Sun Jul 28 2024 12:13:12 UTC
The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offense. (Edsger Dijkstra)
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
2505 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- Omnibus: Enable Perl warnings in all modules and scripts 2023-12-30
8457 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Number of results shown in 'scan index' search, doesn't match results found in catalog 2018-08-01
18986 Koha Self che koha-bugs NEW --- High Hold Items with Decreased Loan Period Can't Be Checked-Out with Self-Check 2022-04-25
23187 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Koha::Objects supports find_or_create without passing through the Koha::Object store method 2024-06-10
31578 Koha Reports koha-bugs NEW --- "Patrons who haven't checked out" report broken with SQL strict mode enabled 2022-11-07
32116 Koha Reports koha-bugs NEW --- "Patrons with the most checkouts" report ( broken with SQL strict mode enabled 2022-11-07
32117 Koha Reports koha-bugs NEW --- "Items with no checkouts" report ( broken with SQL strict mode enabled 2022-11-07
34361 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Search by date for invoices to close gives Error 2023-08-24
35816 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Email Notification Alert for Purchase Suggestion don’t properly work 2024-04-03
37269 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Saving edits to a patron - error message clears or resets some fields 2024-07-07
37429 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Can't edit bibliographic records anymore (empty form) in 24.05 19:43:53
37465 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- NaN displayed at accounting details when Swiss franc or SFR is used as currency Sat 17:01
20956 Koha Staff in koha-bugs NEW --- BorrowersLog is not logging permission changes Fri 08:49
32940 Koha MARC Aut koha-bugs NEW --- [Bug 30280 follow-up] Subject-heading-thesaurus-conventions search field missing in Zebra 2023-02-10
1964 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Facetted searching should change search box 2013-02-22
2280 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Authorized value option for indicators doesn't work 2020-10-18
7170 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- Remove use of XML::Simple 2023-08-04
7802 Koha Database gmcharlt NEW --- A MySQLism is used to get the current date. 2019-04-28
14210 Koha Tools gmcharlt NEW --- Manage staged MARC records deletes replaced item when undoing import into catalog 2024-06-21
3030 Koha OPAC koha-bugs NEW --- Lost items (that are hidden) show up under Editions Tab 2023-10-07
13498 Koha Notices koha-bugs NEW --- 'email' templates used for printing slips 2023-11-17
16180 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Receiving items with duplicate barcodes from import ( causes internal error 2016-04-04
19324 Koha Tools koha-bugs NEW --- New Inventory workflow eliminates "mark item seen" and doesn't show data in table 2024-05-29
20965 Koha Tools koha-bugs NEW --- Batch patron anonymization logic is flawed 2020-11-17
21106 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- XML output doesn't validate against OAI-PMH XML schema 2023-11-16
21472 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Allow linking of $w subfields to 035 or 001+003 using the MarcOrgCode prefix 2023-01-18
22217 Koha Installa koha-bugs NEW --- error "Connection to the memcached servers '__MEMCACHED_SERVERS__' failed" during install 2020-06-08
23984 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Local cover 'thumbnail' size is bigger than 'imagefile' size in biblioimages table 2023-02-28
24717 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Koha should set a referrer policy 2020-03-15
25161 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Can not edit relationship or guarantee of guarantor from the guarantee form 2020-09-09
25901 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Add option for ClaimsReturnedWarningThreshold to count only unresolved claims 2024-04-22
30949 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Error 500 in 2023-04-21
32187 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- (Bug 24161 follow-up) With IndependentBranches on a non superlibrarian librarian is not able to track late orders 2023-06-23
35088 Koha Z39.50 / koha-bugs NEW --- With marcflavour=unimarc Z39.50 does not seach Authority LC Records 2023-10-25
37322 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- If you display the cover image, the scan indexes will encounter an error. 2024-07-11
37413 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Updating an item level hold on an item with no barcode to a next available hold also modifies the other holds on the record 19:27:50
18587 Koha Authenti martin.renvoize NEW --- LDAP: update_local is entirely untested! 2019-11-07
3724 Koha Circulat gmcharlt NEW --- T Prefix in the itemBarcodeInputFilter setting doesn't work for some Follett barcodes 2019-05-04
13529 Koha MARC Bib gmcharlt NEW --- Easy analyticals and UseControl number should be able to coexist 2023-05-10
14179 Koha Database koha-bugs NEW --- Field width for currency is wrong in the GUI 2023-08-16
20885 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Transferring an item on hold results in bypassing restrictions, actually doing the transfer and can be piled up if repeated 2020-12-26
21108 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- error response did not contain error code 'noRecordsMatch' when it should 2018-07-24
21109 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- returns invalid resumptionToken cursor 2018-07-24
21769 Koha Command- koha-bugs NEW --- koha-restore file-exists 2023-12-06
23874 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Advanced Editor is not loaded if X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 2020-07-13
27629 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Filter invoices by library in 2023-01-23
29581 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- "Items expected" on receive shipment page is always empty 2022-06-05
34814 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Limiting item editing to library or library group disables choosing items from record's details page 2023-09-18
35002 Koha Authenti koha-bugs NEW --- Identity Providers stop working after Apache Reload/Restart 2023-10-06
37443 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- "Refine your search" Includes more than just requested result if the word includes an apostrophe Wed 03:08
35189 Koha Template oleonard NEW --- Itemtypes SVG icons should be limited in height/width 2023-10-31
34909 Koha Acquisit aleisha NEW --- Show collection when receiving items 2023-10-23
18584 Koha Architec alexander.blanchard NEW --- Our legacy code contains trailing-spaces 2023-07-07
35709 Koha Circulat alexander.blanchard NEW --- Renew selected items button is inactive when overdue items are preselected automatically Thu 11:23
20118 Koha Acquisit amitddng135 NEW --- System picks Active currency by default while adding suggestion to vendor 2022-07-20
29214 Koha Fines an andriiverem NEW --- Lost item checked in shows "Lost item fee refund" instead of "Lost item fee removed" 2024-04-11
5561 Koha Document chris NEW --- Help on summary field in authority type editor 2024-07-06
10140 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Add UNIMARC tests to t/db_dependent/Record/Record.t 2023-01-25
10816 Koha Document chris NEW --- Relational operators in Search 2020-11-17
12516 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- The module C4::Tags needs more unit tests 2019-11-20
