People and Culture

Diversity and inclusion can lead to improved business outcomes when people are included, and their voice is heard. Focusing on internal inclusion within an organisation creates output that has inclusion engrained in it due to diversity of thought.

A culture of inclusion is a must for a healthy organisation. 

  • In Australia, the return on equity with sustained gender diversity is 46%.
  • $50 billion in GDP could be added to Australia’s economy if Australia moved into the top eight OECD countries in employment of people with disability.

Centre for Inclusive Design helps create cultural change by focusing on the areas where there are challenges or opportunities for increased value. We facilitate solutions bringing in diverse perspectives, bias training and make diversity accessible. 

The Centre for Inclusive Design are experts in ensuring that the right kind of diversity of experience, need and capability is injected into the design process at the right time. They provided us with invaluable perspectives on how to think beyond our fears, and even beyond our well-intentioned desire to “help” and find ways to genuinely learn from and empower people from all backgrounds” - Salesforce


Customised Inclusive Design workshops

Our Inclusive Design workshops are inspiring and fun while focusing on real business challenges. We leave your team empowered with an understanding and appreciation of Inclusive Design.  

Sensory mapping of office and public spaces

In an open office, where are the best spaces for people to work depending on their diverse needs? What about in a public space or supermarket? We answer this with sensory mapping of your space. 

Culture assessment

An analysis of culture in your organisation gives you insight to where your organization is and how to maximize the full potential of your teams. 

Employee engagement

Do you have a diversity agenda? How ready are you to recruit and to retain diverse teams? We answer these questions to guide you towards a more inclusive space. 

Your partner in knowledge and information

CfID is a knowledge hub to support you through your journey of people and culture  


Bias plays a role in business decision making, team cohesion and product design. We help teams recognise and actively challenge their own biases to improve their output  

Challenge partner

We help organisations to think differently and provide diversity of thought in a safe environment.

Contact us about people and culture

If you're interested in learning more about inclusive design and how it can help your organisation, or want to learn more about our services get in touch today.

Contact us at

Collaboration Partners

Adobe Acrobat LogoHudson Logo. Great People. Great PerformanceOCAD University LogoWeb Directions LogoMicrosoft LogoUTS Centre for Social JusticeW3C Evangelist Logo