


Research & innovation centre which stimulates technological innovation in your company

About us

MULTITEL is a private, non-profit research centre, carrying out applied research and development activities for industry leaders, SMEs and spin-off companies. Multitel is a multidisciplinary centre, which employs about 75 researchers, and has a fully independent legal status. The centre is a strategic partner of the industry for the development of know-how and innovation in various technological fields including appied photonics, man machine interfaces, computer networks, image processing, and railway certification. Moreover Multitel is a technology transfer medium and has contributed to the creation of five spin-off companies.

Company size
51-200 employees
ERTMS, Image processing, Human-machine interfaces, Photonics, and Computer networks


Employees at Multitel


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    A knowledge exchange and discussion between KU Leuven researchers, with the main focus on the PhD students was organised by KU Leuven on July 4th. This event brought together around 50 members from KU Leuven WaveCore (wireless research group), including more than a dozen involved in BEL6GICA. The PhD symposium provided the researchers and professors of the KU Leuven, from Leuven to Brugges, that are working on BEL6GICA an excellent opportunity to come together and discuss approaching milestones, cross-workpackage links, and future outlook. imec | Université catholique de Louvain | UMONS | Multitel | Ghent University | University of Antwerp | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Université libre de Bruxelles | KU Leuven #6G #research #telecom #cooperation #sustainability #belgium #belgica

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    Fier d'accompagner NOVANDI dans ce magnifique projet!

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    💡 MUSE: Our Innovative Project 💡   We are thrilled to share with you an overview of our MUSE project, on which we have worked with an incredible team dedicated to advancing automotive technologies. 🎉 🌟 Objectives of the MUSE Project: The MUSE project aims to enhance the field of automotive technologies by developing a multimodal sensing environment for mobile applications. This includes creating decision-support software to optimize sensor selection for autonomous vehicles, based on a driving simulator producing multimodal signals (LIDAR, radars, cameras, OBD2, etc.). The project focuses on establishing an interactive loop to optimize the choice and positioning of multimodal sensors through realistic simulations. Additionally, it utilizes multimodal transformer-based learning for precise recognition in various use cases. The MUSE project is structured around use cases that include collecting and analyzing data from moving passengers to adapt vehicle equipment, testing external sensors to optimize the safety and performance of autonomous vehicles, and simulating V2X interactions to improve communication and road infrastructure safety, especially for priority vehicles like ambulances. 👥 Meet the Team: Lucas El Raghibi is the project manager, overseeing all project activities and ensuring smooth coordination among all team members and stakeholders. Chun Siu Chan and Yen-Chieh Chuang focus on LIDAR equipment, operations management, data preprocessing, and system integration to ensure accurate environmental mapping. Yeong Chi Hsu and Zhen-Yu Chen are responsible for camera systems, including installation, image processing, and system environment setup for optimal performance. 🚀 Current Progress: - Successful integration of LIDAR, camera, and OBD2 systems - Successful visualization of LIDAR data - Development of data collection and processing programs for sensors - Development of an AI model to blur license plates and human faces The OpenHub provides the necessary materials and equipment to develop and implement these technologies, facilitating the deployment of solutions proposed by the MUSE project. The project is supported by Service public de Wallonie and involves several industrial and academic partners, including AISIN Europe, Université catholique de Louvain, UMONS, and Multitel, each bringing complementary expertise to achieve the project’s objectives. Expected outcomes include the validation of multimodal sensors in diverse scenarios, the development of advanced AI models for decision support, and the demonstration of the effectiveness of V2X communication systems. #MUSEProject #AutomotiveInnovation #AIResearch #TechCollaboration #OpenHub

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    Multitel est honoré d'être le chef de file du projet Tran-e-Bio, l'un des 7 projets du portefeuille Biocontrol 4.0 !

