Manage Store Locator Listings

In Agile Store Locator, users have two main methods to manage their listings: manually editing via the Edit Form or importing data through a CSV file.

manage locations

1. Via Store Form #

The Store Form allows you to add or update existing store locations easily.

  1. Adding a New Store: Click on the “Add New Store” button to create a new store location.
  2. Editing an Existing Store: Click the edit button next to the store you wish to update.
manage locations

This method provides a straightforward way to keep your store listings current and accurate.

2. Via CSV Import #

CSV sheets offer a powerful way to manage your location listings. The CSV import feature supports:

  1. Insertion of New Data: Add new store locations in bulk.
  2. Updating Existing Store Locations: Modify details of existing stores efficiently.
  3. Deleting Existing Data: Remove store locations as needed using the CSV import.
import page

Using CSV imports can significantly streamline the process of managing large numbers of store locations.