European 24/7 Hub

Guiding principles for developing granular time-matched
carbon-free energy (CFE) procurement contracts


Transitioning Procurement

1. New procurement models providing faster decarbonisation and more predictable costs
2. Building upon existing clean energy contracts
3. Including new concepts of hourly matching in PPA contracts

Growing Interest

1. A corporate shift to greater granularity in clean energy procurement
2. Leading companies & cities adopt 24/7 clean energy goals
3. United Nations 24/7 CFE Compact gains momentum

Regulatory Landscape

1. European Union recognising hourly and locational matching
2. European Union requiring hourly and locational matching for certain industries like green hydrogen

Principle 1

Enhancing hourly CFE procurement through detailed data tracking and reporting

Principle 1

Increasing granularity of energy data tracking & reporting


Consumption Data

Steps for ensuring data accuracy:

  • Hourly data should be sourced from a Revenue Meter.
  • Retailer ensures settlement quality and its availability to the Buyer via a web API or accepted data transfer protocol.


Regulatory improvements and open data initiatives should work towards enhancing data access and quality.


Generation Data

Options for data management:

  • suppliers share hourly meter data with the buyer via API or datahubs;
  • grid operators verify meter compliance, aligning data with market protocols;
  • for PPAs with multiple off-takers, suppliers divide up each MWh on an hourly basis and link each portion to hourly production data.



Suppliers should track and report clean energy with the highest accuracy and precision possible, using granular EACs where suitable and referring to the EnergyTag standard.

Principle 2

Supplier and buyer define products delivered in 24/7 agreements

Principle 2

Defining CFE hourly matching products in agreements

Examples of supplier/buyer 24/7 CFE agreements:

24/7 Attribute Purchase Agreement

granular Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs)

24/7 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

granular EACs + CFE sourced from supplier's portfolio of generation assets 

24/7 Energy Supply Agreement

granular EACs + retail supply contract

Additional products for consideration in CFE agreements to increase hourly matching:

- Options and conditions for supplier to sell excess CFE and EACs elsewhere
- Demand-side resources: load shaping and shifting
- Incorporation of energy storage technologies

Principle 3

Putting in place practices to ensure hourly CFE is being delivered

Principle 3

Five ways to better guarantee hourly CFE matching 

A. Contractual Guarantees

supplier and buyer co-establish a commitment to a minimum % threshold of hourly CFE matching

B. Pricing Mechanisms

bonus for supplier when % threshold of hourly CFE matching exceeded; discount for buyer when % not met

C. Allocating Risks and Rewards

buyer and supplier agree to a transaction that balances affordability, risk aversion and risk appetite for both

D. Performance Reviews

regular meetings to discuss trends, challenges, opportunities and best practices to increase hourly matching

E. Flexibility

allowing adjustments and adaptations to accommodate changing conditions or unforeseen challenges

Commercial Contracting: Getting Started


Baseline Hourly Consumption
1. Understand your hourly electricity profile annually

2. Calculate hourly CFE scores with grid & existing contracts


Determine Your Goal
1. Understand your options and aim for a specific and realistic hourly matching score for decarbonisation.

2. Consult energy providers for market options & potential improvements


Choose the Right Commercial Structure
1. Evaluate market options, internal risk appetitive, and needs to determine the right commercial structure.

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