BP Dev-Chat Summary May 2, 2024

👷‍♂️ 12.4.1 Retrospective

We started the meeting discussing about Security Releases process. This process is happening very privately and we are making sure to be as quiet as possible about the security fix(es) we include into the code. BuddyPress Committers received a security alert from the WordPress Plugin Team on April 20. It was involving our dynamic Block Widgets (read 12.4.1 changelog for more information about it). Once we fixed it, as requested by the WordPress Plugin Team, we performed a complete Security Check about BuddyPress code using the Plugin Check plugin. This check revealed many escaping improvements were needed. As security is our first priority, we decided to also include all needed escaping improvements into the 12.4.1 security release, even if we knew we were taking the risk of being too conservative about some of these (Security Releases can’t be beta tested). Once the security release was published, some escapes were actually problematic and generated 5 regressions.

During the chat, we took the decisions:

  • to take more time to test 12.4.1 to eventually find other regressions postponing our next meetings by a week ;
  • to quickly package a maintenance release to get rid of these regressions (12.5.0 has been released on May 14, 2024) ;
  • to improve our GitHub action checking WordPress Coding standards so that it now includes Escaping rules (@espellcaste committed the improvements on May 4, 2024).

NB: #9080 (Deployment Process review) would be a really great improvement: building the Security Releases was a pretty long task as we backported the fix to the 11.0, 10.0 & 9.0 branches and the 11.4.1, 10.6.3 & 9.2.3 tags were made available on the Plugin Directory.

🧰 BuddyPress 14.0.0

We then talked about ticket #8728 (allowing group mods/admins to delete corresponding group activities): @im4th has grouped unit tests and patch into this GitHub PR which is also taking in account @needle feedback. We decided to take more time to test the PR before committing it to SVN trunk.

@espellcaste asked the team whether we should also sort values for xProfile options (see #8728): we agreed field option values should respect the sort options for multiselect/checkbox fields.

@espellcaste requested team’s opinion about the fact it’s currently possible to request many activation emails “resend” (see #9137): we agreed we should add some sort of feedback to the user after locking them for a period of time (maybe an hour, will be configurable), a bit like WordPress does it for comments.

Finally we talked about a possible breaking change about including all additional signup fields into the BP REST API corresponding endpoint (see this PR). As it was a bit late and we needed more time to figure it out @im4th made his suggestions a bit later. @espellcaste has since merged the PR and wrote a great developer note about it.

14.0.0 schedule reminder

  • June 3: 14.0.0-beta1.
  • July 8: 14.0.0.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on Wednesday May 22, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#12-0-0, #14-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary March 20, 2024

📦 12.4.0 minor release

During the chat we discussed about the opportunity to build this maintenance release a bit before WordPress 6.5. @emaralive volunteered to test the last unfixed ticket of the milestone (See #9086). At the end of our chat @vapvarun brought #9096 to the discussion. The Last activity repair tool has become obsolete and we forgot to remove it from the available BP tools. Site Admins who used it so far experienced a very annoying effect: after the last activity item are removed they are not generated back. Result is the Members directory can have no active users displayed. We’ve explained why this tool was added in BuddyPress 2.0 and came to the conclusion it should now be removed to prevent the issue about « vanishing » Active Members. We evaluated we couldn’t wait for a major release like we’re used to do for such a change and decided to fix it into this maintenance release. 12.4.0 was released on March 25.

🧰 BuddyPress 14.0.0

Thanks to #9086 patch, @dcavins transitioned to a ticket slated to the 14.0.0 milestone: #9063. The goal of this ticket is to be able to have BP directory pages as children of another one. Instead of doing this @im4th’s plan is to only use the WP rewrite rules improving the BP Rewrites API to make support custom root prefix (eg: replace / by /community/ for instance.

The Site Wide Notices debate

In short, @im4th opened this ticket #9098 to explain why he thinks this feature should become a Core feature instead of being dependent of the BP Messages component.

  • At the beginning of the debate, moving it to the BP Notifications component (probably to improve consistency) seemed a better option.
  • @im4th’s concern was not satisfied with this scenario as it’s still an optional component: using Site Wide Notices to replace the Admin Notifications workaround we introduced in version 11.4.0 couldn’t be achieved as this component might be not active on some setups. He’d rather wait for the WP Notifications feature as a plugin in this case.
  • @espellcaste then suggested to build a new BP Add-on for this Notice feature. In this case we’d still need to use the Admin Notifications workaround to inform Admin Users about the big changes we plan to achieve in BuddyPress future. As @dcavins noted « Yes, the 11.4 workaround was pretty workaroundy. » 😅
  • @espellcaste last suggestion reached a consensus: build Site Wide Notices as a Core feature but make sure it integrates well with the Notifications component when active.
  • @im4th shared the main goals of this Core change:
    • improve the Site Wide Notices feature right away so that Admin Users can read our important messages but not into the WordPress Admin Notices traffic jam.
    • & let Admin Users still using it to inform all community members at once on the front-end (the current feature).

