N-able SpamExperts: Releases Summary July, 2024

We are pleased to announce enhancements to our reporting options by adding an easier way to configure the Automatic Email Scout Report as well as the option to temporarily disable the Email Scout Report.

 In the next two weeks, we will introduce new options to improve the reports configuration experience. Additionally, the legacy Automatic Email Scout Report option from the Domain Settings page will be deprecated.

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N-able SpamExperts: Releases Summary May, 2024

This month, in addition to the usual bundle of bug fixes and minor improvements, we’ve enhanced the Incoming Filter service and we’ve improved the experience of managing domains.

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N-able SpamExperts: Releases Summary November, 2023

This month, in addition to the usual bundle of bug fixes and minor improvements, we’ve implemented changes related to Content-Security-Policy (CSP) and to LDAP authentication process.

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N-able SpamExperts: Releases Summary July, 2023

This month, in addition to the usual bundle of bug fixes and minor improvements, we’ve added the option to configure branded MX records and perform Integrations update.

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N-able SpamExperts: Releases Summary June, 2023

This month, as well as the usual bundle of bug fixes and minor improvements, we’ve added the possibility to configure the same Email Scout Report for multiple recipients.

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N-able SpamExperts: Integrations Update – cPanel

We’ve updated cPanel integrations to work with the latest upstream versions.

cPanel Stable

  • Controlpanel: cPanel v11.108.0.15
  • PHP version: 7.4.33
  • Addon version: 3.0.96617

cPanel Release

  • Controlpanel: cPanel v11.110.0.2
  • PHP version: 8.1.16
  • Addon version: 3.0.96617

Note: In case the update is not possible using UI, please use the script:

wget -N https://download.seinternal.com/integration/installers/cpanel/installer.sh && bash installer.sh

Please consider the documentation for more details: https://documentation.n-able.com/spamexperts/userguide/Content/Integration/cpanel-addon.htm

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N-able SpamExperts: Releases Summary April, 2023

This month, as well as the usual bundle of bug fixes and minor improvements, we’ve added the option to skip the welcome message when an Email Scout Report (ESR) is configured, as well as the option to include distribution list in “all mailbox” ESR, and we’ve updated Plesk and Thunderbird control panel integrations.

Optional sending of welcome message when configure Email Scout Report

Over the next four weeks we will be enabling a set of changes for more flexibility when an Email Scout Report is configured.

A new option has been added in the Setup Email Scout Report page to send the welcome message when a new mailbox is detected.

The new option needs to be unchecked to skip the welcome message, which otherwise is sent as before this change.

Optionally Create Email Scout Reports for Distribution List

In this version, a new option is available “Include distribution list” in case you do want to also generate ESRs for those mailboxes. This is visible when the “All mailboxes” checkbox is checked.

Similar with “Include shared mailboxes”, the new option “Include distribution list” needs to be checked to generate ESRs for distribution list using automatic ESRs.

This is only available for new created auto-ESR.

Integrations Update, 2023 Q1

Fix some issues with SpamExperts Add-on for Plesk Extension (v1.2-7).


  • Fix get-domain-list status check.
  • Update domain/exists response check to avoid warnings.
  • Show an error when addAlias fails.

Update Thunderbird Add-on for Spam Reporting (v2.0.0).


Since the last major release, we’ve also fixed the following issues: 

  • MMA-7855. Adjust database config to increase chances of recovery without leftover files.
  • MMA-7698. Add optimizations to the log search to lower memory consumption.
  • MMA-7925. Fixed an issue with RUF report not being sent in case the sender’s TXT record on dmarc. * has the “ruf:mailto” without trailing semicolon.
  • MMA-7964. Fixed an issue with DMARC reports being sent from invalid sender address.
  • MMA-7852. Fixed an issue when the status was not updated for mailboxes ending in dot .test.@example.com.
  • MMA-7958. Fixed an issue with Delivery field not properly working when editing multiple ESRs.
  • MMA-7948. Fixed ESR issue with missing the validators for the modal fields.
  • MMA-7944. Rebuild index got canceled after set period to proper handle the index queue.
  • MMA-7774. Add optimizations when expiring logs to lower memory consumption.

We’ve also made the following improvements: 

  • MMA-7592. Add “Include shared mailboxes” option when editing Auto ESRs.
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N-able SpamExperts: Releases Summary February, 2023

This month, as well as the usual bundle of bug fixes and minor improvements, we’ve added the possibility to block the potential unwanted attachments separately for delivery and submission flows and we’ve created Hosted Cloud regional SPF hostnames.

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N-able SpamExperts: Forcing HTTPS Redirect

Over the next three weeks we will be enabling a set of changes that all API / HTTP requests will be redirected to HTTPS.
The custom integrations using APIs should make sure that follows redirects.
The recommendation is to update according to the information from Integrations Update, 2022 Q4:

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Integrations Update, 2022 Q4

We’ve updated all of our control panel integrations to work with the latest upstream versions – cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, WHMCS, and Zimbra.

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