18772 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- t/ImportBatch.t noise 2020-12-18
19696 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- HoldsQueue.t is failing randomly 2023-06-07
20178 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Fix output_pref with dateformat=iso 2024-01-26
20232 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- www/search_utf8.t does not clean up 2018-02-16
20677 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- strict.t and valid-templates.t fail with Devel::Cover is used 2023-09-16
20901 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Koha/Patrons/Import.t fails on fresh database 2023-09-16
21731 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters missing built-in TT filter "xml" causes false warnings 2022-12-06
22181 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Test "Payment notice" in t/db_dependent/Accounts.t fails when CurrencyFormat is set to FR 2023-09-23
22446 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Koha/Patron/Categories.t is failing on March 1st (2019 only?) and Feb 29th 2024 2024-02-29
22644 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Some tests in Upload.t are not testing the right thing 2019-05-22
23240 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Rancor appears to be untested. 2019-07-01
24119 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Records indexed into ES during tests are not removed by rollback 2024-06-10
24417 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Charges/Fees.t is failing randomly 2020-07-05
25551 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- [OMNIBUS] Some tests are failing randomly 2023-12-19
25722 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- ActionLogs.t is failing randomly 2020-06-12
25824 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- DecreaseLoanHighHolds.t is still failing randomly 2 2023-12-10
25876 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- 'Daily Quotes Test' failing randomly (?) 2020-06-25
26186 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Remove "subroutine redefined" warnings from tests 2023-09-26
26645 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- t/Koha/Script.t is failing randomly 2021-05-11
26906 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Koha_ExternalContent_OverDrive.t is failing randomly 2020-11-03
27892 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- api/v1/acquisitions_vendors.t is failing randomly 2023-07-04
30898 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Elasticsearch/Indexer.t fails on 'No nodes are available' 2024-05-23
31946 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Wrong permission bit in tests 2022-10-24
32780 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- t/db_dependent/Koha/BackgroundJobs must be moved to t/db_dependent/Koha/BackgroundJob 2023-02-01
33089 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Koha/Plugins/authority_hooks.t is failing if SearchEngine=elastic 2023-02-28
33330 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- selenium/authentication.t is failing randomly 2023-12-19
33861 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Packages_spec.ts is failing randomly 2024-02-14
34301 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Agreements_spec.ts is failing randomly 2024-02-14
34837 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- selenium/self_registration.t is failing randomly 2023-09-20
34850 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- MySQL 8 test suite output is full of warnings regarding mysql_native_password 2023-12-05
36189 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- Rewrite www/auth_values_input_www.t using Selenium 2024-02-28
36381 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- "not a tree object" error from Jenkins 2024-05-22
36429 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- t/db_dependent/Cache.t fails on D11 2024-03-26
36625 Koha Test Sui chris NEW --- t/db_dependent/Koha/Biblio.t leaves test data in the database 2024-04-17
8198 Koha Architec christophe.croullebois NEW --- Need to track the call to "C4::Context->userenv->{'xxxx'} without check if it is undefined 2020-07-21
2635 Koha Catalogi cnighswonger NEW --- Allow validation of price related item fields 2024-02-06
7062 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Titles on labels not truncating 2019-04-28
10400 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Text::CSV_XS error-checking should be standardized 2023-07-08
14527 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- UNIMARC: zebra error 114 when searching for items added before or after a specific date / 995$5 is not indexed 2020-01-08
15648 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- creator_batches table uses item_number instead of itemnumber 2020-01-08
18092 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Serial Enumeration (enumchron) truncated to 2 characters in by label creator 2020-01-11
18903 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Barcode position does not take line-wrapping into account; covers label text when lines wrap 2017-07-06
19264 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Patron card creator: Add descriptions to PODs in 2020-01-11
21052 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- New patron card printer profile won't save if paper bin is empty 2019-03-06
21092 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Bad template in patron card creator can cause server issues 2022-08-08
21123 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Patron card creator doesn't print barcodes with Code39 + Modulo 2018-07-30
22266 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Make layout name for patron card layouts a required field to avoid db error 2019-02-03
22267 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Warns in logs when adding and editing descriptions to batches 2019-02-03
22497 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- '0' width can lead to an infinite loop. 2024-06-10
22900 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Patron card images don't follow Units setting 2019-05-14
23654 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Patron Cards - Bar code and image do not show up 2019-10-03
24465 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Label creator requires catalogue permission instead of label_creator permission from tools 2022-11-02
26874 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Exclude label layouts without barcodes from selection when printing from a barcode range 2022-09-01
28806 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Labels exported as PDF create zero sized PDF files. 2023-04-09
30156 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- asterisk is needed before and after barcode for Code39 2022-02-26
30229 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Last barcode added duplicates in label batch if page refreshes 2022-03-04
31241 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- PDF export of ANY label is NOT functioning. 2023-06-30
34874 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Patron card creator: When creating a new batch, input box and label overlap 2023-09-21
37160 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- print pop-up window should be configurable 2024-06-24
37223 Koha Label/pa cnighswonger NEW --- Deleting the last item in a label batch needs to redirect to ?op=new 2024-07-02
36556 Koha Catalogi davewood NEW --- duplicate code line 2024-04-09
31899 Koha Document david NEW --- [DOCS] Document misc/ script 2022-12-09
