How to Migrate from the Older Version of Store Locator to the Latest Version?

If you are using a version of the plugin that is older (less than) than version 4.7.10 then we recommend upgrading to the latest version to get all the additional features. In addition, the UI in the newer versions is also revamped. 

Please follow the below steps for migration to the latest version of our plugin:

  1. Download the latest version of our plugin from
  2. Deactivate the current build. (Make sure not to delete the older build, if the older version is below 4.6.10)
  3. Upload and activate the newly downloaded build of the plugin
  4. Delete the old build after testing your locator.

Store Locator Customization #

Users will no longer be able to customize their store locator from the theme editor after the update. Furthermore, customizations are made from the “Customizer” tab in “ASL Settings”.

Moreover, the color and fonts of the store locator can be changed through the color customizer to match your website’s UI colors.

For more information on the “Customizer” tab or if you have made customizations to your template, please see the below video tutorial.

Why My Template Not Appearing Correctly? #

If your template is not appearing correctly, you might have made a backup of the template in the theme root directory. Moreover, please delete that backup of the template with the “Delete Template” button in the Agile Store Locator Dashboard.

Remove the Backup Template

Lastly, for any concerns, you can approach us through a support ticket by emailing us at Furthermore, please note that the support license should not be expired for the purchase made.