This is richard_kaputt’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Alternative
  1. collection 130
  2. wishlist 11
  3. followers 1
  4. following 68
  1. Stitches
    by Lakes
  2. It Lives and It Breathes
    by Common Sage
  3. Edin
    by Common Sage
  4. Watoosh!
    by Pezz
  5. Go To Hell
    by felicette
    Go To Hell Go To Hell
  6. People whose only possessions are debts
    by DAGS!
  7. Flaws & Gestures
    by DAGS!
  8. The Sky and Sea were Part of Me (or I was Part of Them)
    by Johnny Foreigner
  9. We Really Felt Something
    by Tiny Stills
  10. What's the Point of Anything
    by Tiny Stills
  11. We Really Felt Something
    by Tiny Stills
  12. Laughing into the Void
    by Tiny Stills
  13. Am I Dead Yet
    by Tiny Stills
  14. We'll Hold This Line Until Hell Freezes Over
    by Slash Fiction
  15. I Wish I Didn't Care What You Think
    by Gold Baby
  16. Colonial Pop
    by Gold Baby
  17. Skyrocket
    by My Own Desert Island
  18. A Living You’ll Never Know
    by Big Hug
  19. Worst. Summer. Ever.
    by Del Paxton
  20. All Day, Every Day, All Night
    by Del Paxton