31199 Koha Test Sui dcook NEW --- selenium/patrons_search.t is failing randomly 2024-05-22
34709 Koha OPAC dcook NEW --- Eliminate event handler attributes in the OPAC 2024-07-22
34726 Koha OPAC dcook NEW --- Clicking the title of a record in cart creates URL with duplicate query strings 2023-09-06
36261 Koha Searchin dcook NEW --- Calculating OpacHiddenItems is too slow in OPAC search 2024-04-22
27692 Koha Circulat didier.gautheron NEW --- Unable to check-in transferred items if AllowReturnToBranch is set to 'holdingbranch' 2021-02-12
28502 Koha Patrons didier.gautheron NEW --- Changing patron category from child to adult doesn't delete non patron guarantor data. 2022-11-09
37505 Koha Circulat emily.lamancusa NEW --- Statistical patrons don't display information about item status if item wasn't checked out Fri 20:43
6876 Koha Web serv f.demians NEW --- OAI-PMH: ListMetadataFormats lists 2 URLs in namespace 2019-04-09
27346 Koha Catalogi fridolin.somers NEW --- get_xisbns explodes if only pref ThingISBN is set 2021-01-06
29630 Koha Test Sui fridolin.somers NEW --- Failure on selenium 01-installation.t 2023-06-25
3288 Koha Hold req gmcharlt NEW --- No transit prompt and slip when waiting hold is canceled 2023-10-07
3309 Koha Database gmcharlt NEW --- Deleting authorized values when data exists 2024-05-03
3544 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Value builder plug-ins don't work with repeatable subfields 2022-06-16
3657 Koha MARC Aut gmcharlt NEW --- Editing MARC Authority Subfield Structure - Librarian Text is Mandatory 2023-10-07
4148 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Sorting by author is confusing to users 2023-01-07
4480 Koha MARC Bib gmcharlt NEW --- MARC21 033 tag and Zebra date indexing 2010-09-01
5463 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Limit to available shows on hold items 2024-04-24
5534 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Koha mapping punctuation to space for indexing/searching can be confusing 2023-12-01
7012 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Limit to available does not exclude in-transit items 2024-06-18
7456 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Itemtype codes with hyphens and spaces can cause unexpected search results 2024-06-11
7622 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- It should be possible for logged-in users to search using their unapproved or rejected tags 2013-05-23
8127 Koha Reports gmcharlt NEW --- Most-circulated items report doesn't work when limited by library 2023-01-25
8577 Koha Command- gmcharlt NEW --- needs command-line options for help, verbosity, and summary 2023-10-09
8762 Koha Tools gmcharlt NEW --- Add option to remove custom MARC fields from export file ($9, 9xx, etc.) 2023-09-30
8785 Koha Authenti gmcharlt NEW --- Basic authentication troubleshootings 2023-07-29
8865 Koha Authenti gmcharlt NEW --- Re-logging in needs to pass POST & GET arguments 2021-02-05
8871 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- Many "subroutine redefined" warnings from C4 and Koha modules 2023-09-20
8900 Koha Command- gmcharlt NEW --- --test updates auth_header records with AutoAddAuthorites on 2012-10-10
9472 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Improve sequence of subfields used and unused while cataloguing 2019-04-28
9715 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Various combinations of prefs QueryAutoTruncate, QueryFuzzy and QueryWeightFields conflict 2020-12-03
9729 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Unable to use IT search terms such as C#, .NET, C++ in searching 2024-05-30
9944 Koha Tools gmcharlt NEW --- does not check for anonymisation errors 2023-01-08
10377 Koha Command- gmcharlt NEW --- fix_unimarc_100 could be improved with 210$d values 2013-05-30
10397 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- fails when gets to bibs linked to deleted authority records 2015-01-06
10635 Koha Reports gmcharlt NEW --- Can't query for CREATE/DELETE in action_logs with SQL reports 2019-11-02
10881 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Fast Add Framework has different item fields 2023-07-08
10998 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- code duplication introduced by Z39.50 authority search 2015-07-21
11052 Koha MARC Bib gmcharlt NEW --- Missing field 103 in French UNIMARC authorities framework 2020-01-05
11150 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Sorting does not respect branch filters ( at least not for accession date ) 2013-10-28
11164 Koha Database gmcharlt NEW --- creator_batches table uses borrower_number not borrowernumber? 2020-01-08
11191 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Errors and missing headings in MARC21 authority configuration file 2013-11-03
11195 Koha Database gmcharlt NEW --- Rename biblioitems.publishercode into publisher 2020-01-05
11436 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Default values in subfields are not passed on when cloning the field 2023-05-04
11581 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- HTTP 404s generated badly in some cases 2022-03-10
11585 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- pubdate index not working well in UNIMARC 2023-04-15
11903 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Different quick searches for different item editors 2023-07-09
11997 Koha Lists gmcharlt NEW --- Download / export lists of records coding and format errors 2023-07-09
12082 Koha Reports gmcharlt NEW --- hold statistics wizard can produce misleading results 2015-04-27
12719 Koha Command- gmcharlt NEW --- Fix documentation 2020-01-06
12757 Koha Reports gmcharlt NEW --- Integers in saved SQL report ODT export prepended with single quote 2019-11-20
12818 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- Move permanent_location to more_subfields_xml if a library mapped it to MARC 2023-07-15
12848 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Hotlinked searches from detailed record does not respect OPAC_SEARCH_LIMIT 2020-01-11
13004 Koha MARC Bib gmcharlt NEW --- Incorrect display of MARC21 title with subfields n and p in XSLT 2014-09-29
13175 Koha Packagin gmcharlt NEW --- remove duplicated functions() in koha-* bash scripts 2020-01-06
13192 Koha MARC Bib gmcharlt NEW --- Hard-coded value (ISBN Prefix '978') in cataloguing::value_builder::unimarc_field_010 2021-06-21
13249 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- AutoCreateAuthorities doesn't work for fields different from 700 2020-01-06
13317 Koha Command- gmcharlt NEW --- tools/ should show help when executed with no args, from CLI 2023-02-23
13390 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- authority overlay overwrites bib links 2014-12-03
13397 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Move HTML out of C4::Items::PrepareItemrecordDisplay 2014-12-05
13439 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Convert unimarc framework plugins to new style (see also 10480) 2023-11-09
13446 Koha Reports gmcharlt NEW --- Scheduled Reports lacks format options 2023-07-28
13542 Koha Database gmcharlt NEW --- Subscription is the only table to store userid instead of borrowernumber 2023-07-28
13665 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Retrieve facets from zebra is slow 2022-05-25
13722 Koha Lists gmcharlt NEW --- Titles with articles not sorting correctly in lists 2024-07-18
13724 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Not possible to undo a selected facet when search started with an authority id search 2015-03-18
13776 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Problem linking an authority if an authorized value is linked to a biblio subfield framework 2015-03-02
