .map((x) => sourceDirectory + x);
I think there should be a tech feature website and every time you find a page or feature or something you can like it
so this map feature came in handy today. it solved a need. developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…
i'm sure there's sucha question on SO
good luck finding it tho
if i could like that page some how and tell the guy that made that i appreciate it
right, stack overflow does this sort of. if someones question or answer helps them then that get's a like
the guy that asked the first question, "how do i make a fetch request in javascript" probably has a million likes for his question
the guy that invented fetch probably hasnt gotten one thank you
not that engineers are the type of people that want or need gratitude
or guys for that matter
i got one compliment in 1982 that's kept me going
"you're not that ugly sonny!" :|

« first day (5011 days earlier)