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    Professeur chez univ lille Institut Charles Viollette

    Ce mercredi 10 Juillet s'est tenue la réunion de kick-off du projet 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬-𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞. Il s'agit du projet pilote du 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝟒.𝟎, laureat du programme 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐠 𝐕𝐈 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞-𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐞-𝐕𝐥𝐚𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧 (𝐅𝐖𝐕𝐋). Ce portefeuille est constitué des 7 projets : ->Trans-Manage : Gestion et communication du portefeuille Biocontrôle 4.0. ->Trans-Control : Amélioration de la gestion intégrée des ravageurs et des maladies dans l’agriculture. ->Trans-e-Bio : Développement d'outils numériques pour les solutions de biocontrôle. ->Trans-Pest : Analyse de l'impact des variations environnementales sur les bioinsecticides. ->Trans-Lipo : Élaboration de solutions biologiques à base de lipopeptides et glycolipides pour l'agriculture durable. ->Trans-Pathoflax2.0 : Élaboration de solutions de biocontrôle aux liniculteurs et de techniques de diagnostic pour l’obtention de variétés de lin résistantes aux maladies ->Trans-Training : Actions de formation aux derniers développements réalisés au sein du portefeuille et de sensibilisation pour l’ensemble des publics de la zone. ********************************************************** Op woensdag 10 juli vond de kick-off meeting van 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬-𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 plaats. Dit project is de pilot van de 𝐁𝐢𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝟒.𝟎 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞 , winnaar van het 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐠 𝐕𝐈 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞-𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐞-𝐕𝐥𝐚𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧 (𝐅𝐖𝐕𝐋)programma. De portefeuille omvat de volgende projecten: ->Trans-Manage : Beheer en communicatie van de Biocontrol 4.0 portefeuille. ->Trans-Control : Verbetering van het geïntegreerde beheer van ziekten en plagen in de landbouw. ->Trans-e-Bio : Ontwikkeling van digitale hulpmiddelen voor biocontroleoplossingen. ->Trans-Pest : Analyse van de impact van milieuvariaties op bioinsecticiden. ->Trans-Lipo : Ontwikkeling van biologische oplossingen op basis van lipopeptiden en glycolipiden voor duurzame landbouw. ->Trans-Pathoflax 2.0 : Ontwikkeling van biocontroleoplossingen voor vlaslandbouwers en diagnostische technieken voor het verkrijgen van ziekteresistente vlasvariëteiten. ->Trans-Training : Opleidingsactiviteiten over de nieuwste ontwikkelingen binnen de portefeuille en bewustmaking voor alle doelgroepen in de regio. #interregFWVL, Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen, #ULille, #BioEcoAgro, #TeamMOM, Trans Manage, Essaid Ait Barka, Marc Ongena, François KRIER, Jean-Yves Parfait, Joséphine Allaert, Fatima AIT KOUJANE, @Kevin Tourgeron, @Louis Lippens,

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    AI Researcher at Multitel & PhD student in Chemistry at the University of Namur

    🚀 Just wrapped up two incredible one-week conferences in Strasbourg and at Chitel in Namur! The first one was focused on chemoinformatics while the second one was more theoretically oriented. I attended numerous fascinating talks, sparking inspiration for future research. For the first time, I had the opportunity of presenting my research with a poster at both events and engage with brilliant minds. Looking forward to implementing the insights gained during these conferences! Multitel Université de Namur FoodWal #Strasbourg #chitel2024 #bioactive #peptides #llm

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    I OPTIMIZE your business in TEAMS & PROJECT Mgt with INNOVATIVE & COLLABORATIVE CreaGeenius ✴️ solutions - in French & English International companies