14379 Koha Tools gmcharlt NEW --- Batch item modification tool can't change subfields stored in more_subfields_xml 2023-08-05
14491 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Noisy warns at reserve/ 2020-01-13
14689 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Marc field 648 does not appear in the subject index 2016-01-31
14738 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Rancor - Advanced Search usability problems 2016-02-02
14943 Koha Reports gmcharlt NEW --- Multiple datepickers incorrectly linked in guided reports wizard 2016-06-21
15050 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Nonpublic note searchable from OPAC 2024-06-11
15121 Koha Command- gmcharlt NEW --- cronjob ought to let you specify multiple email addresses 2022-02-16
15204 Koha Authenti gmcharlt NEW --- does too much 2024-02-15
15205 Koha Authenti gmcharlt NEW --- Factor 'SyndeticsEnabled' out of 2023-08-28
15404 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- CanBookBeReserved: No count of biblio level holds if ReservesControlBranch is item's home library 2022-11-14
15649 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- search results, fix 490 data display issues 2023-08-28
15772 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- GetNormalizedISBN returns a 10 digit ISBN - should return 13 2018-09-19
16076 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- DBIx searches - performance issues 2016-07-08
16090 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- FK branchcode in issues 2023-09-08
16104 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- Warnings "used only once: possible typo" should be removed 2023-09-09
16291 Koha Packagin gmcharlt NEW --- koha-remove --purge should also delete '/etc/koha/sites/$instance' dir 2020-01-11
16433 Koha Tools gmcharlt NEW --- Patron import tool warning on duplicate card number is unclear 2018-09-05
16434 Koha Tools gmcharlt NEW --- Patron import tool does not warn when username exists and a new one is created 2016-05-03
16654 Koha Reports gmcharlt NEW --- The output from reports/ is not proper CSV 2024-03-25
16828 Koha Tools gmcharlt NEW --- Item Overlay does not respect Bibliographic Record Match 2017-11-09
16910 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Authority search plugin in cataloguing stops at 15 pages 2019-11-02
16930 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Search returns no results if "and" appears before a colon 2020-01-11
16932 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Advanced Editor - Rancor - Fields extending an additional line cause editing problems 2016-07-15
16972 Koha Command- gmcharlt NEW --- ./misc/ should list mandatory vs. optional command line options in its usage section. 2020-02-06
16979 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Search for barcode containing parentheses fails 2020-01-11
17098 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- Validation problems with form field type "number" (decimal separator) 2020-08-19
17113 Koha Authenti gmcharlt NEW --- Unable to search multi-domain Active Directory forest due LDAP required base 2020-01-11
17131 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Zebra index for Title is too broad 2019-11-18
17176 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Did you mean searches should respect UseAuthoritiesForTracings and search by terms instead of numbers 2017-11-27
17269 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- Library::CallNumber::LC does not follow LC standards for Area Subarrangments of cataloged maps 2021-12-06
17354 Koha Reports gmcharlt NEW --- Group By/Order By SQL mismatch in 2023-06-25
17437 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Advanced cataloging editor - editing the 001 or 003 field overwrites instead of inserting 2020-10-26
17549 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- Table borrower_modifications allows for duplication verification tokens 2016-11-04
17608 Koha Command- gmcharlt NEW --- Fix behaviour of -insert 2018-02-26
17687 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- Rename column subscriptionhistory.recievedlist to receivedlist 2020-04-20
17753 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Analytical cataloging does not copy all necessary subfields to the 773 field 2016-12-09
17754 Koha Tools gmcharlt NEW --- MARCXML upload in Intranet is broken (encoding) if LDR pos. 9 is missing 2023-03-29
17786 Koha Reports gmcharlt NEW --- Date filter on circulation statistics not working correctly 2017-12-28
17815 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Problems with search for dateaccessioned 2017-01-19
17862 Koha Installa gmcharlt NEW --- Misleading error message if Apache config is invalid 2017-01-07
17999 Koha Tools gmcharlt NEW --- batch item modifications disregards MARC framework 2020-01-11
18034 Koha Searchin gmcharlt NEW --- Pseudonym records not found in a research by author 2024-05-31
18074 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Advanced Editor - Rancor - hardcoded z39 attributes can cause issues 2017-02-07
18363 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Delink analytical records is gone 2018-01-17
18533 Koha MARC Bib gmcharlt NEW --- MARC::Record->encoding does not handle UNIMARC records 2021-10-27
18615 Koha Authenti gmcharlt NEW --- LDAP configuration error causes server resource depletion under Plack 2017-07-26
30113 Koha Architec jake.deery NEW --- kohaTable add_filters option should be renamed to show_filter_row 2024-07-08
17258 Koha Architec jonathan.druart NEW --- [OMNIBUS] MySQL 5.7 2024-06-10
31912 Koha Authenti jonathan.druart NEW --- When enforcing 2FA we should alert the user 2022-10-21
33024 Koha ERM jonathan.druart NEW --- Lazy load the components in the routes definition 2024-06-11
33049 Koha ERM jonathan.druart NEW --- Breadcrumbs don't appear if you go directly to /cgi-bin/koha/erm/ 2023-02-23
35401 Koha ERM jonathan.druart NEW --- ERM > Titles > Import from a list needs a full page reload to get the up to date lists 2023-11-29
35956 Koha Template jonathan.druart NEW --- In Vue [% INCLUDE '' %] should not be needed if not used 2024-03-20
36927 Koha ERM jonathan.druart NEW --- ERM eUsage reports : Display by year does not work 2024-06-25
37011 Koha ERM jonathan.druart NEW --- Data provider is not a mandatory field when creating an eUsage report 2024-06-19
37306 Koha ERM jonathan.druart NEW --- KBART print ISBN and ISSN should be imported in 776 (marc21) and 452 (unimarc) 2024-07-10
37395 Koha ERM jonathan.druart NEW --- Cannot hide columns in ERM tables 2024-07-17
25270 Koha MARC Bib katrin.fischer NEW --- Physical description/format is inconsistent between MARC21slim2OPACResults.xsl and MARC21slim2intranetResults.xsl 2021-08-24
4439 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Two acq webservices should use REST API 2023-01-07
5323 Koha Packagin koha-bugs NEW --- koha package should install a setup that works with koha-common 2023-08-27
5985 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Check amount allocated to child funds when editing amount on parent fund 2023-06-18
6079 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Single parentheses in currency causes order to fail when updating 2015-03-25
6879 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Actual price should show correctly on order line and basket summary 2019-10-02
7474 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- UNIMARC: Error handling for 100$a incorrect value 2022-12-07
8366 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Meaning of "All" in issuing rules 2024-01-01
