#indieweb 2024-07-05

2024-07-05 UTC
mahboubine, [0x3b0b] and to2ds joined the channel
It feels like the quietest day of the year in #indieweb-chat :)
to2ds we are using #indieweb-random now.
Wait, what?
Unsure how to access #indieweb-random?
i assume you didn't mean the actual #indieweb-chat channel since that's also not available on the web
I'm not actually sure how to address the default channel here :)
Heading over to https://indieweb.org/discuss to make sense of the options.
it's just #indieweb
but yes "#indieweb chat" is one of the reasons #indieweb-chat is not a good name :)
Ah! Thank you.
while you're there, vote for your favorite option for the new off the record channel! https://indieweb.org/discuss#off_the_record_channel
Feeling a bit confused ATM since I just finished coding an Indieauth authorization server but can't figure out basic chat channels 😕️
sdk, tiradoe, master_of_unlock, toastal, chenghiz_, oodani, [KevinMarks]1, [tantek]1, [tw2113]1, retropikzel, oakridge, lightpan_, ttybitnik and AramZS joined the channel; toastal left the channel
I've been using "main" or "on main" in the context of chat to refer to this channel informally
I believe I picked up from modern vernacular, e.g. "blasted it on main", I think it refers to posts (and thus on the/your "main stream") on IG rather than stories?
bterry1 and [snarfed] joined the channel
or your main account vs alt accounts
Halian and robotsnowfall joined the channel
Yes, that too
robotsnowfall, [chrisaldrich], [qubyte], [Joe_Crawford], bterry1, beanbrain and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
capjamesg[d], I cited your article on this page: https://indieweb.org/brackets — you may wish to expand further
beanbrain and deci joined the channel
hello, is every her speak german?
lanodan, nertzy, beanbrain, Halian, jammyb24, chenghiz_ and robotsnowfall joined the channel