The A List Apart Blog Presents:

Writing on Writing and Other Resources

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Some of you asked for further writing resources after reading Sally Kerrigan’s article, “Writing is Thinking,” in last week’s issue of the magazine. Word nerds that we are, we’re more than happy to oblige.

For new writers, or those looking to get back in the habit, we recommend William Zinsser’s On Writing Well. Strunk and White’s Elements of Style also holds a special place in our hearts. Of course, no set of writing resources would be complete without mentioning The Chicago Manual of Style, but Words into Type, Fowler’s Modern English Usage, and Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace are all reference resources our editors find helpful to have on hand as well.

If you enjoyed “Writing is Thinking,” you may also wish to add Draft, from The New York Times, and STET, from Editorially, to your regular reading lists. Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird and Betty Edwards’s Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain are also great reads.

Nicole Fenton’s talk from Build 2013 offers great advice for beginning writers, and Mandy Brown’s “Babies and the Bathwater” in Contents is a great piece to read as you begin thinking of your writing in the larger context of publishing and the web.

If you’re looking to make writing a habit this year, you might also consider Relly Annett-Baker’s online course Write On, which begins February 1st.

Please continue sharing your favorite reads and resources on writing with us in the comments. Whenever you’re ready to share your writing, we’d love to hear from you.

About the Author

Marie Connelly

Marie Connelly is a community manager and the blog editor for A List Apart. Marie has spent her career working to make healthcare a little bit better for everyone, and can occasionally be found writing about community building in a strictly non-guru capacity. She is also a handclap aficionado.

9 Reader Comments

  1. One of my favorites, and one that I always recommend, especially to those interested in long-form writing, is W.E. Blundell’s “The Art And Craft Of Feature Writing.”

  2. Make space on the shelf for Arthur Plotnik. His books are as entertaining and satisfying as they are useful. My faves: “Spunk & Bite: A Writer’s Guide to Bold, Contemporary Style” and “Better than Great: A Plenitudinous Compendium of Wallopingly Fresh Superlatives.”

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