Sun Jul 28 2024 12:23:25 UTC
sadly, there is not a --run-faster mysql parameter (yet)
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27 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Summary Changed Sev
36548 Koha Packagin aleisha Needs Signoff koha-zebra should fix ownership on /var/run/koha/instancename files 2024-06-19 nor
13342 Koha OPAC alexandre.noel Needs Signoff Not logged in user can place a review/comment as a deleted patron 2024-07-14 nor
34971 Koha Serials baptiste.wojtkowski Needs Signoff Permission to close a serial subscription 2024-07-04 nor
37209 Koha System A bibliothek Needs Signoff Improve record overlay rules validation and styling 2024-07-07 tri
37148 Koha Circulat cubingguy714 Needs Signoff Move the filter bar in Holds to Pull report from the bottom to the top of the table 2024-07-03 min
34585 Koha Fines an emmi.takkinen Needs Signoff "When to charge" columns value not copied when editing circulation rule 2024-07-04 min
30274 Koha Hold req julian.maurice Needs Signoff Non-reservable items should only fill item-level reserves 2024-07-08 nor
37286 Koha REST API julian.maurice Needs Signoff Fix REST API authentication when using Mojo apps 2024-07-09 nor
36171 Koha I18N/L10 kevin.carnes Needs Signoff Incorrect translation of Template Toolkit directive causes patron view error in ru-RU Tue 04:36 cri
30581 Koha Hold req koha-bugs Needs Signoff Items should show on the Holds Queue and Holds to Pull even if they have requested transfers 2024-05-02 nor
34610 Koha Patrons koha-bugs Needs Signoff ProtectSuperlibrarianPrivileges, not ProtectSuperlibrarian Fri 05:25 nor
35792 Koha Searchin koha-bugs Needs Signoff Quiet warning: Use of uninitialized value $sub6 Thu 23:05 tri
37478 Koha Command- koha-bugs Needs Signoff can die on bad records Thu 23:51 nor
18086 Koha Circulat kyle Needs Signoff overduerules table is lacking foreign key constraints Thu 08:08 nor
37375 Koha Staff in lari.taskula Needs Signoff Holdings table not loading if MARC framework is missing certain 952 subfields 2024-07-16 min
37144 Koha Patrons Laura.escamilla Needs Signoff Add a subpermission for hiding patron contact information Thu 01:59 nor
33018 Koha Packagin mtj Needs Signoff debian package tidy-up 2024-06-11 nor
37326 Koha Tools nick Needs Signoff Batch modification should decode barcodes when using a barcode file 2024-07-11 nor
37349 Koha MARC Aut nick Needs Signoff Use cache for authority types when linking bibs to authorities 2024-07-12 nor
36475 Koha Circulat oleonard Needs Signoff members/ tables cannot be column configured 2024-06-19 nor
37330 Koha Staff in pedro.amorim Needs Signoff LocalCoverImages for items don't show if StaffDetailItemSelection disabled 2024-07-11 nor
37389 Koha ILL pedro.amorim Needs Signoff REST API queries joining on extended_attributes may cause severe performance issues Fri 14:40 maj
37093 Koha Reports phil Needs Signoff 403 Forbidden Error when attempting to search for Mana Reports Thu 05:35 maj
31921 Koha Staff in samalau Needs Signoff No confirmation alert when deleting a vendor 2024-07-11 nor
35087 Koha Acquisit thibaud.guillot Needs Signoff Discount rate should only allow valid input formats 2024-06-19 tri
35114 Koha Acquisit thibaud.guillot Needs Signoff Calculation around basket details and basketgroup not correct 2024-04-15 tri
36921 Koha ERM tomascohen Needs Signoff Incorrect error description on local title import 2024-06-04 nor
27 bugs found.

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