B Blocks

Bundle of useful blocks for the new WordPress Gutenberg block editor.

Why B Blocks Pro?

B Blocks Pro is Packed with a huge numbers of features allowing you to achieve your web building goals.

Fully customizable

Make the blocks look how you want with custom markup.

Show Hide

Show or hide small components of blocks.

Custom Styles

Style your blocks as your need, and look at them as your think.

You will be surprised!

B Blocks is highly customizable with lots of adjustable features.

Display posts in grid and masonry layouts. Define post number, categories, control margin, determine post excerpts, and do many more.
Design an image and content slider with change style slider indicators.
Section Heading
Section Heading with a heading, separator, and a description, show hide controls for separator and description.
Image Gallery
Display beautiful images as a gallery to present your photos in a stunning, attractive way.
Image Comparison
Compare between two images to see their difference.
Flip Boxes
Highlight your content inside your site in a great way.
Team Members
Present your employees/team members to your clients in a beautiful way.
Price Lists
Display Price lists section with image, title, description, price, and a separator.
Feature Boxes
Display Feature boxes section with feature image, title, separator, and description.
Info Box
Show information on your website for the users in an attractive way.
Buton Group
Displaying multiple buttons. So that, your visitors can click on the buttons to visit different pages.
Displaying the timer for an event, that will happen in your business.
Design a card that includes an image, heading, description heading, description, and footer with custom typography.
Mail To
Mail to your mail address with a single click, mail on Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo also the default app.
By clicking a button return a popup modal with the header, footer, description, and close button in the header and footer.
Display beautiful predesigned tabs. Design tabs with layouts.
Place collapsible text contents on your site with Accordion. Setup items to reveal the hidden content tastefully.
Show hide content by clicking a button. Setup items to reveal the hidden content tastefully.
Display a note with title, separator, and description also custom typography.
Gif Image
Embed gif images to your posts and pages.
QR Code
Just input a URL then it will automatically show a QR code.
Display alert with or without title also dismissable button.
Progress Bar
Present your skills, experiences, or the progress of an ongoing project using Progress Bar.
Space between sections or blocks.
Text selection enabled disabled or auto in this block.
Divider between sections and blocks with custom color and style.
Go To Top
Go To Top link with custom text.

B Blocks Pro Pricing


Customize your site in a
beautiful way.

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Add values to your business
with the best Gutenberg Blocks.

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