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Questions tagged [airline-operations]

Refers to questions asking about airline practices, procedures, and processes both in the employment arena and in flight.

4 votes
0 answers

Do ICAO rules allow a pilot to level-off during a descent to comply with the 10,000 ft speed restriction?

I understand under FAA rules in the NAS a pilot may level-off during a descent, without additional coordination, to comply with the 250KIAS below 10,000’ speed restriction… (AIM 4-4-10) …”If it is ...
PPpilot22's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Aircraft operation management

I found this in the USITC website "In 2020, air freight experienced two different, but related impacts associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The first, and most significant, impact was a sharp ...
user9951600's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What percentage of airliners today operate with unaugmented GPS equipment?

Responding to this question there was some discussion on GPS equipment and whether it used augmentation (WAAS/SBAS/GBAS) or not. What percentage of airliners operate with unaugmented GPS equipment? ...
Pilothead's user avatar
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How are Airlines like WizzAir able to fly between Saudia and Italy

As stated in the title I'm looking to understand how an airline like WizzAir Malta can fly between Milan, Rome, and Vienna from Riyadh. Their AOC is from Malta, and the EU has no open skies agreement ...
Knathuul's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Why might a flight in turbulence turn off cabin lights and heating?

I was on a flight from Sofia to Bologna in mid-September of 2017. It was an early evening flight (can't remember what time we took off but it was already dark), and soon after takeoff, around the time ...
Dixieland's user avatar
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0 votes
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For a given mileage, which is more profitable, multiple short flights or fewer long flights?

In a simplified scenario, which is more profitable for an airline, operating 10 short flights (400 miles) or 5 long flights (800 miles), for a total of 4,000 miles flown in each case? To make things ...
Gabe's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Why does one airliner fly along the coast and the other doesn't?

Found this odd to see the same airliner, same origin, same destination, and same time, yet different paths. More interesting is seeing that one aircraft is flying along the coast while the other is ...
Gabe's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Cruise with a single engine in a twin, good idea?

Airlines are looking to lower costs every single day. I wonder if it makes economic sense (fuel costs) to operate a airliner using only one engine during cruise, while keeping the second engine at ...
Gabe's user avatar
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4 votes
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The evolution of airline safety videos - is it going in the wrong direction? [closed]

When the very first airline safety videos were introduced, they were very straight-forward, explaining the features of the aircraft without any extra drama / cultural element infused in them. Over the ...
Harikrishnan M's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of this delay in the engine start procedure of the DHC-8?

For battery starting, specifically for the DHC-8 -100/-200/-300 series, there's a note in the procedure that specifies unfeathering and delaying second engine start. The delay is specified in addition ...
locus's user avatar
  • 21
4 votes
1 answer

What happens when Johnny Troublemaker is kicked off of a flight? [closed]

We've all seen the problem passengers that behave so poorly that they have to be deplaned from the flight. I think that most are not criminally prosecuted (but I could be wrong) so my question ...
RetiredATC's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Why deplane all passengers and not the troublemaker?

I'm sure you've seen videos like this where they ask everybody to deplane before the police removes an unruly passenger, why? I remember they use to just remove that passenger alone, why do they need ...
Gabe's user avatar
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Why are British Airways wings so dirty?

I often fly through Heathrow, and British Airways airplanes, particularly their 777s, always look so dirty. For example, there is often a kind of dark oily stain on the wings and flight surface. So - ...
natanijelvasic's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

Are flights in fast jet streams more dangerous?

This article from Not the Bee (note that this is a right-wing site, and the article includes a paragraph making fun of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, so don't click the link if that ...
Someone's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Vertical gaps between stairs and aircraft entrance [closed]

I have gotten an answer saying that the stairs are not an universal height and can be adjusted due to passenger weight and the weight on the plane. What if this gap occurs as the passengers are ...
a1858974's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why do airlines use their own procedures instead of manufacturers'?

Why is it that airline A and airline B can have different (though similar) procedures for exactly the same operation and exactly the same aircraft? Why don't they all use the same procedure since it ...
Gabe's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why is it necessary to set the parking brake on for the walkaround on an A320?

Our Airbus A320 FCOM prescribes that the PM sets the PARK BRK ON before the walkaround. Simple question: why?
Ulu83's user avatar
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What are the parameters typically used by airlines to assess the fuel economy and efficiency for their flights?

