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Questions tagged [hash]

A hash is the output of a hash function, a function which is a mathematically reproducible but irreversible process that takes in an arbitrary length input and produces a fixed length output. The same input will always result in the same output. Hashing is central to Bitcoin mining as well as the generation of Bitcoin addresses.

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If SHA256 is successfully attacked, will we need to replace the hash function and re-timestamp the entire blockchain from the beginning?

If SHA256 is successfully attacked, what measures will be taken to replace the compromised hash function? In the event of a SHA256 attack, will it be necessary to re-timestamp the entire blockchain ...
BitcoinFanatic's user avatar
-5 votes
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Is PoW an indispensable component in blockchain?

There is an argument that if the Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism is removed from the Bitcoin network or if the puzzle does not have a sufficient level of difficulty proportional to the computing power ...
Questioner's user avatar
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In what order is the blockheader hashed?

In what order are the hash of the previous block, the root of the merkle and the nonce hashed to produce the hash of the next bitcoin block?
zman's user avatar
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How can a collision attack reveal the private key?

From "Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain 3d edition, Ch4" : All addresses based on hash functions are theoretically vulnerable to an attacker independently finding the same ...
Vanconts's user avatar
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Computing HASH160 of a Taproot X-only 32 byte Public Key

I know that Taproot does not use pubkey hashes, but I want to compute a HASH160 of a 32 byte Taproot X-only public key anyway. The rationale is to compare it to an existing 20 byte HASH160 from a ...
Alec Matusis's user avatar
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What is the advantage of using truncated HASH256 over CRC32?

Some of the checksums in Bitcoin are the first 4 bytes of the HASH256 of the data. HASH256 is just double SHA256, so SHA256(SHA256(data)). What is the advantage of that over using a dedicated checksum ...
dbv's user avatar
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What is one word seed word exactly?

I have the following code import hashlib import binascii def word_to_private_key(word): sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256(word.encode()).digest() private_key = binascii.hexlify(sha256_hash).decode(...
Asif Iqbal's user avatar
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Verify Hash from without the original HTML file

Can I verify that I used an authentic version of if I only have the SHA256 hash string I generated from the HTML file? >> sha1sum How can I do this on Linux? ...
Ohumeronen's user avatar
-2 votes
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Problem identifying the transaction hash for a new segwit uxto wallet

How do I the transaction id or transaction hash of a new segwit wallet I just created and sent tokens to? The transaction hash I see from refers to the hash of the previous transaction. ...
TrustCode's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What is the numeric precision of Network Difficulty?

My understanding is that Difficulty (aka Network Difficulty) is an approximate representation of the Target, a 256-bit number which is hard to reason about or work with in human-readable Decimal ...
sha2fiddy's user avatar
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What is TXID?Is it used to calculate merkleroot [duplicate]

I downloaded the block template where each transaction contains 'data', 'txid', 'hash'. I read in some articles that the Merkelroot is calculated using 'txid'. Is true? Why txid not hash, and what's ...
Jack Green's user avatar
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How to calculate Merkle Root? Need to reverse?

I downloaded the necessary information and made the coinbase. Then I calculated the merkle root... But I always get an error message when I submit a block: "bad-txnmerkleroot". Tere is my ...
Jack Green's user avatar
5 votes
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What are hash functions used for in bitcoin?

What are hash functions used for in bitcoin? I am looking for a comprehensive list.
BitcoinFanatic's user avatar
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Address Reuse and ECDSA Concern

I have a question about address reuse. Admittedly, I'm a little confused on the matter, so please bear with me if the framing of my question doesn't make much sense. Recently I started using Sparrow ...
anonpleb's user avatar
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How to hash a message (tx message) to get message hash? [duplicate]

I am trying to create a raw TX and sign it. I know that to sign a transaction we need the message hash (here m) value which is double sha256 hash of something like this: 01000000 #Version 01 #Number ...
madhurkant's user avatar