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Fionna (F&C) Render - Shorts "Shoot. Did I just copy Finn and Jake?"
This character is from another universe. They are living or lived in a different timeline somewhere in the multiverse.

Cake the Cat is the gender-swapped version of Jake in the Ice King's self-written fan-fictions, created by Adventure Time character designer Natasha Allegri. She is a supporting character in Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake. She is also featured in the episodes "Fionna and Cake," "Bad Little Boy," "The Prince Who Wanted Everything," "Five Short Tables," and briefly in "Fionna and Cake and Fionna." She is also mentioned by the Ice King in "King Worm" and "Mystery Dungeon".

Cake travels with Fionna, and Lord Monochromicorn is her boyfriend. She has Stretchy Powers and can morph her body just like Jake. As a cat, she also possesses the ability to see in the dark. The fur on her tail stands on the end (or "frizzes out") when there is danger around or when she gets excited (e.g., when Lord Monochromicorn speaks to her).

In the sequel series Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake, it was revealed that Cake and Fionna are real due to Prismo's inspiration to create his own reality, but had been hidden within Ice King's mind. However, after Ice King was reverted back into Simon Petrikov by GOLB, their world had become non-magical, removing Cake's abilities to stretch and speak. 12 years later, due to a botched magic ritual caused by a depressed Simon, she and Fionna were unintentionally brought his universe and their universe's origin was revealed to them. Cake's speech and powers were restored by Prismo and went on a quest through the multiverse while being hunted by an auditor named Scarab; after her return and Fionna-world became authorized, she still lives with Fionna while retaining her magical powers.


She doesn't look much like Jake, aside from their bodily proportions and overall shapes. In the original design by Allegri, she has blue eyes, but it was later changed to white eyes with black pupils, and later blue eyes again in the Fionna & Cake sequel series. Her pupils become circular if surprised, excited, shocked, or scared. She has a cat muzzle and a small nose (compared to Jake's), cat ears, white fur with many coffee colored spots, and a large, bushy tail. When Fionna and Cake race Prince Gumball and Cake runs up the mountain, she has claws on her front paws. [2]


On the surface, Cake largely resembles Jake in terms of personality, with Cake being as sassy, rambunctious, fun-loving, and reckless, yet wise like her counterpart. However much of their differences hinges on how Cake is cat, having some stereotypical cat-like mannerisms and behaviors rather than Jake's dog-like behaviors. Such mannerisms include her dislike of being held, her dislike of water, her careless disregard for people's space and property, her independence, and propensity towards violence against rodents. She appears to be more mischievous than Jake is and might be even more of a hopeless romantic than he is (shown by her propensity for shipping people). Much like Jake, she often offers advise to Fionna, and is generally very adaptive and easy-going.

During the Fionna and Cake miniseries, when her world was stripped of its magic Cake is rendered mundane house cat and losing her memories as a magical talking cat, and Cake is shown to be deeply distressed for reasons she doesn't fully understand. Upon learning that she was always meant to be magical, Cake becomes determined to stay this way, and is delighted to finally feel like she has actual agency and personhood. She becomes determined to prove herself as a person and a fighter, and can get rather upset when she feels like Fionna is being overprotective of her or is treating her like she's still a normal house cat.

Much like Jake, Cake has her flaws, and can be as thick-headed, dismissive and selfish as Jake can be at times. She shows disregard for others when first arriving in Ooo, and seems unaware of how she's injured numerous people. Cake is also prone to overestimating herself, getting carried away, and getting herself into trouble, especially after she gets her stretching powers and gets caught up in the rush of it. She also seems completely dismissive towards Simon's depression, and even after warming up to him doesn't seem to have any moral issues with letting Simon becoming cursed again, unlike Fionna, who eventually becomes conflicted on the matter. Though this might be a result of general unawareness or naivete towards his anguish rather than genuine apathy or dislike towards Simon.



Fionna the Human is Cake's best friend and adopted sister. She gives advice in dealing with Prince Gumball. She is very protective of Fionna.

During the Fionna and Cake miniseries, Cake is just as protective and caring towards Fionna as Jake is with Finn, even when she was a mundane house cat. However, a key difference in their relationship (possibly a result of their world being rewritten without magic) is that due to not being raised as sisters, Cake and Fionna's relationship isn't quite as close as Jake and Finn's, with Cake remarking that she views Fionna more like a clumsy roommate. Cake appears to be much less patient with Fionna than Jake is with Finn, even screaming at her when she's mad at Fionna. However, this does not take away her love of Fionna, as she is quick to get over her anger to protect her friend.

Their friendship is tested during the events of the miniseries, as Fionna slowly loses confidence in herself as she is faced with failures and disappointment when traveling across the multiverse, Cake gains confidence and autonomy. This culminates in Fionna pulling Cake from a fight she was certain she could win, leading the two get into a horrible fight when Fionna accidentally strands them (and Simon) in the Extinct World.

