Contact Form 7 Country Dropdown with Flag

With this addon, you can create a country drop-down list with country flags. The tag field will automatically add countries name in standard drop-down field of contact form 7. Just fill up the form below to understand the feature.

    How to Setup

    Watch this video to understand how to setup Country Dropdown with Flag for Contact Form 7
    sddefault | Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7

    Want to use this feature on your WordPress Site?

    Glimpse of Backend Editing Panel (Click to Enlarge)

    What if the country field is auto populated?

    With Pro, you can Set IP Geolocation based Country, City, State, Zip Fields on Contact Form 7. Everything will be autopopulated without user's touch.

    Copy the Sample Code of the Above Form

    <label> Your email
        [email* your-email] </label>
    <label> Your Country
        [uacf7_country_dropdown* uacf7_country_dropdown-70] </label>
    <label> Your message (optional)
        [textarea your-message] </label>
    [submit "Submit"]

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