
Meet Jonathan Lee

We recently welcomed Jonathan to our Automattic Design team. Enjoy this short interview with him.

Jonathan Lee

Growing up in suburban America, I questioned authority, hung out in video stores watching indie films, and dreamed of escape.  Design became a lens to focus and frame my world, giving me a craft to shape it and try to make it better.

Where are you located? 

Red Hook, Brooklyn the best neighborhood in NYC by a million.

What do you like most about design?

I love the opportunity that design gives us: a chance to bring order and meaning to our world, experiences, and stories.

What’s a design trend or practice that you are really into?

I’m really into type designers who are pushing the boundaries of type as a technology. Right now, variable fonts are all the rage, but I think the best is yet to come. Fonts are software – they blend historic and cultural context, vernacular style, and a systematic approach, which are all the things I love most about design. 

What’s something you’ve learned about yourself recently that has really helped you? 

I’ve discovered that I do my best thinking in the morning. So, I’ve started tackling my most important tasks early in the day, then making sure I take breaks in the afternoon to do things in real life and gain some fresh perspective. Rinse and repeat.

Who is Jonathan?

A camera-toting, sci-fi reading, architecture-touring design nerd. Equal parts utilitarian and whimsical, I love pizza and breweries, and can often be found in the NoHo office sporting a black graphic tee I picked up abroad.

How does your background influence your design approach today? 

The counterculture of the 90s – skateboarding, electronic music, hip hop – had a huge impact on me. Growing up in suburban America, I questioned authority, hung out in video stores watching indie films, and dreamed of escape.  Design became a lens to focus and frame my world, giving me a craft to shape it and try to make it better.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received in your design career? 

Margaret Lee, who left Google and is now an executive design leadership coach, once pulled me aside and told me I’m strongly “why” motivated. She advised me to remember that not everyone is. This insight helped me understand myself better and be more empathetic toward collaborators, stakeholders and customers.

A life in design is its own reward – be generous, treat people well, and you’ll find all the perspectives, support, and friendships you need for a rich, creative life.

How do you measure success in your design projects? 

For me, success in design has to work across multiple levels or layers:

  • Experience – Does the design solve the immediate problem?
    Values- Does it align with and amplify our values?
  • Vision – Does it advance us towards our northstar vision?
  • Mission – Does it further our collective goals and reason for gathering/being?

If a design is resonating across all these layers, it passes my litmus test for unlocking something amazing.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in the design field?

Enjoy the ride and be nice to people. Your peers around you today will help you navigate the world tomorrow. The design community is super small, and your career will connect you with amazing people who will, in turn, connect you to even more amazing people. A life in design is its own reward – be generous, treat people well, and you’ll find all the perspectives, support, and friendships you need for a rich, creative life.

Connect with Jonathan.

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By Vanessa Riley Thurman

midwesterner, maker, and wanderer

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