14.0.0 top features

  1. @emaralive suggested #8319: using the Block Editor to write BP Activities. The potential for such an editor for the Activity component is very interesting: for instance BP Attachments is already using « Activity blocks » to post media from the Activity Block Editor (feature as a plugin). We could add Polls, Links etc…
  2. @dcavins suggested #1058: being able to export / import BP Data is something we’ve been thinking about for a while and it would be nice to engage into the Data Liberation WordPress project.
  3. @emaralive also suggested #9057: being able to deactivate the BP registration workflows. Building it as an optional component is not the road @im4th thinks we should take. Instead it should be a « deactivable » Members feature. @dcavins will look at it starting slowly by only using the WP signups table and stop creating users on regular WordPress sites.
  4. @dcavins also suggested #8728: making sure the group’s moderator role can better assist the group’s administrators. @emaralive is working on it and thinks he will fix the ticket during the 14.0.0 development cycle.

Finally we quicky talked about BuddyPress permissions management and realized there’s a lot of possible improvements to bring to this part of the software.

14.0.0 schedule reminder

  • June 3: 14.0.0-beta1.
  • July 8: 14.0.0.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on Wednesday April 3, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#12-0-0, #14-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda March 20, 2024


Our next development meeting will happen on March 20 at 19:00 UTC (tomorrow) in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • 12.4.0: let’s build this minor release soon (before WP 6.5)
  • 14.0.0:
    • Do the Site Wide Notices feature needs to be reorganized (See #9098) ?
    • Considering the current 28 tickets, what will be the top feature(s) for 14.0.0.
    • Other ticket updates.
  • Open floor

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#12-0-0, #14-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Dev-Chat Summary January 22, 2024

Minor releases

  • Shortly after 12.1.1 release, a bug was reported in Forums about the fact 12.0 deprecated functions were not loaded when BuddyPress was first installed with 12.1.1. @im4th & @emaralive worked on #9075 and fixed the issue. Decision was taken to release 12.2.0 a day after the chat. This new minor version contains some other regression fixes.
  • BP Classic also required a minor version. 1.3.0 was released two days after the chat.

Next major version is 14.0.0

  • After a discussion about our release packaging process which is mainly a « manual » one, @espellcaste suggested to build a GH Action to save us some time & energy, see #9080.
  • @im4th reminded us we can share our ideas about 14.0.0 from this support topic.
  • @espellcaste also volunteered to review the BP PHP Unit Tests tool to make it easier for BP plugin developers to use it. He found out installing BuddyPress into this context wasn’t optimal when working on 2 external plugins. See #9081. He reminded us he shared his ideas about 14.0.0 in a reply to January 8 dev-chat agenda.
  • @im4th informed he should update WordPress env npm package to 9.0.0 soon. This change should ease the GH Action about PHP unit tests. See #9053.
  • Talking about the ticket to bring BP 12.0 support to bbPress, @dcavins reminded us about @boone’s polyfill which can help plugin developers to move forward & stay back compatible with BuddyPress « Classic » versions (11.4.0 & lower). It’s available on Packagist.
  • @im4th thinks it’s great news @espellcaste plan to work on improving the BP REST API as it will be used a lot into the BuddyVibes BP Block Theme.
  • @emaralive asked about a tentative target date for the 14.0.0 release & we agreed to give us 2 more weeks to think about it. As @espellcaste wasn’t aware about our decision to skip the bad number 13, we reminded him this decision came from @im4th’s fear about this number 🐈‍⬛🪜.
  • We finally talked about the will we shared on feedback posts to progressively shrink BuddyPress transforming optional components into separate BP add-ons. The Blogs component will probably be the first to be transformed this way. The fact 12.0 was a huge first step towards a Modern BuddyPress is probably explaining why @im4th is not thinking about it as an emergency. @emaralive rightly said working on BP Documentation has a higher priority.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on February 5, 2024 at 21:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.


#12-0-0, #14-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda January 22, 2024


Our next development meeting will happen on January 22 at 21:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • Building a 12.2.0 minor release is needed asap, see #9075.
  • What do we expect from 14.0.0?

PS: as announced into our latest Dev Chat summary, a topic to share ideas has been published on BuddyPress.org, feel free to add yours as replies to this topic.

Say Hi to BuddyWapuu !

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#12-0-0, #14-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Dev-Chat Summary January 8, 2024

NB: this development meeting was the first one of 2024. HNY 🍻

12.1.0 minor release

  • 8 bugs out of 10 were fixed so far. @emaralive has been pretty active on the subject catching 3 of these, others came from our 12.0.0 forum topic.
  • BP Classic also required a bug fix for multisite configs where the BP root blog is not the main network site.
  • Releases are scheduled on January 15.