    🤔 Hmmm, avez-vous déjà entendu parler de "Heart for Cleantech" ? Les Cleantech, un secteur d’avenir ? D’ici à 2030, 40 à 60% des fonds de capital-risque seront investis dans les Cleantech. Un forum se tenait au Click hier matin ! Mais pourquoi y étais-je ? Peu d’entre vous le savent, mais je suis Optimisatrice Commerciale pour la société DRONITIX. Je travaille en étroite collaboration avec Marco Macaluso, le fondateur. Soutenir les actions qui vont aider à créer un monde meilleur demain tout en aidant les entreprises à optimiser leur production d’énergie, cela me parle, cela a du sens et surtout, cela fait partie de mes valeurs. J’apporte mes compétences pour mettre en place les nouveaux métiers, produits et services de demain liés aux nouvelles technologies ; avec, à la clé, nous l’espérons, de la création d’emplois également. Participer à ce genre de forum, c’est aller à la rencontre des acteurs majeurs du secteur et revoir certains clients et contacts déjà fait comme Maxime Lazard et Hervé Delporte de chez Delpower - Energy Transition, Hayet Djebbi et Quentin Deplus de la team IDEA - Coeur du Hainaut, Jean-Yves Parfait de chez Multitel, Thierry Dutoit de l'UMONS ou encore Julien Pozza de chez Vanheede Environnement et Laurent Dupont de chez IPALLE Intercommunale de gestion de l'environnement pour ne citer que ceux avec qui j'ai eu l'occasion d'échanger quelques mots hier .... en effet ... C'est sans compter le fait que l'on croise aussi souvent des membres du Cercle Les Dames de la réunion dont je suis membre! ABRASSART Nathalie architecte, Mastrostefano Cleonice de chez FACOZINC GROUP, Aline Maton Le CLICK, Savine Moucheron de Technocité ou encore Maité Dufrasnes de l'IDEA. Et pourtant, je peux vous assurer que la gente féminine dans le milieu technique, où l’on parle d’énergie renouvelable et de décarbonisation, est encore bien trop peu nombreuse. C'est d'ailleurs ce que Denys Bornauw a exprimé tout au début du Forum 🙏 ❓Participerez-vous au prochain événement Heart for Cleantech ? 🫡 ⁉️Y aura-t-il plus de femmes à l’avenir ? Intéressé(e) par le sujet, je vous invite à suivre Denys, qui est la personne clé au niveau de l’organisation et à suivre la page "#HeartforCleantech".

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    🔵 ⚪ 🔴 Come and talk with us at OPTIQUE NORMANDIE 2024 🔵 ⚪ 🔴 From Monday July 1 to Friday July 5, 2024, Rouen will be the showcase for the Société Française d'Optique (SFO)'s congress, which will highlight the wealth and strength of all sectors of optics in France. OPTIQUE Normandie 2024 will provide a global vision of cutting-edge research from fundamentals to applied, industrial developments and educational innovations. The congress will consist of a dozen plenary conferences and thematic conferences of leading experts. Poster sessions will be an opportunity for exchanges between researchers on a wide thematic spectrum. More details : 📢 Our Applied Photonics Department will have two poster contribution during the event : 1- 📌 @Selim Chaabani et al.: "A Source of Single Photons for Quantum Key Distribution in Space"   Brief Summary:    We compare an experimental and a commercial photonic crystal fibre to build a heralded single-photon source for space quantum key distribution (QKD). To generate signal photons in the C band for atmospheric transmissivity, we study degenerate four-wave mixing with an optimised experimental set-up and simulations. The good agreement between experimental and numerical results indicates that the experimental fibre has an output spectrum suitable for atmospheric transmission. The next steps are to understand this fibre’s rich dynamics and implement a QKD protocol after optimisation of the input power and measurement of yield and correlation of the photons.   2-📌 @Marina Zajnulina and Michael Böhm: "Dynamics of a Frequency-Multiplexed Extreme Learning Machine"   Brief Summary:     Neuromorphic photonic schemes by default deploy the complex dynamics of their substrates to process data. The question of the dependence between the system dynamics and its prediction performance remains largely open. Recent publications suggest that those are either solitons facilitating the data processing or four-wave mixing (FWM) in specifically frequency- or wavelength-multiplexed schemes. Using the example of a fibre-based frequency-multiplexed Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), we study its dynamics and corresponding predictive performance and show that it is not a black box. Although soliton formation and FWM cannot be separated as they appear simultaneously, the prevalence of one effect over another depends on the initial information encoding. Our findings allow for low-energy consumption photonic schemes with controllable performance.   Both posters are presented during the Poster Session POST02 on the 4.07.2024.   #Win4Space #Space4ReLaunch #SPWEER #QKD #NeuromorphicPhotonics #ExtremeLearningMachines

    OPTIQUE Normandie 2024

    OPTIQUE Normandie 2024

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    Multitel Project Manager & Head of Belgian Node TEF-Health

