Bruce Lawson's personal site

New job!

I begin my new (and hopefully, last) job, at an organisation not funded by Capitalist Conjurers, devoted to helping the most vulnerable people in society: children. I’ll be working Monday – Thursday, with Friday for other projects. I’m pretty sure it’s not a secret who I’m working for, but I forgot to check with my boss and he’s on his hols. My job title is boring but I’m calling myself “Lord of Accessibility” at Barnardos, and have bought myself a crown.

me, wearing a children's plastic crown

Buy "Calling For The Moon", my debut album of songs I wrote while living in Thailand, India, Turkey. (Only £2, on Bandcamp.)

One Response to “ New job! ”

Comment by Charlie

Congratulations Bruce!

Anywhere you should be glad to have you: you know your stuff, you’re a great communicator and you’re a lot of fun.

Such a pity that, even now, we keep having to remind people that accessibility is usability™.

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