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Click & Detect

Click3D: a method using click chemistry (a class of reactions that make molecules observable) that achieves high-resolution 3D fluorescence imaging of whole organs at unprecedented depth – for example, imaging hypoxia (inadequate tissue oxygen) in a tumour (as shown here) or in the mouse whole brain

Read the published research article here

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science biomedicine immunofluorescence cancer biology 3d image imaging hypoxia brain neuroscience click chemistry click chemistry

Schizophrenia Brain Differences

Cross-sectional brain images from individuals with schizophrenia and healthy subjects analysed using the Subtype and Stage Inference (SuStaIn) algorithm identifies neuro-structural differences between the two. Two distinct subtypes of grey matter change revealed among brains from individuals with schizophrenia

Read the published research article here

Today – 25th July – is Schizophrenia Awareness Day

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science biomedicine brain biology brain mapping mri mri scan schizophrenia national schizophrenia awareness day mental health awareness mental health

Erm…Not Macrophages

Differing from other cell types investigated, proteins of the ERM family, (ezrinradixin, and moesin) that link the cell's outer membrane with its inner protein scaffold don’t have a role in the migratory capacity of the large immune cells called macrophages found in most tissues

Read the published research article here

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science biomedicine immunofluorescence macrophage biology immunology immune response cytoskeleton plasma membrane

Resulting from Mutation

A study in mice uncovers the gene CDK13’s key role in craniofacial and neural development – insight into mechanisms underlying the genetic disorder CHDFIDD which is associated with mutations in CDK13 affecting development of the face and heart, and intellectual abilityRead the published research article here

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science biomedicine immunofluorescence neuroscience brain gene mutation genetic disorders chdfidd
science biomedicine biology heart heartbeat ecm extracellular matrix zebrafish

Parasite Division

The single cell parasite that causes toxoplasmosis – spread for example in cat faeces – divides in a way that’s different to bacteria, fungi and animals. Rather than splitting into two free daughter cells, the daughters first form within a mother cell. This study identifies the molecular mechanisms of the subsequent emergence from the mother cell of two parasites each with their own membrane

Read the published research article here

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science biomedicine immunofluorescence biology parasites toxoplasmosis toxoplasma gondii cell division

Mutational Impact

Impact of ENL – a DNA modifying (epigenetic) regulator protein – mutation associated with the childhood kidney cancer Wilm’s tumour on the developing kidney’s gene regulatory landscape before and after birth revealed in mice

Read the published research article here

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science biomedicine immunofluorescence biology cancer wilm's tumor kidney cancer oncology epigenetics
science biomedicine cancer biology zebrafish melanoma skin cancer oncology immunofluorescence red eye

Heart Stirring

Generating lab-grown heart cells [cardiomyocytes] and heart organoids from human iPSCs (a kind of stem cell) by culturing them as a suspension with stirring rather than as a monolayer – a new reproducible, scaleable and efficient approach

Read the published research article here

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science biomedicine biology immunofluorescence hearts organoids stem cell

Seeing Progress

Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most intractable and fatal type of brain tumour and models to aid study towards better treatment are urgently needed. Here, a genetically-relevant zebrafish model of aggressive human GBM which, thanks to the transparency of the developing fish body, enables live imaging and presents a means of high-throughput genetic and molecular manipulations towards therapeutic discovery

Read the published research article here

Today – 17th July 2024 – is Glioblastoma Awareness Day

Read here about the OurBrainBank initiative, the research and data collection community with a mission to turn GBM from terminal to treatable

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science biomedicine immunofluorescence biology neuroscience brain brain tumour cancer glioblastoma glioblastoma awareness day awareness day zebrafish gbm oncology brain surgery ourbrainbank