    It has been a real pleasure to moderate this panel "The AI Odyssey: speed, challenges, and opportunities" on behalf of Multitel at #INDTech2024 🤩 Besides the necessity to seize the opportunities of the B2B AI market, other topics that we have discussed with panelists Reiner Kurzhals Laurent Renard Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye and Liviu Stirbat were: 1️⃣     #OpenSource, a necessity if we are to avoid the digital divide and if AI is to have a leverage effect. Model protection mechanisms (specialisation for an application to prevent reverse engineering). 2️⃣     #Accesstodata, facilitating exchange but at the same time protecting data (particularly with regard to GAFAM). Managing local specificities, including language. Differentiate between technical data and intellectual data (artistic production, journalism, disinformation) and for both the question of remuneration. And in this respect: the European Open Science Cloud, and possible links to the other EU Data spaces will ensure a competitive advantage for EU science (and by extension industry) 3️⃣      #Bigdata vs. #parsimoniousAI (link to infrastructures). Isn't it useful to go through phases where we need large computing structures (particularly during training, so that we can then take into account issues of energy sparing during deployment) and the question of access to these large computing infrastructures. And in this respect: access to HPC opened up to SMEs in an AI upgrade (Euro-HPC) 4️⃣      Legal and ethical framework Not only touching upon the much discussed #AIAct but also reminding that the data protection package adopted in May 2016 aims at making Europe fit for the digital age and offers valuable protection One of the takeway messages was that general AI is becoming so good that specialised AI may not keep up so it is paramount to keep our options open and to continue working on both opportunities. Again many thanks to the panelists for making this exchange such an interesting one and to the Service public de Wallonie for giving me the opportunity to moderate it.

    Where are the opportunities? This and many other questions were addressed by our CPO, Reiner Kurzhals, in the prestigious panel discussion titled "The AI Odyssey: Speed, Challenges, and Opportunities" at the INDTech 2024 Conference. Recently, our Chief Product Officer, Reiner Kurzhals, participated in this significant event, which was organized under the Belgian EU Council Presidency. We were honored to have Reiner represent our company at such an important forum. Special thanks to the Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes NRW for the nomination and invitation. Reiner's insights on the core question of the panel discussion are as follows: "The main question to answer was: 'The AI Odyssey: speed, challenges, and opportunities.' We definitely need to speed up our AI activities in Europe and make use of the enormous opportunities in the B2B Industrial Market. First of all, we should not try to keep up with the tech giants dominating the B2C market from overseas but focus on leading the world market within the B2B AI business. This market is still widely open. Here, we can play our most important EU card: a unique, decades-long industrial business expertise and industrial data that go hand in hand with existing top-notch data technology experts in the EU. This unique combination is capable of taking the world lead if industry leaders in Europe can transform their old business strategies into tech-supported business strategies. The EU needs to concentrate on this opportunity!" It was a privilege to be part of such an influential discussion. #AI #Innovation #INDTech2024 #Sustainability #Leadership #TechConference

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    Ça y est… Les groupes de travail de IIS Digibiocontrol se mettent en ordre de marche. En ce début juin, nous avons organisé avec nos partenaires deux groupes de travail sur les thématiques du « Numérique-Biostimulant » et du « Numérique-Bioinsecticides ». Ces deux groupes s’ajoutent à celui du « Numérique-Bioherbicide », en attendant celui sur le « Numérique-Biofongicide » qui se tiendra le 1er juillet prochain et viendra finaliser cette première salve de réunions de travail. Les deux groupes de travail ont attiré chacun entre douze et dix-neuf participants des secteurs privé et public. L’occasion pour nos partenaires de se rencontrer, parfois pour la première fois, mais aussi d’échanger sur leurs expertises respectives.  Lors de ces rencontres, IIS Digibiocontrol a présenté des innovations technologiques sur ces thématiques du « Numérique-Biostimulant » et du « Numérique-Bioinsecticides », puis a lancé un exercice d’intelligence collective : les participants ont échangé afin d’identifier quels sont les problèmes majeurs pour le développement et l’utilisation des produits de biocontrôle (dans leur catégorie respective) et quelles solutions pourraient être apportées. Cela nous a permis d’obtenir une vision globale des principales difficultés rencontrées dans le domaine du biocontrôle. Et nous ne doutons pas que ces rencontres marqueront le début de nouvelles collaborations wallonnes… S3 Wallonne | Stratégie de Spécialisation Intelligente Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech Domobios® Viridaxis SA Agricells SA CRA-W Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques Meurice R&D CPL-Vegémar Multitel ULiège - RISE Medinbio ADVAGREEN MINAGRO - Maximize Your Impact FytoFend UCLouvain - Université catholique de Louvain Haute Ecole Provinciale de Hainaut - Condorcet FW Bioconsult Agricells SA Fyteko PUR VER APEO solutions Redebel s.a.

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