Color Scheme Maker

With the help of this tool, you can generate CSS of your own color choice, by applying the hex color in the field, select your current template and paste the generated CSS into your active theme style.css CSS file.

This tool has been deprecated and no longer in use! please refer to the new way about managing store locator color customization.

Template 0

Paste the generated CSS into your theme style.css file and use Shortcode [ASL_STORELOCATOR color_scheme="0"]

Template 1

Paste the generated CSS into your theme style.css file and use Shortcode [ASL_STORELOCATOR color_scheme_1="0"]

Template 2

Paste the generated CSS into your theme style.css file and use Shortcode [ASL_STORELOCATOR color_scheme_2="0"]

Template 3

Paste the generated CSS into your theme style.css file.

Need to adjust the font size of the Store Locator?

Try our new Font Size Tool to change the sizing of the List and Info-Window content.

Font Size Tool