How to Delete Stores?

Deleting stores in the Agile Store Locator (ASL) plugin can be done using one of the following methods:

  1. Via Manage Stores:
    • Navigate to the “Manage Stores” section.
    • Select the stores you want to delete.
    • Click the “Delete” button to remove the selected stores.
      Delete Stores
  2. Delete All Stores:
    • If you want to delete all stores and reset the store IDs back to 1, go to the “Import/Export” page.
    • Click the “Delete All Stores” button to remove all existing stores.
      Delete All Stores
  3. Delete via CSV:
    • Export your store data as a CSV file.
    • Rename the header column “update_id” to “delete_id” in the CSV file.
    • Re-import the modified CSV file.
    • The stores listed in the CSV file will be deleted.

Please note that deleting stores is a permanent action, and deleted stores cannot be recovered. Make sure to back up any important data before performing these actions.