European 24/7 Hub

Accelerating power system decarbonisation by moving towards 24/7 carbon free energy matching

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The European 24/7 Hub launches

What? Why? How?

A growing number of corporates are leading the way in reducing their carbon footprint. A key aspect in this effort is ensuring that the electricity they procure and consume originates from clean and renewable energy sources.

Yet certifying the true carbon free nature of consumed electricity is a challenge. It requires the matching of local clean energy production with consumption whenever possible – ideally 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A critical mass of significant consumers, insisting on transparent granular matching of their electricity, would have far-reaching impacts on decarbonising regional energy systems.

24/7 energy matching is a journey – a challenging but rewarding journey. Every journey starts with a first step – this hub helps you take the first step.

Why we need 24/7 energy matching?

  • Accelerate grid decarbonisation
  • Increase transparency and confidence in energy procurement
  • Incentivise new build renewable projects, innovation and flexibility
  • Unlock 24/7 carbon accounting and reporting

About the European 24/7 Hub

Eurelectric – together with EnergyTag, FlexiDAO 24/7 Academy, RE-100, RE-Source Platform, and UN Carbon-free Energy Compact – is raising awareness of the benefits and challenges of 24/7 energy matching via a dedicated go-to Hub that maps, coordinates and aligns all European 24/7 initiatives.
The European 24/7 Hub comprises corporate buyers, energy suppliers, associations, tech start-ups, and traders. Our end goal is to drive the adoption of 24/7 CFE for a growing number of energy buyers that want to trace their consumption to clean energy production on a certifiably local granular basis.


Building blocks

Demand flexibility

Data access

Metrics & certification

Contracting principles

Our Partners' Events

A Timely Match

This inaugural publication, co-authored by Eurelectric and RE-Source members in 2021, collectively defines the scope and building blocks of 24/7 matching of renewable sources of electricity with corporate consumers. This sits within the broader family of granular energy procurement strategies of 24/7 carbon-free energy.

Join the Hub

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