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7:42 PM
in Python, 34 mins ago, by Andras Deak
1. Gothdo calls out Samuel for missing a space in "StackOverflow"
2. Samuel genuinely apologizes and fixes
3. Gothdo deletes his comment, only Samuel's apology remains
4. I note that the apology seems weird, ask what it is about
5. Samuel thanks, deletes his comment
6. I delete my comment, we're left with Samuel's :D
Thank you for your observation, Andras. It is kind of you to point this out as well. – Samuel Liew 1 hour ago
I was confused
I figured that it's not worth the effort leaving another comment suggesting deletion
the original said "Thanks for calling me out on that Gothdo, I won't make that mistake again" or something
I was about to leave this:
Spam doesn't need close votes or down votes, it only needs enough flaggers. The SOCVR room has plenty of them, so if you run into something not yet detected, feel free to drop a message there.
but it felt a but stupid if you already said something similar
no, I don't speak on behalf of SOCVR, haven't been there for a long while:)
in Python, 3 hours ago, by Andras Deak
> Hi Gothdo, thank you for calling me out on that. It's an honest mistake that I won't be making again.
I guess we're all good then :)
7:44 PM
in Python, 3 hours ago, by Gothdo
@AndrasDeak Regarding your comment on Samuel Liew's nomination: in my comment I was complaining that he wrote "StackOverflow" instead of "Stack Overflow". He edited his nomination and fixed that, so I deleted my comment.
@rene yup:) Go ahead
thanks, also for the warm welcome in the Python room ;)
(I wouldn't have deleted anything informative and don't think Gothdo should've deleted his in the first place)
@rene haha, no worries:)
let me know if there's anything else I can help with
I think this was all I needed so far
Back to our normal programming
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
sheesh, c#.... :P
take care, rene:)
7:48 PM

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