Our values: we make it Xero

Xero is a values-driven business. Our values underpin the way we work and interact with each other and the world.

Groups of Xero employees work together in an informal meeting space.
The Xero values icon for we make it beautiful.

We make it beautiful / Kia rerehua

Create experiences that customers love

We challenge ourselves to dream big, innovate, and inspire our customers, our communities, and each other with our best work.

The Xero values icon for we make it happen.

We make it happen / Kia koke

Move fast on the right things to deliver value

We value progress over perfection, we drive clarity, decisiveness and accountability, and we continuously learn and refine.

The Xero values icon for we make it human.

We make it human / Kia ngākau aroha

Care personally and challenge respectfully

We exchange ideas in a way that is specific, direct and kind, while demonstrating empathy, inclusivity and prioritizing wellbeing.

The Xero values icon for we make it together.

We make it together / Kia mahi ngātahi

Collaborate to create a positive impact

We build trust through transparency, work as a coordinated team, seek diverse perspectives, and nurture positive relationships.

Work at Xero and work from anywhere

Join us as we work to make life better for small businesses around the world.

Start using Xero for free

Access Xero features for 30 days, then decide which plan best suits your business.