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Questions about test-based evaluation of student progress and achievement.

3 votes

How to design a computer-based multiple-choice quiz?

What you describe is pretty much exactly what we do with final exams in our large-section math courses at my institution. …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
16 votes

Exam design: give maximum score per question or not?

Likewise, having points stated on exams is standard and expresses a truth that there's really no good reason to skip out on. It's an added signal that you're being fair, equitable, and transparent. …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Students lacking test material

I teach at a community college in a large city in the U.S. In any testing session (esp. lower-level, non-major courses), inevitably, one more students will arrive at the start time or a few minutes la …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
6 votes

How to choose a good grading curve for yes/no exams?

There are a number of papers published on the over the years. A table of options is shown below from Bandaranayake, et. al., Using Multiple Response True-False Multiple Choice Questions, Royal Austral …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
3 votes

What is the value of examinations (as compared with homework/term papers) under the honour s...

Exam situations have the added safety of other students watching each other, whereas homework has only the one student alone responsible for their own honesty. Security relies on redundancy.
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
12 votes

Some of my students cheated. Should I give them the opportunity to turn themselves in?

As the lead faculty member at my college for anti-online-cheating efforts, I think the OP's initial plan is too lenient, and secondarily too subjective. OP's initial plan: My plan is to send an email …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
1 vote

Would the announcement of penalty for blank answers in a test improve the global results of ...

Goodhart's law is named after the economist who originated it, Charles Goodhart. Its most popular formulation is: "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure." (Wikipedia) …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
18 votes

Is it a problem if a professor doesn't release exam statistics?

There are reasons more fundamental than this, but here's one that might be surprising: The Blackboard LMS has a simple check-switch to turn this display on or off for students. My initial instinct was …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
8 votes

What should I consider when deciding whether to delay an exam?

Keep in mind that these effects snowball through the semester once you start delaying material and dates. If you're behind by one or two days and slip the exam date, then I guess you'll be two days be …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
0 votes

Makeup exams and posting solutions

I give 3 such exams throughout the semester and drop one of them to mitigate for any illness, etc. … For final exams, makeup tests are possible up to halfway through the following semester (by college policy); but final exams are not returned and answer sheets are never distributed (again, college policy …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
4 votes

Falsely Accused of Cheating from Blackboard Tracking Statistics - How to Prove Innocence

I'm a college computer science instructor who's been using Blackboard to deliver tests for about ten years at this point (and used the platform generally ten years before that). I frequently scan the …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

How to deal with inactive students in a testing session?

In testing sessions that I proctor now, there are frequently one or more students who are not actually working on the test for extended periods of time. Perhaps they are just staring into space, or ou …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
38 votes

Test answer rejected for saying more than asked for

Dan Romik's answer is excellent, but I'll add a bit more perspective. Your instructor sounds a bit severe but not entirely unjustified. Is it justifiable to reject an entire answer because more wa …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
26 votes

Should a student be penalized for using a theorem outside of the curriculum?

I think that this is expected behavior, and that most professors would score it the same way. A first point is this: As Landric says in a comment, the point of an exam is to assess mastery of basic …
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
109 votes

What if a student doesn't understand a question because of differences in dialect?

During the test, the student can ask about the exotic non-technical word, and the proctor can clarify on its meaning.
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar

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