The #1 map-making mobile app

Make your own map of the World, Europe, United States, UK, and more for free

Simple to use for creating a variety of maps, from statistical to alternative history to travel maps.
Choose from maps of regions/countries like the World Map, USA States/Counties, Africa, Asia, China, Russia, UK and many more!
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The #1 map-making website now available on iOS & Android

The official app for the MapChart website.

After numerous requests from fans of the website, almost all maps and features have been transferred directly to a mobile app!

Longtime MapChart users will find all the familiar tools ready to use on their mobile device.

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Map-making done right.

  • ⇒ Choose the map you want to create from the list.
  • ⇒ Tap on the countries or states you want to color.
  • ⇒ Edit the map's legend and select the title you want.
  • ⇒ Preview your map and download or share it easily.
You can also change the background or borders color of the map, hide elements, style the legend and more.
Get a high-quality PNG image of your map with the best detail.
My Maps screenshot

Save and keep your maps
on your mobile device

Seamless integration between the website and the app. Move from one to the other easily:
  • ⇒ Export your saved config to a .txt file and transfer it to the website.
  • ⇒ Import your config .txt file from the website to the app.
Save and resume editing your map whenever you want.

Premium versions with an
one-time purchase

Lifetime access. No subscriptions.

Get the full MapChart experience with extra features.

* Prices may vary depending on region or platform.

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  • All maps
  • All tools and extras
  • 25 max saved configurations
  • 25 max My Palette colors
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4.99 €

  • All maps
  • All tools and extras
  • Unlimited saved configurations
  • Unlimited My Palette colors
  • Dark theme
  • 5 extra map themes
Premium Max
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8.99 €

  • All maps
  • All tools and extras
  • Unlimited saved configurations
  • Unlimited My Palette colors
  • Dark theme
  • 5 extra map themes
  • No ads
  • 4 extra app icons (iOS only)

Premium Features

Support your favourite website and app.

Download for free

Find the latest version on the App Store or Google Play.
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