Lord Monochromicorn[]

Lord Monochromicorn is Cake's boyfriend. In "Fionna and Cake", she refers to him as "gorgeous" and gets excited when he responds (in Morse code) by saying "Hey." He races her while carrying Prince Gumball.

It is unknown what their relationship is like after their world is stripped of magic.

Ice Queen[]

Ice Queen has mixed feelings about Cake. According to some drawings, she is Cake's former owner.

Marshall Lee[]

Marshall Lee often messes with Cake, but they seem to be on good terms. Some official artwork made it seem as though Cake was afraid of him, but when they were shown together in the episode "Bad Little Boy," she showed no fear towards him until he kidnapped her. And even after that, she quickly acted to shield him from the sun after he got injured, so their relationship seems to be a friendly one, similar to Jake and Marceline's relationship.

Flame Prince[]

Cake and Flame Prince get along very well in the Fionna and Cake comics. Although in "Five Short Tables," she appears to show some dislike or annoyance toward him, likely due to Fionna's recent break up with him.

Simon Petrikov[]

During the Fionna and Cake series, Cake meets Simon for the first time, after her world was rendered magic-less due to Simon being reverted back to normal. As Simon was in the midst of a depressive spiral due to losing his supposed last chance to meet Betty, Simon and Cake don't meet on the best terms, with him being disappointed he summoned a cat. He supplied her with a communicating collar and was surprised by her knowledge of his favorite song and questioned her, unintentionally causing her to run away.

After being summoned by Prismo into his Time Room along with Fionna, and after he is summoned, she finally formally meets Simon. Cake learns that her world was actually the creation of Prismo (and not Ice King), who had merely stored their dimension in his mind for safe-keeping, and that it was rendered magic-less as a result of Simon losing his own magic (as her world was stored in Ice King's head), Simon is shocked to discover she and Fionna were real all along, while Cake is surprised to see his past as Ice King and stated he went from "fun wizard" to a "sad loser", to his displeasure.

After escaping Scarab via Prismo's remote and arriving in Farmworld, Simon decides to become Ice King to restore her world's magic and give him a fighting chance against Scarab, surprising both her and Fionna. From then on, Cake seems to get along with, or is at least neutral towards Simon, working together to find an Ice Crown that would allow him to do that.

Episode Appearances[]

Major Appearances[]

Minor Appearances[]



  • Cake's name is a play on Jake's name and is also based on Natasha's cat, Pancake.
  • Cake knows Morse code because she can understand Lord Monochromicorn, similar to how Jake can understand Lady Rainicorn, who speaks Korean.
  • Fionna has taught Cake to change form on command, including a "morning star mode," which is similar in appearance to and draws its name from a medieval morning star.
  • Cake plays a hammered dulcimer, as opposed to a viola.
  • In the same episode and certain artworks by Natasha Allegri, she seems to hate getting wet, which is true for many cats.
  • In the Tamil dubbing version of the episodes, Cake is male.
  • Natasha Allegri created artwork which shows Cake and Ice Queen together in an affectionate setting. She states that Ice Queen raised Cake from a kitten, though this sub-plot was not used in the "Fionna and Cake" episode.[1]
  • In the storyboards for "Fionna and Cake," she is seen to have jowls similar to Jake's.
  • In some localizations (Thai, Russian, Polish, and Portuguese for instance) Cake is voiced at least in part by male actors:
    • In the Russian dub, Cake's first voice was a man (also the voice of Ice King) and the other characters refer to her as a "he." Also her name was translated literally and pronounced as "Пирожок" (Pie in Russian). In the Russian dub of "Bad Little Boy," however, Cake was voiced by a woman. Cake was voiced by a man in the two episodes of the Polish dub, but in the other two episodes, she was dubbed by a woman (in the theme song she is correctly referred to as a female cat).
    • In the Brazilian Portuguese dub, Cake's voice is dubbed by a man, Fernando Mendonça, who also voices Lemongrab and Marshall Lee. Cake is refered to as female regardless.
  • Cake is the gender-swapped version of Jake, but she is unique among the gender-swapped characters in also being the "opposite" species; if she was only gender-swapped, she would be a female dog.
  • Like Jake's incarnate, Shoko's Tiger, Cake is a cat.
  • Cake's Shape Shifting powers appear to be more defined than Jake's powers, as she can transform almost instantaneously, and can also change into weapons, something that Jake has been shown to be nearly incapable of doing, as seen in Mortal Folly.
    • In Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake, she has no recollection of her life or Fionna-World as it was when there was magic. Because of this, Cake's ability to control her powers when Prismo first restores them is limited. She sometimes struggles to revert back to her "default" form, for instance, though her abilities improve throughout the series.
  • In the Danish dub, Cake's name is "Jade".
  • When seeing Jake and hearing Prismo call him his favorite guy, she muttered "dog person," dismissively.

Appearances in Other Media[]


See Cake/Quotes.


Modelsheet cake wearing icequeenscrown Modelsheet cake - fullturn Modelsheet cake withstretchyarms
The full image gallery for Cake may be viewed at Cake/Gallery.