8425 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Autobarcode generates duplicate barcodes with AcqCreateItems = on order 2022-05-11
8580 Koha Notices koha-bugs NEW --- transfer slip doesn't have transfers table 2019-12-23
8658 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Don't display patron attributes which have been limited to another patron category 2023-07-25
8937 Koha I18N/L10 koha-bugs NEW --- Translation process removes CDATA in RSS XML 2020-04-24
8959 Koha Self che koha-bugs NEW --- Self checkout timeout is JavaScript-dependent 2022-09-12
9083 Koha Notices koha-bugs NEW --- Remove <<items.content>> form list of placeholders for CHECKIN/CHECKOUT notices 2023-01-08
9121 Koha Serials koha-bugs NEW --- C4::Serial SQL possible collision on subscription.subscriptionid and subscriptionhistory.subscriptionid 2023-01-08
9227 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Items in transit can be checked out without warning 2023-01-08
9365 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- MARCXML ILS-DI GetRecords response incorrectly encoded 2019-04-28
9606 Koha OPAC koha-bugs NEW --- When exporting to RIS the page information is not included 2020-04-28
9717 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Local use recorded for holds/transfers 2023-09-27
9815 Koha Notices koha-bugs NEW --- <<branches.branchemail>> can't contain "The Library" <> 2021-08-23
10142 Koha Serials koha-bugs NEW --- Unclear which issues show on subscription details issues tab 2021-02-06
10205 Koha Packagin koha-bugs NEW --- koha-create error handling 2020-06-09
10603 Koha Course r koha-bugs NEW --- Make required fields on course reserves configurable 2021-11-01
10822 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Matcher should use SimpleSearch for authorities 2023-07-08
10984 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Cannot cancel received order if the parent order is deleted 2024-02-19
11017 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- strip 952 field (Marc21) but not 995 (Unimarc) 2015-06-07
11151 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- hold error message wrong if in transit 2023-09-23
11220 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Patron edit process doesn't remember restriction selections 2019-05-04
11285 Koha I18N/L10 koha-bugs NEW --- Vocabulary disambiguation 2020-01-05
11350 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- Holds offered to patrons who are not allowed to put the item on hold 2021-12-22
11388 Koha OPAC koha-bugs NEW --- Error exporting records to non-Unicode/MARC-8 2021-09-20
11612 Koha Staff in koha-bugs NEW --- 404 error page for Intranet may leak information 2022-12-06
11621 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- Race condition exists for trapping holds 2018-12-20
11722 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- Hold status not updated after change while in transit 2019-01-28
11723 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Message "A refund has been applied" on all lost item returns 2021-09-30
12011 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- ReservesNeedReturns breaks 'Hold Filled' notice functionality 2020-01-05
12012 Koha Packagin koha-bugs NEW --- Updating Zebra config files for debian packages 2023-07-18
12035 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- PDF print: Purchase order overflows incorrectly 2020-01-05
12044 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Checkout should be clearly disallowed before inputting item barcode if a patron's fines will block the transaction 2024-05-13
12262 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Searching patrons by extended attribute should be a search field 2020-11-16
12408 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- logs keeping patron info even if privacy='never' 2020-01-05
12442 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Query... variables should be defined within loop in 2023-06-16
12491 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Improve export basket facility to avoid ISBN corruption 2014-06-26
12599 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- IndependentBranches Holes 2023-03-24
12762 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Paginate baskets view in acquisitions 2023-07-11
12773 Koha System A koha-bugs NEW --- Branch transfer limits show codes instead of descriptions (item types/collections) 2023-07-26
12931 Koha Installa koha-bugs NEW --- Gracefully handle database problems when starting web install 2014-09-16
12945 Koha Installa koha-bugs NEW --- Web installer only shows missing optional modules if required modules are missing 2014-09-17
12968 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- "Lock budget" doesn't seem to work as described 2023-06-30
13090 Koha Notices koha-bugs NEW --- Using <<branches.opac_info>> in html notices gives wrong encoding in generated letters 2023-07-09
13358 Koha I18N/L10 koha-bugs NEW --- Untranslatable local use on system preference ( 2019-02-10
13394 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- cancel all holds doesn't generate slips 2014-12-04
13594 Koha Installa koha-bugs NEW --- Long running database updates lack feedback 2020-08-13
13714 Koha System A koha-bugs NEW --- Problems deleting the delay field in overdue triggers 2020-04-28
13727 Koha System A koha-bugs NEW --- Validation of authorized values 2015-02-24
14035 Koha Authenti koha-bugs NEW --- Shibboleth SingleSignOut 2024-06-26
14037 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Add support for itemBarcodeFallbackSearch to checkin screen 2023-08-05
14073 Koha Installa koha-bugs NEW --- HTML tags not working in database update message 2020-01-06
14081 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- price labels are not consistent in acq 2018-09-27
14084 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- order date language in Koha inconsistent 2023-08-05
14086 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- date ordered on ordered fund search doesn't match order date 2023-08-05
14273 Koha Command- koha-bugs NEW --- Add check for invalid holds linked to deleted records to inconsistencies script 2023-08-05
14336 Koha Self che koha-bugs NEW --- SCO: Move embedded JavaScript from to new sco.js file 2023-08-05
14474 Koha Notices koha-bugs NEW --- Circulation alerts should have a From: address based on the current logged-in library 2020-02-05
14618 Koha Staff in koha-bugs NEW --- XSLT: missing punctuation between the Type of Material and the Nature of contents 2016-08-14
14628 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Anonymization of circulation data prevents lost item refunds 2016-06-26
14664 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- Harvesting records of an non-existent set, instead of an error return all the records 2016-03-01
14678 Koha I18N/L10 koha-bugs NEW --- Update Koha language codes to ISO 639-2 spec 2019-03-18
14713 Koha Staff in koha-bugs NEW --- updatecharges permissions also require borrowers permission 2023-10-16
14750 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Rename to otherphone 2023-08-26
14792 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- Fix visibility check for 'place holds' link in OPAC result list 2021-02-02
14798 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Renew and checkin do not update parts of checkout page 2020-01-08
14907 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Item search: Call Numbers in Item search results are ordered alphabetically 2024-07-01
15001 Koha Transact koha-bugs NEW --- imported auth records are incorrectly labeled as 'biblio' in action_log 2015-10-12
