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22 votes
5 answers

Is it acceptable to abbreviate “Foxtrot” to “Fox”?

My instrument instructor pointed out that I’ve been saying “Four Seven Fox” instead of “Four Seven Foxtrot”. I realize I’ve been doing this for years now, but this is the first I’ve ever been called ...
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2 answers

Can a private pilot flying a passenger to a hospital use a MEDEVAC callsign?

Normal air ambulance flights in medical emergency situations use a callsign consisting of the word "MEDEVAC" followed by the registration number excluding the prefix (e.g. N912MF is "...
Someone's user avatar
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Why didn’t AFR4590 use heavy in its call sign? shows that AFR4590 didn’t use heavy in its call sign even though Concorde had a MTOW greater than 300,000 lbs. Unlike BAW, AFR ...
Planefan's user avatar
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Is there a specific reason Delta Airlines is allowed to have a call sign that's also code word in the NATO phonetic alphabet?

This is a followup to Is there any specific reason why Delta Air Lines doesn't have its own callsign? I was... "helpfully" informed that, um, actually, Delta Airlines does have its own callsign, it's "...
HiddenWindshield's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

Is there any specific reason why Delta Air Lines doesn't have its own callsign?

Many airlines have their own callsigns for use over the radio. A British Airways plane is called "Speedbird", US Airways was "Cactus", etc. So why doesn't Delta Air Lines do the same? It would seem to ...
HiddenWindshield's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Who defines the callsign for radio communication? [duplicate]

I started flying with VATSIM and but I couldn’t find a proper answer to this question online. Who defines a callsign for a plane in a given flight? Is a callsign set to a airplane? Is it related to ...
florianbaer's user avatar
2 votes
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When can a tower's callsign differ from the airfield name, and how do I find the proper callsign?

It seems like a lot of air traffic control towers use callsigns that are much different from the name of the airfield. For example, Lehigh Valley International (ABE) has "Allentown Tower." "...
Maxpm's user avatar
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Why do cathay pilots forget their flight number? [closed]

I hear so many times over frequency "cathay.. uh.. xxx" and always wonder if they have some kind of reason why pilots cant seem to memorize it.
Dededkd's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

When replying to ATC, callsign first or last? [duplicate]

When I was in flight school, some instructor told me that it is the unknown ICAO standard that you should reply to an ATC call with your callsign first, like this: ...
Ulu83's user avatar
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1 answer

Callsign includes the term 'with Kilo' ; What does that signify?

In FS-X I sometimes see with Kilo at the end of a Call-sign. For example the one from last night had Mike Sierra Alpha Bravo with Kilo What does With Kilo mean?
Hanky Panky's user avatar
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What callsign should an ultralight use?

I plan to operate an ultralight aircraft domestically (in Oregon, USA) in uncontrolled airspace and will not venture out of the country nor will I come near the Canadian or Mexican borders. I have ...
Will B's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How can a sUAS operator contact ATC/identify themselves when contacting ATC?

In a comment, abelenky offered some words of wisdom which I personally agree with regarding sUAS ops near a surface Class C: When in doubt or close, call Tower and state your intentions. They'll ...
UnrecognizedFallingObject's user avatar
12 votes
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What are the guidelines for call signs for aircraft dealing with US ATC?

Suppose a general aviation aircraft is operating VFR under part 91. When they call ATC they'd normally use their tail number as the call sign. Something like "November 1-2-3 Foxtrot Uniform." What if ...
ryan1618's user avatar
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How are duplicate call signs dealt with?

Many airlines (at least here in the U.S.) have flight numbers that use different aircraft for different legs of the flight. For example, Delta 158 uses a 747-400 from Incheon International in Seoul to ...
reirab's user avatar
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35 votes
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Is the "Red two standing by" dialog in Star Wars: A New Hope sensible for real fighter pilots?

This SFF.SE question: " Why did Red Squadron give their call signs in random order? " raises a good point: for some reason, the "Standing by" responses Red Squadron pilots give before attacking the ...
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