Next major version is 14.0.0

  • 14.0.0 will require WordPress 6.1 or up, see #9051. This jump is complying with our WP requirements policy and allows us to simplify our PHPUnit GitHub action removing a dependency to the wp-phpunit/wp-phpunit composer package now wp-env version 9.0 is simplifying PHPUnit test suites configuration, see #9053. A developer note will be published about this requirement bump once the change will be effective.
  • @dcavins is interested in improving site invitations/request management and thinks we should also improve BP compatibility with block themes.
  • @im4th more globally thinks we should review our different registration flows (see #9046 & #9057).
  • @im4th believes we should work on a block theme for BuddyPress, he asked a friend (Grégoire Noyelle) very active on the subject in France to give us a hand to meet this challenge. We already have a WIP you can contribute to!
  • @im4th reminded the team we also need to make sure we are doing what we wrote we would do: the Block Theme was one of the features we announced, as well as the Activity Block Editor and progressively moving optional components into Add-ons.
  • Finally we decided to collect ideas about 14.0.0 opening a topic about it in our forum. @im4th thinks it will be the first time we’ll do it this way and @dcavins thinks it’s a good thing as it’s the the most public way of doing it.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on January 22, 2024 at 21:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

🎨 🍕

#12-0-0, #14-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda January 8, 2024


Our next development meeting will happen on January 8 at 21:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • 12.1.0 minor release schedule
  • 14.0.0 what will be our next top features ? We wrote some lines about it already, see this « roadmap » tag.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#12-0-0, #14-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Dev-Chat Summary December 18, 2023

NB: this development meeting was the last one of 2023.

12.0.0 Release Recap

1 week after 12.0.0 “Nonno” final release, we’ve discussed about its first results, feedbacks, needed fixes and possible improvements on how we should prepare our next major releases.

First results

  • Downloads spike – December 12: 33,745 (highest of 2023)
  • 1 of 4 BuddyPress active installs is now using 12.0.0 (11.4.0 is now 1 of 6).
  • 12.0.0 is also the release with the highest number of support replies to the topic we share with the BuddyPress community after each release.
  • the BP Classic backwards compatibility Add-on now has 2000+ active installs.

As @dcavins noted about support replies: “It’s the release that changed the most internal workings (since 1.7 and theme compat), so that doesn’t surprise me.”

The BP Team was expecting such a high number of support questions, even if we anticipated a lot of these taking actions such as:

First feedbacks

@im4th has been monitoring our support forum as soon as the 12.0.0 release was published on the WordPress.org Plugin directory. He found that most of the users difficulties were coming from:

  1. custom code,
  2. the fact BP directories and pages are no more managed from the WordPress pages & the Pages tab of the BuddyPress settings.
  3. premium themes,
  4. the change we added to template packs CSS & JavaScripts loading (only in BP generated pages by default since 12.0.0),
  5. deprecated Legacy Widgets,
  6. the “grimlock-buddypress” plugin

No issues were raised about the BP Default theme, which is good news as it was deprecated 10 years ago.

First needed fixes

  • #9039 As shown above: we’ll improve the new URLs tab of the BuddyPress settings informing about the directory/page permalinks.
  • #9037 Some BP Block Widgets missing CSS rules will be restored (eg: Active or Online members).
  • #9035 The default xProfile field type will be reset to the text box.
  • #9033 The no-js class added by BuddyPress everywhere will only be added into BP generated pages (just like Template packs’ JavaScript assets).

PS: the 12.1.0 minor release should happen early next year, unless an important issue is raised in support forums or on Trac.

Things we did great

  • The BP Classic backwards compatibility Add-on (a huge job which made 12.0.0 possible).
  • Being very conservative with the schedule

Things we need to improve

  • A more detailed testing plan (what are the most important changes needing tests in the pre-release).
  • Improve Admin Notifications to include an advice to temporarily disable the automatic BuddyPress updates for major releases (automatic updates are fine with minor releases, but can be problematic for major ones).

Accomplished 12.0.0 Schedule

Documentation (re)reboot

@im4th summarized the current situation about Documentation contribution this way: “There was a good energy and everything has stopped probably due to one of my convictions about it”. @im4th strongly believe we should prepare everything from GitHub and synchronize created docs with one or more BuddyPress.org websites, while the Documentation team strongly wants to organize user documentation directly from a BuddyPress.org website as using GitHub could discourage people from contributing. The GitHub plan was clearly announced from the very beginning (July 12, 2023).

As it was getting late, the BP Team agreed about organizing a new Docs-Chat at the beginning of next year to see if we can “rereboot” the documentation task: it’s now becoming more and more needed.

@im4th also informed he added an alternative way to how anyone can contribute to documentation without using GitHub to contributor docs.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on January 8, 2024 at 21:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. We wish you all great Christmas holidays, see you next year!


#12-0-0, #dev-chat, #documentation, #recap, #summary