Why Choose Us?

Agile Store Locator is a reliable Store Locator WordPress Plugin in the market, we have received excellent response from most of our users; the plugin is designed and developed to fit in a very single device without applying any negative effect on the rest of the site functionality or it’s the theme, frontend developers can customize it according to their needs. The plugin has 80+ feature options and different templates to provide users the choice of selection. Our lite version deployed in wordpress.org has thousands of active users all over the world.

300+ Positive

The flexibility of the Store Locator Plugin

Adaptability is considered a major concern, an active website can’t apply additional widgets into their page as it may look odd or unmatched on their site, considering that agile store locator has provided multiple templates with more layouts and colors making a large variety for users to select their store locator that suits on their website and looks part of it. Additional attributes can easily be added or removed from the plugin frontend by some easy customization in its template.

Feel Supported with Free Premium Support

We are always available by online email support to all our users that have any trouble in the installation, any other kind of malfunction on their site, our experts reply in the minimum amount of time to sort out the problems, we may also request WordPress access of user site to check the issue in case we notice if there is some library conflict with some other plugin or theme.


Refund Policy

Agile Store Locator has a 100% refund policy in case the plugin is not usable for users or the user doesn’t like our plugin we will refund 100% by submitting a small request form.

Customization of the Template

We offer customization service of our store locator plugin in case you need any additional feature or template adjustment, we provide this service for some additional cost based on the user's requirement, initially we quote cost and time for the customization, and once the user agrees we do it. Taking care of all your points we make 100% matched results of user-provided requirements.


Still not sure?

We welcome you to email us for your queries; our experts will reply to any of your questions related to Agile Store Locator. Email us at support@agilelogix.com.