Customization of Store Locator

Our Store Locator offers a selection of 6 unique templates, allowing you to choose a design that suits your preferences. You can easily customize the content of the Store List and the Info box through the Customizer Panel in the ASL Settings.


Content Customization #

With the customizer above, you can easily create new content or update/remove existing content that includes the text custom fields, custom call-to-action buttons, add WhatsApp button, or any other content-related changes to these two sections, here is the list of documents that can be helpful in customization of the content.

1- Add Custom Fields to the template

2- Add Call to Action buttons to the Store List

3- Add Call to Action buttons to the Store Info box.

4- Change the Format of the Address

5- Add CSS Selector to Store List

6- Remove Elements from the Store List

7- Remove Elements from the Info-box

Conditional Logic #

To create a simple IF-condition to create logical conditional code, here is an example:

{{if str_special=='New'}}
Speciality: {{:str_special}}

To see some more detailed examples of working with content customization can be seen in the link about how to utilize the JSRender with the content.

Changing Labels of the Store Locator #

The Store Locator plugin supports complete UI text changes, allowing you to customize the text throughout the interface. To change the text in the Store Locator, you can refer to the label and text change document provided.

We have provided a color customization tool that supports all our templates, using that you can match the colors of your website via multiple color pickers.

How to Change the Font Family? #

If you are looking to match the store locator font family with your site fonts, or some different fonts, you can follow the following guide document about how to change the font family of the store locator.

Adjust the Font Sizes #

To adjust the font sizes of the store locator widget, we have provided a font size tool using which you can increase or decrease the font sizes of multiple elements just as headings, titles, or content text, the following document can be followed about how to change the font sizes of the store locator.

In case you have your own UI design for the Store Locator or if you want to customize the positions of the controls, you can implement these customizations by modifying the template file of the chosen template. For instance, if you have selected Template 0 (the default template), you can customize its template file located at the following path:


Customization of Template View File #

Each of the Template has its own PHP view file that can be managed and customized based on your needs, the templates are built with Bootstrap 4, in our templates we have used the sl- prefix to avoid conflicts with other Bootstrap files and for the col- we have renamed it to pol-and the rest of the CSS classes are the same.

To customize a template view file, first make sure which template you are using, in case you are using Template 4 you will be modifying the file template-frontend-4.php and similarly for the <a href="">List Template</a>, it will be template-frontend-list.php, the complete file path will be as follows.


The file editing can be done either via Plugin Editor or via some File Manager plugin.


Select Agile Store Locator, and drill down to Public > Partials > [Your Template File].

Template View File

UI Changes Implemented By AgileLogix Team

Please note that the regular license of our Store Locator plugin does not include support for UI-related customizations. This means that if you have your own design template and you want us to implement it for you, it would require a separate customization request.

To request a UI customization, you can fill out our customization form, providing details about your desired design and any specific requirements you may have. Our team will review your design and provide you with a quote for the customization cost and an estimated timeline for completion. We strive to offer flexibility and cater to your specific needs, so we encourage you to reach out to us for customization inquiries, and we’ll be happy to assist you further.