Are there parameters that are typically being used by airlines to assess the fuel economy and efficiency done in their flights? And how exactly those parameters are being used to do the assessments ...
Luthfi Ahmad's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Why are many parts of an airliner required to be triplicated, but not the "parts" most likely to malfunction (i.e., the pilots)?

Many components of airliners are installed with three redundant systems to reduce the risk of equipment failure causing accidents. However, there are only two of the "components" most likely ...
Someone's user avatar
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2 votes
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can one airplane be listed in the OPS Specs of 2 different airlines

Can an airplane be listed in the OPS Specs of 2 different airlines? One airline, Atlas also holds the Polar operating certificate. They are two different operation certificates. Can one airplane be ...
edward's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is "Aviate, Navigate, Communicate" legal in Part 121 operations?

14 CFR § 121.557(c) says in part, (emphasis added) Whenever a pilot in command... exercises emergency authority, he shall keep the appropriate ATC facility and dispatch centers fully informed of the ...
Someone's user avatar
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Why was the rate of part 121 LPV equipage projected to be so low, and has that projection come true?

On page 10 of the FAA's 2016 PBN Navigation Strategy document, found here, the USA part 121 fleet is very thoroughly equipped with RNAV capability....except for LPV. Similarly, the FAA predicted that ...
Steve V.'s user avatar
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Typical maximum airliner throttle settings during taxi

What is the typical maximum throttle setting during taxi of a big airliner, e.g., A350, B777, etc.? Thank you. Fabián
Fabian's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Are squawk codes linked with flight info such as route and flight data?

So squawk codes are given to an aircraft prior to departure. We know that if the pilot inputs the wrong code, the data will not show up. So are squawk codes linked via computer to the aircraft’s ...
Boeing787's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Lufthansa making short flights MUC→LEJ→PRG→VIE→MUC with A380s

Today I noticed a Lufthansa A380 taking off from Prague and … flying to Vienna. And the FlightRadar track looks like it didn't even stop here. It starts with the plane turning off the runway at the ...
Jan Hudec's user avatar
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2 votes
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Are auxiliary fuel tanks optional on the Boeing 737 Max 9?

Does the Boeing 737 Max 9 have auxiliary fuel tanks like the Boeing 737-900ER? And have any airlines ordered them without if optional?
Tylerb's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why do the spoilers on the 737 only deploy to the flight detent after a flaps up landing?

Following an all flaps up (no flap) landing, the SPEED BRAKE lever will not move beyond the FLIGHT DETENT and the spoilers will not fully deploy (for reference this is stated in the Fcom 9.20.14 rev ...
Deepak's user avatar
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Has an airline passenger ever in some way prevented a crash?

Have there been any incidents in which an airliner would almost certainly have crashed had a passenger not taken some action (most likely telling a flight attendant that something didn't seem right)?
Someone's user avatar
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6 votes
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Would a passenger on an airliner in an emergency be forced to evacuate?

If a passenger on a part 121 airline flight on an N-registered aircraft refuses to evacuate (or insists on evacuating last, to avoid getting in others' way), would (s)he be forced to evacuate? Assume ...
Someone's user avatar
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0 votes
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Building Hours in a Foreign Country

I currently hold my Commercial Certificate with Instrument. Currently all FAA. Attended ATP Flight School in Texas. I was born in Nicaragua so I can legally work there. I was offered a job to work for ...
Abby B's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Are Pitch Attitude and %N1 values for single-engine flight provided in the Boeing 737 Documents, or are pilots required to rely on “rules-of-thumb”?

In the Boeing 737-700/800 Quick Reference Handbook (QRH), the section titled "Performance Inflight - QRH" provides Pitch Attitude and %N1 values for various weights and pressure altitudes ...
tedioustortoise's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How can pilots get other pilots' attention without the use of radio

In this video, a pilot makes the embarrassing mistake of announcing the passengers on an active frequency. During the video, other pilots are apparently trying to get his attention by sending some ...
Boeing787's user avatar
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Should the transponder be set to 2000 then STB or STB then 2000?

