Headline Analyzer Tool: Write Better Headlines

To get started, enter a headline below then click “Analyze” or press “Enter”. You can also capitalize by clicking “Capitalize.”

Need more ideas to improve your headline? Try our new AI title rewriter.

Overall Headline Score

These are your overall sub-scores for readability, SEO, and sentiment. Scroll down (or click the scores) for more details about these sub-scores.




Readability Score


Creating titles with high readability means your title and article are likely to appeal to a wider audience and will require less brain power for people to understand. If you’re writing a kids book at a PhD level, you’re probably doing something wrong. In contrast, if you try to title your dissertation after a children’s book, you likely won’t get many citations. Aim for a readablity score from our headline analyzer that makes sense for your audience.

Flesch-Kincaid Readability Score: 

The Flesch–Kincaid Reading Ease score is an indication of how easy a selection of text is to read. In general, the following applies:

90 – 100easily understood by an average 11-year old student
60 – 70easily understood by 13-15-year-old students
0 – 30best understood by university graduates

Making your headlines easy to read is important so that they can be understood by everyone. Aim for a score of 60-100.

Common Words

You used the following common words in your headline:

Common words make up the foundation of great headlines and should take up 20-30% of your headline’s words.

Weasel Words

You used the following weasel words in your headline:

Weasel words don’t fully convey the meaning you intend and you should limit your usage of weasel words as much as possible.

SEO Score


The SEO sub-score measure how well your title is likely to do in Google search rankings. The inputs below contribute to the overall SEO score.

Word Count: 

Word count is a key SEO factor for headlines. Long headlines don’t show up in Google search results and short headlines don’t provide enough context for readers. Google prefers headlines that are 5-7 words long. Try to keep your headlines to this length.

Character Count: 

Character count is also important in headlines. A character count of 55 seems to produce the highest amount of clickthroughs on Google. Some other rules of thumb or character length are below:

  • Email: 20 characters
  • Twitter: 71–100 characters
  • Facebook: 40 characters
  • Google+: 60 characters
  • LinkedIn: 80–120 characters

SEO Pixel Width: – px

Google search results are typically 600px wide and headlines that are wider than this are usually truncated. Pixel width of headlines is tricky since not every letter is the same width so character count doesn’t truly reflect how wide a headline is. For example, in Arial 20px font the letter “i” is 2 pixels wide while the letter “w” is approximately 17 pixels wide.

Power Words

You used the following power words in your headline:

Power words are a great way to grab users’ attention and increase conversion and clickthrough rates. Using more power words in your headlines will lead to better SEO performance.


Make sure you are using plenty of keywords with low-competition and high search volumes. We love Kwfinder for finding the best keywords the perform well for SEO.

Sentiment Score


Titles with a strong emotional connection, whether positive or negative, tend to get more clickthrough rates than titles without. Using more positive and negative words in your title will probably generate more clickthroughs for you.

Positive Word Count: 

Including emotional words with positive sentiment in headlines has shown to increase the value of headlines and the clickthrough rates.

Negative Word Count: 

Emotional words with a negative sentiment, especially when they are strongly negative, can sometimes increase the clickthrough rate since they invoke strong reactions in people.

Capitalize My Title