UKZN Alumni Relations

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  • Welcome to UKZN Alumni Relations

  • Building and Maintaining Close Relationships with our Alumni

  • Connecting with Alumni Around the World

Message from Alumni Relations

Dear Alumnus,

Our primary role is to establish and maintain an ongoing relationship between UKZN and its graduates (both locally and internationally) that will result in alumni support for University affairs and activities and be of positive benefit to graduates.

In 2023, we had the pleasure of engaging with our graduates through a blend of online platforms as well as face-to-face interactions. It was truly inspiring to interact with our many graduates at events and to be able to travel to various parts of the country and within the KwaZulu-Natal region. The year began with the Durban Alumni Association AGM, followed by a series of captivating talks and outings throughout the year. In addition, Alumni Relations visited Cape Town in March hosting events for our Western Cape-based alumni. A number of small lunches were held in KwaZulu-Natal and these were immensely popular and enabled guests to interact with each other and to brain-storm ways of how they could possibly benefit UKZN. The much-anticipated annual weekend alumnus getaway took place at The Estuary Hotel at Port Edward in November which was fully subscribed and enjoyed by all.

Throughout the year, nearly100 webinars were emailed to alumni and posted on the social sites on behalf of the four Colleges and various units/divisions. Our alumni community on Facebook  and Twitter has grown significantly, which now stands at approximately 8500 and 1 834, respectively. The six international (country-specific) alumni Facebook sites also saw an increase in numbers. Please let us know if you would like to join these groups. For updates and news, please like our main alumni Facebook page! Please email  or  should you require further information on how to join. The alumni LinkedIn page has been closed, you can now join us on the UKZN LinkedIn page.

The alumni database is continually updated and the number of current records stands at approximately 202 635, made up of 191 791 alumni within South Africa and 10 844 abroad.

Alumni Relations has an exciting and informative range of activities for 2024 which includes talks, tours, lunches, dinners as well as the annual Weekend Getaway in November. We look forward to meeting everyone during the year. Notification of all events will be advertised on social media and also sent by email to everyone.

In order to keep updated on University events, we urge all graduates to continue to update their contact details when any changes occur. This can be done via a quick email to  or the website.

With our very best wishes,
The Alumni Relations Team.

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UKZN Alumni Events

Please click on the event to view more details

Notable Alumni