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Introducing Buttonizer on Magento, the perfect solution for creating smart floating content for your site!

Boosting conversions for


Buttonizer enhances Magento user experience by enabling customizable call-to-action buttons, intuitive navigation, and personalized experiences. Easy integration, mobile responsiveness, and temporary promotional buttons empower users to drive engagement and create a seamless shopping experience.

Unlimited styling

Style without Coding

Effortlessly customize your Magento Floating Action Button with options to select button and icon colors, as well as post-click button color. Additionally, configure opening animations and floating menu shape for a great user experience.

Integrated analytics

Get the right Insights

Every Buttonizer button on your Magento website is automatically tracked by Buttonizer Analytics. Buttonizer integrates also seamlessly with your Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager code, allowing it to send button events accordingly.

Available to you

sites and apps
25 k+
button actions
0 +
impressions a month
0 m

Give Buttonizer a go today!

And turbocharge your lead generation with Buttonizer.

Also available on

Wow that worked!

Connect your favorite pop up builder or chat program to buttonizer