15060 Koha MARC Bib koha-bugs NEW --- Change standard ISBD view for 245/242/246 in MARC21 2020-01-18
15115 Koha Course r koha-bugs NEW --- Editing item information on active course reserves should not be allowed. 2018-03-28
15243 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Place a hold on... Fix display issue and improve translatability 2023-08-28
15307 Koha I18N/L10 koha-bugs NEW --- Delete link doesn't appear for newly-added item type translations 2016-01-06
15347 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- itemcallnumber syspref does not work when adding items through acquisitions 2023-06-12
15480 Koha Serials koha-bugs NEW --- Number of issues displayed by prediction pattern test and setting of not published issues 2016-11-03
15484 Koha Serials koha-bugs NEW --- subscription enddate is miscalculated when it has predictable non published issues 2016-01-06
15655 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Do not display patron information on biblio detail page if not allowed 2019-02-10
15750 Koha contribs koha-bugs NEW --- Koha offline circulation Firefox addon does not prompt to clear old entries 2022-04-04
15791 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Don't delete a fund if existing orders are linked to it 2020-12-04
15792 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Double-clicking the 'renew' button on will double-charge account management fee 2022-01-12
15831 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Can't override renew limit by submitting a barcode in checkout with AllowRenewalLimitOverride on 2016-11-03
15848 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Correct JSHint errors in acq.js 2016-02-17
15849 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Correct JSHint errors in additem.js 2016-02-17
16181 Koha OPAC koha-bugs NEW --- Limit number of tags loaded initially for tag cloud 2021-06-09
16327 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- Running with embed items option should consider every item in a biblio 2023-09-11
16432 Koha System A koha-bugs NEW --- When you delete an item type the system preference "item-level_itypes" is not considered 2016-10-21
16559 Koha I18N/L10 koha-bugs NEW --- [%% ... %%] should not be picked for translation 2023-09-09
16623 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Limit patron discharge management by library 2022-02-04
16666 Koha System A koha-bugs NEW --- TagsExternalDictionary is a rather confusing preference name 2019-01-11
16766 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- Merging two records with holds for the same patron creates two holds on one record 2020-01-13
16884 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Branch transfer dialog does not appear for check-ins on check-out screen 2016-08-19
17122 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Paying fines via Koha offline circulation reports false success for non-existing cardnumbers 2016-08-14
17143 Koha System A koha-bugs NEW --- Popup Notification for decreaseloanhighholds preference 2020-04-16
17151 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Extended patron attributes not importing when using double quotes 2020-01-10
17239 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Vulnerabilitiy warning for package C4::Biblio 2022-03-04
17349 Koha Serials koha-bugs NEW --- Add item screen does not populate in serials module when multiple late issues exist 2017-09-28
17399 Koha SIP2 koha-bugs NEW --- SIP2 Screen messages for checkout failure should be improved 2016-10-04
17427 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Replace CGI::Session with Data::Session 2024-02-15
17439 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Orders price are not recalculated when transfered to another vendor 2017-04-05
17480 Koha System A koha-bugs NEW --- UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckin preference requires space after colon 2023-03-22
17621 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- API: Should the 'updated_on' Patron field really be a datetime? 2017-01-09
17763 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Exact punctuation and word order is needed for matching author and vendor names in acq order search 2024-05-03
17839 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- 'Print summary' totals charges and fines, but only shows charges 2019-01-03
17848 Koha Notices koha-bugs NEW --- Count doesn't print correct number in digest-only notices 2023-06-25
17921 Koha OPAC koha-bugs NEW --- Shelf Browser does not take OpacSuppression or OpacHiddenItems into consideration 2023-05-17
17985 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- Hold request fails if only item in transit 2017-03-26
17994 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- OAI-PMH: ListSets logs a warning 2020-01-11
18065 Koha Authenti koha-bugs NEW --- Initials are not generated correctly by LDAP when firstname or surname start with umlauts 2017-12-28
18257 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Column visibility button does not increase colspan properly with pre-hidden columns 2017-04-19
18576 Koha System A koha-bugs NEW --- MARC Bibliographic framework test does not check for framework created Tue 16:48
18788 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- blindly deletes field 952 regardless the MARC flavour 2023-09-15
18846 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Fund list on 'aquisitions statistics' page shows wrong values 2022-03-30
18914 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- 'Add order' links from staged file order information isn't carried over 2017-07-09
18935 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc does not handle UNIMARC records 2017-07-13
18943 Koha Develope koha-bugs NEW --- Add documentation of new SIP configuration parameter 2022-12-06
18960 Koha Packagin koha-bugs NEW --- --populate-db cannot be passed when creating the new instance 2017-07-19
18962 Koha Document koha-bugs NEW --- Including valid system requirements in Koha manual 2020-11-17
18967 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Acquisitions receipt search filter is too sticky 2021-02-04
18981 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Fix MARC21 XSLT files to use control-number instead of Control-number 2017-07-25
19187 Koha Self che koha-bugs NEW --- Renewals are offered, but don't work from the web based self check with OpacRenewalAllowed OFF 2017-08-27
19310 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Warning on UpdateTotalIssuesOnCirc should be revisited 2024-04-18
19326 Koha Reports koha-bugs NEW --- Report editor in truncates reports longer than 64 KiB 2017-09-15
19486 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- When cancelling a waiting hold via circulation the patron is charged the ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelayCharge 2020-01-11
19548 Koha Z39.50 / koha-bugs NEW --- Search Result Second page not available 2024-03-17
19587 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- "Place request with partners" button must be hidden if no partners defined 2023-02-06
19629 Koha Tools koha-bugs NEW --- No translatable notification in overdue notices 2023-10-01
19642 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- If autoMemberNum is enabled, we should just ignore cardnumber entry in BorrowerMandatoryField 2022-03-10
19690 Koha System A koha-bugs NEW --- Smart rules: Term "If any unavailable" is confusing 2019-04-02
19941 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- 'alt' and 'title' attributes of the item type image are not set when a hold is placed 2018-03-23
