Getting Started

Table of Contents

What is the difference between the Jetpack and WordPress apps?

We have streamlined the WordPress mobile app to be closer to the core WordPress software. As part of that update, the Jetpack features you know—including Stats, Notifications, and the Reader—are now only available in the Jetpack app. The following blog post has a comparison table to help you choose which app would be best for managing your site on the go according to your particular needs.

Once you’ve decided on the app you want to use, delete the other one to avoid issues like data conflicts.

Which devices will the app work with?

On Android

While there are suggested minimum hardware requirements, there really isn’t a hard and fast rule about that on Android and the reason behind it is because different devices can behave and be optimized differently.

That said, we would suggest devices that run Android 7.0 and above. You can verify your device’s Android version in the device’s Settings.

On iOS

The Jetpack app works with any device that is running iOS version 15.0 or later.

Which version of WordPress does the app work with?

We make sure the app works with the current and two previous versions of WordPress. Earlier versions are not supported, but most features may still work.

How do I get started with the Jetpack app?

Do you have a self-hosted WordPress site, or a site? 

What’s the difference?

If you have a self-hosted WordPress site

To sign in to a self-hosted WordPress site, please open the app and tap on Enter your existing site address.

Once you have entered your site address, you can then log in with your username and password; the ones you use to log in when using a web browser on WP Admin (e.g.

If you are already logged into a site in the app and you want to add another self-hosted site, go to My Site, tap the arrow beside the site address and click on the + button, then select the link to Add self-hosted site. For this option, enter the URL of your self-hosted WordPress site, followed by your username and password associated with that site.

If you have a site or a Jetpack site

You should see the Continue With button. Tap that.

On the next screen, you’ll see a space to enter your email address. You’ll want to enter the email address associated with your account, then tap Continue (note: since this is a site, it’s important to use your credentials and not your site address)

On the next screen, you’ll have an option to add your password, reset your password if you can’t remember it, or be sent a magic link. Then tap Continue.

(Optional) If you have Two-Step Authentication enabled on your account, the system will have already sent a verification code to your authenticator or mobile number. You’ll need to enter it on this screen. If you do not have access to your 2FA device, let us know.

Once you tap Continue, you’ll see a screen that shows your username and some of your sites. Then choose one of your sites, and you’re successfully logged in!

If you don’t have a site or account

If you don’t have a site, you can use the link at the bottom of the login screen to register a new account and website. (If you don’t see the links, try hiding your keyboard.) 

Login screen on Jetpack mobile app

Then you can add your email, and if the email is not associated with any account it will create a brand new one. If it is, it will ask you for the password so you can log in

Prompt to enter email address in WordPress mobile app

You can also sign up in a web browser here: Then, you can log in to your new account on the login screen in the app.

Can I add multiple sites?

If you have multiple sites under one account, they will all show once you log into the app using your credentials (email address associated with your account and your password).

To add self-hosted sites, once logged in with one site, select the My Site tab at the bottom left corner of the screen and click the arrow beside your site address.

My Site screen in Jetpack mobile app

From there, select the + icon and you will see the option to Create site or to Add self-hosted site.

Add new site in Jetpack mobile app

The Add self-hosted site option will request your site address, username, and password (the ones you use to log into the wp-admin area).

How do I create a page?

Pages are static. That means that the information displayed on a page doesn’t change, or doesn’t change often. A great example of a page would be the ‘About’ or ‘Contact Us’ section of a website.

To view your site’s pages, tap on Pages. (If you don’t see the Pages button on the Home tab, swipe the row of buttons to the left.) On the next screen, you will see four tabs:

  • Published: pages that are visible on your site.
  • Drafts: pages you’re still working on that haven’t been published yet.
  • Scheduled: pages you have set to be published at a future time. Here’s how.
  • Trashed or Binned: pages you have deleted. They can be restored from the trash for 30 days. After that, they are permanently deleted.

To create a page, you have a couple of options:

  • You can select Pages in the Dashboard, and then the Add new icon in the bottom right corner.
  • You can tap the Add new icon directly from your dashboard.
Pages in Jetpack mobile app

If you choose to tap the icon from the dashboard, you can select if you want to add a new Post or Page.

As of version 24.1, the Story post option was removed from the app. However, the Story block is still available from the editor on the Web. For more information, see this guide:

Create new content in Jetpack mobile app

How do I create a post?

So what’s a post? Posts are what make your blog a blog — they’re servings of content that are listed in reverse chronological order on your blog’s front page. You can read more about that at

If you are stuck on what to write, feel free to join our Online Blogging Course.

Here’s how to create a post in the mobile app. You have two options:

  • You can select Posts in the Dashboard and then the Add new icon in the bottom right corner.
  • You can tap the Add new icon directly from your dashboard.
Posts in Jetpack mobile app

If you choose to tap the icon from the dashboard, you can select if you want to add a new Post or Page. (See How do I create a page?)

How do I add a menu?

A menu is a list of links pointing to important areas of a website. Menus give your site structure and help visitors find what they’re looking for.

To add your site’s pages to a menu, follow these steps:

Create a Menu

  1. On the Android app, tap the Menu tab, then go to Themes → Customize → Menus. On the iOS app, tap the Menu tab, then go to Menus.
  1. If your theme already has a default/primary menu, you can click on it to begin editing on the Android app. On the iOS app, click on the available menus under USES to find the default/primary menu.
  2. If your theme does not already have a default or primary menu, click Create New Menu on the Android app. On the iOS app, click on the available menus, then click + Add new menu.
  1. Give your menu a name.
  2. Select where you want the menu to appear. Your menu location/area options will depend on your theme.

Add Pages

To add pages you have published:

  1. Click the + Add Items button on the Android app. On the iOS app, click on the + icon, then + Add menu item.
  2. Select one of the pages displayed to add a link to that page to the menu.
  3. Repeat this to add more pages to your custom menu.
  4. Save your changes.

  1. Access your account settings, app settings and reach out to support by tapping on your profile image.
  2. Upload a Site Icon by tapping on the default icon to the left of your Site Title. A Site Icon is a unique icon for your website. It is shown across, and in your visitor’s browser tab.
  3. Tap your Site Title to change the name of your site. The Site Title is displayed in the title bar of a web browser and is displayed in the header for most themes.
  4. To view your site, tap your site address.
  5. Tap the arrow beside the site address to choose a different site to manage, or to add a new site to your app.
  6. Tap the Add new icon to create either a page or blog post.

Where to report a bug

Did you find a bug? Let us know so that we can fix it!

The best place to report a bug depends on which device you are using. There are different Github Issue Trackers for the iOS app and Android app.

Alternatively, you can contact our support team and we can file the bug report with our developers on your behalf.

Make sure the bug is specific to the app and not the website itself. Also, make sure to provide us with as many details as possible including the app version, OS version, and a screenshot or a video of the issue.