Sun Jul 28 2024 13:26:54 UTC
In the nonstop tsunami of global information, librarians provide us with floaties and teach us to swim. – Linton Weeks
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23 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
36027 Koha Reports alexandre.noel Passed QA --- - make each section optional 2024-07-19
36169 Koha Patrons alexbuckley Passed QA --- Add guarantee to patron categories with type='Staff' Mon 14:23
36515 Koha Catalogi alexbuckley Passed QA --- Amend MARC modification templates so control fields can be copied to subfields 2024-07-19
36770 Koha Command- alexbuckley Passed QA --- Add a reportID parameter to 2024-07-19
36496 Koha Catalogi cubingguy714 Passed QA --- Inventory results table needs an export option Thu 15:33
37087 Koha SIP2 dcook Passed QA --- Add support for TCP keepalive to SIP server Fri 07:12
35145 Koha OPAC emily-rose.francoeur Passed QA --- Add ability to order patron attributes Mon 14:23
37254 Koha Fines an emmi.takkinen Passed QA --- Dropdown values not cleared after pressing clear in circulation rules Thu 15:50
36217 Koha System A johanna.raisa Passed QA --- Jobs page include last hour filter does not work Fri 11:34
36595 Koha Hold req Laura.escamilla Passed QA --- Add patron email to the holds queue table Fri 14:48
35755 Koha Packagin lucas Passed QA --- Upgrade Business::ISBN to at least 3.008 minimum version Fri 13:04
35978 Koha Course r martin.renvoize Passed QA --- Extend breadcrumbs Course reserves with sections 2024-07-19
36758 Koha Notices martin.renvoize Passed QA --- We should notify an assignee when they are assigned a ticket Tue 15:06
19316 Koha Database matt.blenkinsop Passed QA --- Items should have sort1 and sort2 fields Thu 08:26
35026 Koha Acquisit matt.blenkinsop Passed QA --- Refactor to use object methods Wed 12:56
9596 Koha Command- michael.hafen Passed QA --- Allow to be configured per library on the command line Thu 11:05
36736 Koha Architec nick Passed QA --- Add ability to load DBIx::Class Schema files found in plugins Thu 13:34
37373 Koha Hold req oleonard Passed QA --- Cursor should go to patron search box on loading holds page Fri 20:26
35044 Koha System A pedro.amorim Passed QA --- Additional fields: Allow for repeatable fields Fri 13:09
36039 Koha About pedro.amorim Passed QA --- Output of should be accessible through UI 2024-07-22
36132 Koha Tools phan-tung.bui Passed QA --- Allow users to delete multiple patron_lists at once on any page 2024-07-19
26777 Koha OPAC samalau Passed QA --- Give the user the option to display their patron card barcode from the OPAC Fri 15:19
37444 Koha Circulat stalkernoid Passed QA --- Can't filter holds to pull by pickup location 19:45:23
23 bugs found.

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