19963 Koha Database koha-bugs NEW --- ethnicity and ethnicity tables and columns survived update 2022-12-06
20050 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- When processing uploaded offline circulation file, "apply directly" option fails 2018-01-31
20170 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Patron account can be renewed multiple times in a row without noticing 2023-10-01
20280 Koha System A koha-bugs NEW --- Authorised value categories list in bibliographic frameworks has 2 empty entries 2020-10-21
20289 Koha SIP2 koha-bugs NEW --- Unhelpful message on SIP for checkouts blocked by overdue items 2023-10-01
20300 Koha MARC Aut koha-bugs NEW --- Import authorities data fail in module Stage MARC record for import 2018-09-05
20324 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Fund warnings do not occur when importing records from a staged file 2023-10-01
20338 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Preference noissuescharge should not be considered 5 when it is actually 0 2018-03-06
20344 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Transferring an item while on hold results in a transfer where the destination is the same as the source 2024-04-24
20423 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- ReservesNeedReturns allows multiple patrons to have the same item set to 'waiting' 2018-07-17
20458 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Improper substitution of QUERY_KW in opac/ 2018-03-21
20475 Koha Notices koha-bugs NEW --- Patrons receiving both email and print overdue notices 2019-07-16
20523 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Advanced editor - Rancor - shows nulls in fixed-width fields for empty values 2018-08-23
20558 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- typo mts_authorized_value vs mts_authorised_value in admin/ 2022-10-17
20573 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Patron receives membership expiry notice but 'will expire soon' alert doesn't show for staff at checkout 2018-04-12
20578 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- When holds are restricted to bib-level or forced to item-level there should be an alert 2018-04-25
20591 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- DBI->last_insert_id does not work as expected 2022-12-06
20593 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Warnings when adding a recipient to a routing list 2018-04-17
20601 Koha I18N/L10 koha-bugs NEW --- Untranslatable strings in circulation statistics 2018-04-18
20649 Koha Authenti koha-bugs NEW --- C4::Auth should use C4::Context->IsSuperLibrarian() 2019-03-04
20655 Koha Z39.50 / koha-bugs NEW --- Z3950 Authorities search is unordered 2019-07-04
20711 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Previous fields are not cleared when selecting an authority in cataloguing 2023-06-21
20821 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Elasticsearch - problems in using CQL in the search box directly 2018-05-25
20841 Koha Fines an koha-bugs NEW --- Fine description is missing in payment details 2019-11-24
20933 Koha Serials koha-bugs NEW --- Modifying the advanced prediction pattern in serials requires extra click to modify 2024-04-26
20950 Koha Plugin a koha-bugs NEW --- Plugins: doesn't fail gracefully when running plugin 2020-04-05
20963 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Can check out not for loan items when temporarily overriding restriction 2018-06-19
20976 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Add test to catch missing on_editing flag 2018-06-21
21037 Koha Tools koha-bugs NEW --- gives false positives about 942$a and 152$b fields. 2020-04-10
21039 Koha Tools koha-bugs NEW --- should also check if the subfield is ignored 2018-07-11
21102 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- OAI-PMH specification conformance [UMBRELLA] 2021-11-15
21194 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Easy analytics show wrong title when linking to host 2018-08-30
21250 Koha Self che koha-bugs NEW --- Auto-self-checkout not fully compatible with multi-branch library setup 2021-06-28
21253 Koha Document koha-bugs NEW --- Clarify calendar used by book drop mode 2020-11-17
21271 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Advanced cataloging editor - rancor - hardcoded limit of 100 records fetched per search should be customizable 2018-08-25
21302 Koha MARC Bib koha-bugs NEW --- Link in 780/785 should search for $t in title and $a in author 2024-03-05
21354 Koha Serials koha-bugs NEW --- When a serial issue is changed from arrived to expected, it remains as received in Brief history 2019-03-08
21383 Koha ILL koha-bugs NEW --- Sorting on ILL request table is inaccurate 2023-01-13
21392 Koha Command- koha-bugs NEW --- Some tables not available to AUTO_RENEW letter 2018-11-01
21412 Koha OPAC koha-bugs NEW --- Opac upload file access 2023-12-13
21494 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- No checkin notice created for offline circulation checkins 2022-04-21
21532 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Extended attributes with comma are not searchable 2018-10-10
21540 Koha I18N/L10 koha-bugs NEW --- Move bibliographic framework strings out of database 2018-11-01
21543 Koha Notices koha-bugs NEW --- Advanced Notice cron will try to send advance phone notices in the Talking Tech Sending Notices File 2018-10-10
21575 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Fix ArticleRequestsMandatoryFieldsItem(s)Only variants 2018-10-16
21592 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- When adding to basket from a file and using MarcFieldsToOrder items are not added to basket if missing funds 2018-10-22
21631 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- No warning when placing a hold with current location/pick-up location combination forbidden by Transport cost matrix 2024-03-05
21667 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Advanced Editor - advanced search - result set is lost after repeated clicks on “next” button 2019-12-18
21723 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- SQL-query runs out of memory 2019-04-19
21827 Koha Packagin koha-bugs NEW --- koha-mysql does not recognize non-standard port 2018-11-13
21906 Koha Reports koha-bugs NEW --- WHERE clause doesn't like % in CONCAT 2018-12-07
21941 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Incorrect GROUP BY in circ/ 2024-05-09
21972 Koha MARC Aut koha-bugs NEW --- Record matching rule for authorities only works for first 20 authority records 2024-06-11
21981 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Specify due date, remember for session and alert 2024-04-26
22000 Koha ILL koha-bugs NEW --- Remove extraneous parameters from API route spec 2023-01-13
22055 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- When ordering from hold ratio report link to order is lost when changing filters 2019-01-01
22103 Koha ILL koha-bugs NEW --- ILL: Tests for migrate 2024-02-12
22108 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Items generated through MARCItemFieldsToOrder do not receive values applied in Item Information and Default Accounting Details 2024-01-31
22117 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Show rental charge for each item on items tab when item-level itypes are used 2019-01-12
22146 Koha Command- koha-bugs NEW --- import_patrons command line script should accept quote_char or document that double quotes are required 2019-01-16
22172 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- EDI order records with zero items create one item 2023-09-23
