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23:36 Changeset [8184] by johnjamesjacoby
Clean up BP_Signup class. * Fix issue with sign-up meta not being …
23:07 Changeset [8183] by johnjamesjacoby
Remove @ error control operator from setcookie() usages.
22:52 Changeset [8182] by johnjamesjacoby
Replace $bp global touches in core component functions with …
22:47 Changeset [8181] by johnjamesjacoby
Remove $bp global from core messages functions. See #5138.
21:40 Ticket #5453 (xprofile Administration - js do not reset options when [x] clicked) closed by imath
fixed: In 8180: […]
21:40 Changeset [8180] by imath
In Profile fields management screens, make sure the cancelled field …
20:25 Changeset [8179] by johnjamesjacoby
Groups & XProfile: Remove Georgia font-family styling from admin …
19:34 Tickets #4694,​5220 batch updated by djpaul
fixed: In 8178: […]
19:34 Changeset [8178] by djpaul
xProfile: re-architecture profile field types and de-duplicate the …
19:29 Ticket #5478 (Activity items can be favorited multiple times by the same user) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8177: […]
19:29 Changeset [8177] by boonebgorges
Bail from bp_activity_remove_user_favorite() if the user has not …
19:27 Ticket #5478 (Activity items can be favorited multiple times by the same user) reopened by boonebgorges
19:04 Changeset [8176] by r-a-y
Notifications: Invalidate cache when a notification is updated. …
18:34 Ticket #5289 (Single notifications not deleted from the unread or read notifications ...) closed by r-a-y
fixed: rogercoathup - Thanks for confirming. Going to close this one to …
18:20 Ticket #5478 (Activity items can be favorited multiple times by the same user) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8175: […]
18:20 Changeset [8175] by boonebgorges
Don't allow a user to favorite a single activity item more than once. …
18:02 Ticket #5113 (Non multisite blogs need Account settings component to be active to ...) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8174: […]
18:02 Changeset [8174] by boonebgorges
Enable Spam admin tools on non-MS users.php Dashboard panel This …
17:37 Ticket #5319 (Prevent friend POST request from member to himself) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8173: […]
17:37 Changeset [8173] by boonebgorges
Fix check for existing friendship in friends_add_friend() The …
17:37 Changeset [8172] by boonebgorges
Return false friends_add_friend() when the initiator is the same as …
16:39 Ticket #5482 (No membership accept/reject buttons for group admins) created by Zsono
I'd like to report a bug that blocks group admins/mods from accepting …
16:18 Ticket #5481 (Buddypress should set user meta for single sites in bp_core_signup_user) created by StijnDeWitt
I am working on a website on which users from different sources will …
14:45 Ticket #5480 (Filters for new activity query) created by mpa4hu
I have spent long time building my custom queries and now when I …
13:13 Changeset [8171] by boonebgorges
Avoid PHP notices when building is_new clause in …
01:56 Ticket #4676 (Resend activation key link/page) closed by r-a-y
fixed: In 8170: […]
01:56 Changeset [8170] by r-a-y
Display a "resend email" link when an unactivated user tries to log …
01:34 Changeset [8169] by r-a-y
Friends: Pass $item_id as an argument for notification format filters. …
01:14 Ticket #5183 (Disallow HTML tags in profile fields) closed by r-a-y
wontfix: Cool! If you ever encounter the bug again, feel free to create a new …
01:13 Ticket #5273 (Error sending private messages in 1.9 Beta 2) closed by r-a-y
fixed: As per comment:36, I've created a new ticket for my changes - #5479. …
01:09 Ticket #5479 (Messages: Better notification formatting and marking) created by r-a-y
This ticket stems from ticket:5273#comment:33. It reformats the …
01:04 Ticket #5478 (Activity items can be favorited multiple times by the same user) created by mpa4hu
This is not much security issue but interesting workaround. var type …