For Airbus aircraft,after the engines are turned off,we set the transponder squawk code to 2000 and then the mode to STB. Is it mandatory to set transponder 2000 and then STB?Can we set STB and then ...
afanti's user avatar
  • 51
1 vote
1 answer

Tail Number of a particular plane [duplicate]

How to determine the aircraft tail number on a particular flight, using the flight number. I have been advised there was a bird strike on a plane I was supposed to be on, but air stewards told a ...
Jackie Wilson's user avatar
1 vote
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Can Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Change over time?

I want to know whether the OLS (Obstacle Limitation Surfaces) around an aerodrome can change over time? I know that if the ground level was altered this would change the limits of each surface. ...
Emmanuella Udofia's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Why did Southwest ask the FAA to ground their flights, rather than doing it themselves?

According to a tweet from the FAA, "Southwest Airlines requested the FAA pause the airline’s departures." Southwest Airlines tweeted We have had to implement a ground stop as a result of ...
Someone's user avatar
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4 votes
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What kind of qualifications would make me eligible to get a ramp operations job in Canada...?

What kind of qualifications would be required for me to be employed as a ramp agent in Canada..?
Christopher Mwngi's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Do airliners have a "switch" or other means of rapidly squawking emergency?

A standard means of informing Air Traffic Control of an emergency situation is to enter the code 7700 into the radar transponder. However, in a situation where the radios are busy and the crew is ...
Michael Hall's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why can some aircraft not fly near the north pole?

The Adiru on the Airbus 320 has an limit like 84°N latitude. What happens if the plane is flown above that latitude?
Deepak's user avatar
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Why Ryanair flies from both Stansted and Luton as they are very close

I am doing a research on my future trip from the United Kingdom to the Republic of Ireland and noticed Ryanair flies from both Luton and Stansted to there. Those two airports are quite close to each ...
Mykola's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why would planes with two autopilots have just one active during cruise?

I know that the plane must have two autopilots for flying approaches, but why have individual buttons for each autopilot? Wouldn't it be easier to have both autopilots work at the same time for the ...
Boeing787's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why did flight AC8823 not land in Washington and why fly to Toronto?

My family and I were in Washington D. C. Reagan airport waiting for the Air Canda 8823 on 14 March 2023 (the aircraft that was supposed to fly us back home to Montreal). I was following the flight on ...
John's user avatar
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Will ADS-B eventually replace TCAS antennas on airliners?

I still seem to confuse myself about ADS-B. Will ADS-B eventually replace TCAS antennas on airliners? Or are those still a relevant part of the ADS-B system? And I guess just to add in, why don't ...
Boeing787's user avatar
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At what height would a pilot apply TOGA during a go around Vs getting simply vectored somewhere else?

If a pilot has to go around Early in a approach, he can simply be vectored to get reestablish. At what point would the pilot decide to apply TOGA other than obviously at minimums?
Boeing787's user avatar
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How often do airline pilots actually have to avoid other aircraft that ATC did not tell them about at cruise altitude?

I know any pilot flying in VMC, whether under VFR or IFR, must "see and avoid." How often do airline pilots actually "see" and have to "avoid" other traffic at cruise ...
Someone's user avatar
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What would be the "minimum" number of flight crews per aircraft in a small low cost airline?

Let's say we own a small company flying 10 airplanes (A32X/B73X/A220/E-Jet) in high density low cost environment. Leaving all other costs outside the equation, What would be the minimum flight crew ...
O'Terror's user avatar
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Deviation within an airway

I'm a plane spotter with only general information about air traffic. I'm aware that airplanes can fly only alongside airways. They should fly on the middle of the air routes. However, each airway is ...
Spotter's user avatar
  • 13
22 votes
2 answers

Why not use radio to communicate with ramp marshall instead of marshalling signals?

Why don’t we just use radio to communicate with the ramp marshall instead of all the hand signals? They could just say move a little left or right, stop etc instead of learning all the hand signals.
Parth's user avatar
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Why is destination, flight level, and mach number needed in an oceanic clearance?

When getting an oceanic clearance. The aircraft must announce thier destination airport, their intended flight level, and intended mach cruise speed. Why are these necessary?
Boeing787's user avatar
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Commercial Operator vs Air Carrier

What is the difference between a commercial operator and an air carrier? What certificates do you need for both? I saw somewhere online that you need an operating certificate for both air carrier and ...
Maggie Mayfield's user avatar

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