22180 Koha Serials koha-bugs NEW --- SERIAL_ALERT email does not send if the status is claimed before arrived 2024-04-26
22205 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Software Error on basket deletion with bib number in more than one aqorders line 2019-01-24
22247 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Koha::IssuingRule->get_effective_issuing_rule has no hard fallback 2019-11-01
22262 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- text/javascript responses should be compressed by Apache 2023-06-14
22265 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Processing article requests requires borrowers permission 2019-02-03
22307 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Misconfiguration of bibionumber/biblioitemnumber search 2019-02-11
22308 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Spaces are not filtered when searching by ISSN in serials module 2022-02-19
22312 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- BlockReturnOfLostItems does not prevent lost items filling holds 2023-12-17
22325 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Elasticsearch - two letter field name are not searchable 2023-09-23
22328 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Inconsistent behavior throughout acquisitions for determining whether or not an item has been received 2020-11-20
22336 Koha ILL koha-bugs NEW --- Better conversion from illrequestattributes to HTML attributes 2019-02-14
22338 Koha ILL koha-bugs NEW --- illrequests.notesopac is editable by both patron and staff 2023-06-06
22340 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Elasticsearch - sorting fields should have a fallback mechanism 2024-02-19
22341 Koha Tools koha-bugs NEW --- batch patron modification tool does not strip trailing tab characters from barcodes 2019-07-21
22344 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Limits cannot contain parentheses 2022-04-04
22350 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- SIP/Transaction.t fails when SearchEngine set to ElasticSearch 2019-02-15
22401 Koha SIP2 koha-bugs NEW --- SIP: patron information response message shows accounttype codes rather in screen messages when a patron owes fines 2019-02-25
22481 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Koha::Uploader does not work under Plack 2021-03-11
22494 Koha System A koha-bugs NEW --- When adding a library group with an already existing name, an ugly error is displayed 2019-03-18
22499 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Itemcallnumber "0" not displayed 2021-02-05
22513 Koha ILL koha-bugs NEW --- Anonymize old ILL requests 2023-06-06
22514 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Hardcoded value of 10 for return hour when calculating hourly loans affected by holidays 2024-03-04
22530 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Koha::Charges::Fees-?accumulate_rentalcharge dies if no issuingrule is found 2019-03-18
22552 Koha Serials koha-bugs NEW --- Adding users to serials routing search requires edit_borrowers permission 2019-09-01
22673 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Road types missing on alternate contact 2021-06-03
22720 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Including branchcode in PatronSelfModificationBorrowerUnwantedField causes internal server error on self registration page 2019-11-24
22722 Koha Notices koha-bugs NEW --- Deleting a library leaves the letters and shows them belonging to "All libraries" 2023-09-23
22736 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Search field on "New order > from suggestion" search for borrowernumber 2019-05-25
22793 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Suspend all hold button appears even if the hold can no longer be suspended in staff 2019-04-29
22797 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- ILS-DI: GetRecords doesn't work with documented parameter id_type 2019-11-24
22829 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Elasticsearch - some blank subfields cause parsing errors during indexing 2021-10-08
22840 Koha Installa koha-bugs NEW --- Force insert of mandatory data 2023-09-23
22841 Koha Installa koha-bugs NEW --- Installer does not crash if a sql file is missing 2019-05-03
22855 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- Hold information hashes should be dumped to action_logs in sorted key order 2019-05-06
22859 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Copying an item that has location set as 'CART' sets the permanent location of the new item to 'CART' 2023-09-23
22870 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- When adding a '#' into Rancor with a macro, the special character gets removed 2019-05-10
22879 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Cannot reindex elastic if missing metadata 2019-05-12
22916 Koha Fines an koha-bugs NEW --- Processing Fee charged multiple times 2019-05-15
22920 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Updating child to adult does not check age limits 2021-01-25
22986 Koha OPAC koha-bugs NEW --- Tag cloud displays same tag multiple times 2019-06-10
23000 Koha Searchin koha-bugs NEW --- Running xsltproc for authority index definitions adds unwanted changes 2019-05-28
23033 Koha MARC Bib koha-bugs NEW --- C4::Items::AddItemBatchFromMarc does not queue bib record for indexing 2024-02-05
23054 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- Unable to change priority after reverting hold waiting status 2019-06-05
23127 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Using commas in shipping cost on invoices causes issues 2019-06-20
23135 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Order should pull additional data from Purchase Suggestion 2019-08-21
23162 Koha Tools koha-bugs NEW --- Cannot copy a notice if independent branches enabled and not a superlibrarian 2021-01-19
23163 Koha Hold req koha-bugs NEW --- HoldsSplitQueueNumbering requires "modify_holds_priority" permission to work 2019-10-03
23174 Koha MARC Bib koha-bugs NEW --- Default (OPAC)ISBD contains <br> tags that print in ISBD download 2020-03-31
23182 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Invoice does not completely print in Acq 18.11 Firefox 2023-10-08
23188 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Holds Column in Receipt Page sorts oddly 2019-06-29
23200 Koha Web serv koha-bugs NEW --- incorrect default mappings in means searching by item homebranch is impossible 2019-06-25
23201 Koha I18N/L10 koha-bugs NEW --- Changing languages on the OPAC redirects to opac-main which logs out SCO/SCI users 2019-06-28
23231 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- We display too many layout options for the onscreen keyboard in the advanced cataloguing editor 2020-06-03
23249 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Print hold slips without confirmation for multiple locations 2020-10-06
23301 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Borrower messaging preferences lost when duplicating patron and changing category 2022-09-23
23303 Koha Plugin a koha-bugs NEW --- When uninstalling a plugin we don't call any form of 'unload' 2023-12-14
23306 Koha Fines an koha-bugs NEW --- fines amount showing zero 2020-03-15
23318 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- False error about missing budget on 2019-11-20
23340 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Patron import tool allows duplication of unique attributes 2019-11-24
23387 Koha Architec koha-bugs NEW --- Cache ClassSource 2023-10-08
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.

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