Store Locator Google API Search not Working

This troubleshooting article aims to help you diagnose and resolve issues related to the search functionality in Agile Store Locator. If you are experiencing problems with the search feature, please consider the following potential reasons and steps to address them:

1- Verify Google Settings: Ensure that you have selected Google as the search provider in the Agile Store Locator (ASL) Settings. This guide article is not about the database search, refer to the database search types guide for troubleshooting assistance.


2- Check API Key Configuration: Double-check that you have correctly configured and entered the required API keys. Confirm that your store locator map is displaying correctly, as any issues with the map may affect the search functionality. You can refer to this guide article about how to add the Google API keys.


3- Review Country Restriction Fields: Verify that you have entered the correct values in the country restrict fields.


Incorrect entries in these fields can prevent the search from functioning properly and may display an error message such as “The page can’t load Google Maps correctly.”


If none of the above suggestions resolve your search issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Ensure that you provide your purchase code if you are using the pro version. Our support team will be happy to assist you in identifying and resolving the problem.