Chunka Mui

About the author

Chunka Mui, a futurist and innovation advisor, believes we stand at the forefront of the greatest personal and professional opportunity of our time. His optimistic work, captured in his latest book, “A Brief History of a Perfect Future: Inventing the World We Can Proudly Leave Our Kids by 2050,” dives into the immense possibilities of science, technology, and human creativity. This book is a roadmap to a future filled with health, sustainability, and prosperity. With a career spanning several prestigious advisory firms, where he has advised hundreds of companies and studied thousands more, Chunka’s insights are rooted in real-world experience. Chunka’s voice has also resonated through the pages of numerous leading publications, including Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and MIT Technology Review. His has co-authored four other award-winning books, including “Unleashing the Killer App” and “Billion-Dollar Lessons.” He also publishes the Future Perfect Newsletter, available via LinkedIn. An MIT alumnus, Chunka’s academic background in computer science and engineering laid the foundation for his groundbreaking work. His life journey, from his birth in Hong Kong to his upbringing in Chicago, and his current residence in the serene Champlain Valley of Western Vermont, informs the diverse perspectives he brings to his work. To explore Chunka Mui’s work and connect with him, visit him at his eponymous website.

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