Blubrry's Affiliate Program

Promote and Earn with Blubrry

Apply to Blubrry's Affiliate Program

Earn commission by promoting and selling Blubrry services

We offer the podcast community a variety of outstanding plans for hosting and statistics. Our affiliates promote Blubrry hosting plans to creators and earn commission when a new customer purchases using the affiliate’s code, link, etc.

Affiliates can be influential in the podcast industry by promoting Blubrry, a trusted and reliable source since 2005.

How it Works

Get Your Unique Promo Code

Successfully promoting Blubrry services via your code allows customers to receive their first two months free. After we’ve then received two payments from them, you — the affiliate — earn a commission.

Get Paid

The commission is equivalent to the plan the customer purchased. If they used your promo code on March 5 and we receive an automated payment on May 5 and June 5, you’ll earn commission on June 6.

If a customer purchases the $40 hosting plan, you earn $40 plus a potential annual bonus. Affiliates are paid out every other month, as long you’ve reached our minimum of $50 per pay period. If $50 isn’t reached in a two-month period, the payment is carried over to the next payment date.

Earn an Annual Bonus

Part of what makes our affiliate program unique is the annual bonus. The final payment of the year in December includes an annual bonus based on the gross sales attributed to you as an affiliate. Even better, the bonus is gross sales overall since you’ve become an affiliate, not just how much you’ve grossed that year.

As long as the customers are staying with Blubrry, you’re guaranteed to make more money in your annual bonus year after year.

Apply Now

See What Affiliates Have to Say

“Blubrry’s affiliate program has helped me recommend a time-tested podcast hosting service to my podcast editing clients while enabling me to earn a generous income that is by far (based on my experience) the best affiliate program in the podcast industry. Blubrry has every stakeholder in a win-win-win situation. My clients get excellent hosting service, support and resources, Blubrry grows their business revenue, and I receive my referral commission.”

— Florante Valdez

Anyone With an Audience Can Be an Affiliate

Open to all creators, not just podcasters or Blubrry users


Apply while logged into Blubrry


Receive acceptance email within seven days


Get familiar with the Affiliate section of the Podcaster Dashboard, found in Make Money within the sidebar


Start promoting to your followers


Get paid via PayPal every other month!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an affiliate program?

We pay you — the affiliate — commission for successful sales made via your links and promo code. If we earn money from your efforts you earn money from Blubrry.

How do affiliates earn money?

Affiliates receive a referral fee (commission) based on the sales made from their links/codes. Essentially, when people use your affiliate links/codes you are compensated for the success of that transaction. Our program is geared toward establishing relationships that are beneficial to you and us.

You also earn an annual bonus depending on total gross sales attributed to your links/codes.

Why is Blubrry’s affiliate program different?

The December annual bonus. It’s rare for affiliate programs to reward affiliates repeatedly for their work. Plus, ours is based on your overall performance (gross sales total), not the year performance.

I’m still unsure; is there someone I can talk to?

Yes, email MacKenzie, who manages the affiliate program, and she can explain how it works, answer your questions and tell you where to find everything you need.

How do I become a Blubrry affiliate?

  1. Go to
  2. Log into your Blubrry account
    1. If you do not already have an account: sign up on, verify your account in the email we sent and then log into
  3. Go to the Podcaster Dashboard by clicking on Dashboard in the upper right hand corner.
  4. Find Affiliate Program under Extras in the dashboard.
  5. Click Affiliate Program
  6. Click APPLY NOW
  7. Input personal information, as well as corporation and website information if it applies.
  8. Submit your application!