This is Thor G’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Thor G

  1. San Francisco, California
  2. Alternative
  1. collection 356
  2. wishlist 955
  3. followers 29
  4. following 506
  1. I DES
    by King Creosote
  2. The Inside Track
  3. The Inside Track Volume 3
  4. Chorus Of Doubt
    by Broken Chanter
  5. Machines with the Knowledge of Good and Evil
    by Star Wheel Press
  6. I'm totally fine with it 👍 don't give a fuck anymore 👍
    by Arab Strap
  7. As Days Get Dark / Demos
    by Arab Strap
  8. Nothing Hurts Forever
    by glacis & Gavin Miller
  9. The World Is A Little Lonelier Without You
    by glacis
  10. Metaphors
    by glacis
  11. Sag es allen Leuten
    by Hannes Wittmer
  12. Songs from Some Depressing Movie
    by Tiny Skulls
    I think I love this more than Summer Moon. The two mapped out on an alternating playlist is exemplary as well.Why do you not have both he asks?
  13. Summer Moon
    by There Will Be Fireworks
  14. We Are Urusei Yatsura 2023 Xxtra Version
    by Urusei Yatsura
  15. Everybody Loves Urusei Yatsura (Oni Version)
    by Urusei Yatsura
  16. You Are My Urusei Yatsura (BBC Sessions)
    by Urusei Yatsura
  17. All Hail The Demo Tapes
    by Urusei Yatsura
  18. Live Southampton Joiners Arms 1996
    by Urusei Yatsura
  19. Das große Spektakel
    by Hannes Wittmer
  20. Nicky Wire
    by Nicky Wire