23:35 Ticket #5411 (Members nav of single group : total members seems not set) closed by r-a-y
fixed: In 8168: […]
23:35 Changeset [8168] by r-a-y
Groups: Add backward compatibility when fetching list of admins/mods. …
22:55 Ticket #5315 (Add ability to query both read and unread notifications) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8167: […]
22:55 Changeset [8167] by boonebgorges
Allow all notifications to be fetched by passing 'both' to is_new …
22:44 Ticket #5318 (using bp_has_members in widgets and conflicts with $_REQUEST['s']) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8166: […]
22:44 Changeset [8166] by boonebgorges
Enforce null search_terms for members widgets Without the explicity …
21:44 Changeset [8165] by djpaul
xProfile: fix logic error in the BP_XProfile_ProfileData class' …
21:29 Ticket #5469 (Create a group button - create screen steps) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8164: […]
21:29 Changeset [8164] by boonebgorges
Don't show the "Create a Group" button in the page title during the …
20:11 Ticket #5477 (Allow bp_has_groups to return all groups) created by dcavins
For some non-presentation uses, it'd be handy to get every group using …
20:04 Changeset [8163] by djpaul
xProfile: adjust the xprofile_sanitize_data_value_before_save
19:52 Ticket #5464 (wp-admin/profile nav is loaded on child blogs on a network) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8162: […]
19:52 Changeset [8162] by boonebgorges
Only load the WordPress/Community Profile tabs in user-edit.php when …
19:45 Changeset [8161] by boonebgorges
Pinking shears
19:20 Ticket #5476 (kses filter defined twice) created by mpa4hu
nothing big but still in /bp-activity/bp-activity-filters.php …
14:26 Ticket #5475 (bp-legacy js function 'bp_filter_request' animation broken) closed by dcavins
invalid: OK, so I switched the problem repo back to the 1.9.2 tag to test it, …
03:26 Changeset [8160] by imath
Adapt core to allow BP Attachments to be into the list of optional …


21:58 Ticket #5475 (bp-legacy js function 'bp_filter_request' animation broken) created by dcavins
I honestly can't see what's wrong with it, but after applying the most …
20:12 Ticket #5357 (404 when clicking "Request Membership" within single group page) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8159: […]
20:12 Changeset [8159] by boonebgorges
Allow site admins to visit the Request Membership page of a private …
18:40 Changeset [8158] by boonebgorges
Don't register the bp-themes themes directory if bp-default is found …
18:30 Ticket #5214 (groups_create_group() improvements) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8157: […]
18:30 Changeset [8157] by boonebgorges
Improve validation and documentation for groups_create_group() and …
18:18 Ticket #4265 (WP 3.4/BP1.5.6 – issue with quotes on SWA) closed by boonebgorges
18:15 Changeset [8156] by boonebgorges
Run stripslashes filter on activity strings earlier than priority 10 …
17:48 Ticket #5329 (Each time the load more link is clicked, the activity-loop-form is ...) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8155: […]
17:48 Changeset [8155] by boonebgorges
Don't reproduce the activity-form-loop on an AJAX request Fixes #5329
12:19 Ticket #5474 (Conditional tag) created by SGr33n
hi :) If BuddyPress and bbPress are both enabled, some BuddyPress
00:28 Changeset [8154] by boonebgorges
Improve inline docs for BP_Notifications_Notification::get()
00:28 Changeset [8153] by boonebgorges
Add test for sort_order and order_by date in notifications component. …


21:34 Ticket #5473 (Activity loop param to adjust read more truncation) created by modemlooper
Suggestion to add loop param for removing truncation or adjusting …
19:47 Changeset [8152] by imath
Add admin menus to manage signups only if they are allowed Before …
19:11 Changeset [8151] by boonebgorges
Pinking shears
19:11 Ticket #5440 (Add pagination to group membership requests admin page) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 8150: […]
19:11 Changeset [8150] by boonebgorges
Add AJAX-powered pagination for group membership requests admin pages …
07:12 Ticket #5355 (Filtering classes added in bp_core_fetch_avatar()) closed by imath


23:53 Ticket #5472 (xprofile_insert_field -> type - 'option' not allowed?) created by shanebp
When using a script to populate xprofile fields, this works: […] …
23:14 Changeset [8149] by imath
In wp-admin/profile, be consistent with front-end when BuddyPress is …
22:01 Changeset [8148] by imath
Make sure Signups Management is restricted to Super Admin when …
21:21 Ticket #3497 (Faster function for get activity) closed by boonebgorges
duplicate: Activity queries were overhauled in r7777. See #5371. This change, …
21:06 Ticket #5471 (Useless Big query) closed by imath
duplicate: Ok closing as i really think it's a duplicate of #5413 r-a-y already …
21:00 Ticket #5359 (Groups wp-admin UI autocomplete should exclude spammed members) closed by imath
fixed: In 8147: […]
21:00 Changeset [8147] by imath
Exclude members marked as spam from Group Admin autocomplete results …
20:43 Ticket #5109 (Introduce sorting parameters for BP_Group_Member_Query) closed by boonebgorges
duplicate: This was taken care of in the work leading up to #921.
11:01 Ticket #5471 (Useless Big query) created by elpix
Hi there ! When I'm not logged in on my website, I look at the sql …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.