Behind the Scenes
Beyond The Box

Rebecca Lewis MS RDN

Rebecca Lewis is the Head Dietitian at HelloFresh. It is her mission to change the world by empowering people to take control of their health. Her passions lie in getting people back into the kitchen, reconnecting them with fresh foods, and rebuilding their confidence to have FUN with cooking. She is a champion of nutrients and a world traveler who loves peanut butter. In her spare time, she enjoys Crossfit, the aerial arts, and yoga.

Posts by Rebecca

How to Harness the Power of Herbs and Spices

Eat February 20, 2020

Herbs and spices are part of a rich story grounded in medicine, economy, and cooking. Today, chefs use aromatics to add delicious flavor — and you can, too.

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What to Eat Before and After Working Out

Eat January 14, 2020

You might have heard, “abs are built in the kitchen,” — and it’s true that what to eat before and after working out defines a good fitness routine.

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Lucky New Year’s Recipes to Bring You Good Fortune, Longevity, & Abundance

Eat December 27, 2018

As you plan out your first meal in 2019, consider these lucky New Year’s recipes — folklore says they’ll bring you good fortune, a long life, and financial abundance!

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Top 10 Foods for Heart Health (Hint: Think Red!)

Tips & Tricks February 13, 2018

What better time to talk about your heart than February? Now we know what you're thinking: Valentine's Day! But what most people don't realize is that February is also American (...)

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How to Cook the Perfect Steak

Eat February 6, 2018

The word steak conjures up many thoughts: juicy, tender, meaty, flavorful, mouthwatering – and yet many home cooks struggle to get it right. Fear not! With these 10 tips, you’ll learn how to cook the perfect steak every time.

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How to Make Orange Chocolate Desserts For The Ones You Love

Eat February 2, 2018

Add a little zest to your relationship with these orange chocolate desserts. They’re sure to make the perfect sweet treat for the ones you love.

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Why You Should Be Taste Training With Your Picky Eaters

Eat October 4, 2017

If you have picky eaters — fear not, you can help them enjoy new foods and build their taste buds with a fun, hands-on approach called taste training.

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How Music Changes The Way You Taste Wine

Eat September 1, 2017

Get this: the music you are listening to can change how you taste wine. Whether classical, rock,  fast, slow, loud, or quiet — research has proven that music sets the mood for how we describe the wines we drink.   

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3 Tart and Sweet Kiwi Recipes to Make This Summer

Eat July 26, 2017

Step out of the ordinary with these three kiwi recipes! Once you peel back their scruffy skin, you’ll find an explosion of vibrant color and delicious, tropical flavor.

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How to Make The Perfect Boiled Egg (+5 ways to use them)

Eat June 22, 2017

When it comes to food that is delicious, nutritious, inexpensive, and quick to prepare – eggs have it all. To elevate your recipes, add a perfect boiled egg.

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