For Your Information

The World Hypertension League (WHL) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to the prevention and control of hypertension globally. Hypertension is a driving force in the global epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and is the leading risk factor for death and disability globally.

The WHL’s premier outreach event is World Hypertension Day held annually on May 17th.

World Hypertension Congress
Febrary 21 - 23, 2025

Please join us for the 6th World Hypertension Congress, which will be held in Chennai, India from February 21 to 23, 2025. The theme of this congress is "Controlling Hypertension Together." Scientific Abstract submission opens June 6, 2024.

Registration is now open.

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Childrens Art Contest 2024

World Hypertension Day May 17

We hope you can participate in this annual global hypertension awareness celebration, with the theme, "Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer", promoting increased awareness of high blood pressure and accuracy in blood pressure measurement, toward the control of hypertension related NCDs, especially in low to middle income areas.
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Journal of Human Hypertension

The Journal of Human Hypertension is the official journal of the World Hypertension League. For author submission guidelines please visit the JHH website here.
Journal of Human Hypertension
Blood Pressure Course

Blood Pressure Certification Course

This free certification course teaches health care professionals how to measure blood pressure accurately, step by step, so that they can make an appropriate diagnosis. The course includes a knowledge and aptitude test and provides a certificate valid for 6 months.

Blood Pressure Resources

The World Hypertension League provides Resources and Calls to Action to healthcare professionals and partner organizations to advance the management, control and prevention of high blood pressure, with recent focus on hypertension control in Africa, sodium reduction, and accuracy in BP measurement.
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News & Events

News & Events

Our resource library includes the latest news and events, with links to our quarterly newsletter and the Journal of Human Hypertension, and publications and guidelines on BP screenings, accuracy in BP measurement/device validation, and salt reduction protocols.

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The WHL -
What We Do

The World Hypertension League (WHL) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to the prevention and control of hypertension globally. WHL membership is currently comprised of 80 national hypertension societies who are members of our Council and led by the WHL Executive, Board, Council, and Committees. WHL is a global organization with regional offices in North and South America, China, South East Asia, Sub Saharan Africa, the South Pacific, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Organizations can apply for membership in the World Hypertension League - download application forms and apply now.
Apply Now
Save the Date
Save the Date
Mark your calendars for World Hypertension Day on May 17, 2024.

Children's Art Program

The annual WHL Children's Art Program is meant to foster greater awareness of hypertension in the young. 2024 Submissions are now open. This year's theme promotes a healthy lifestyle through prevention of hypertension, stroke and cardiovascular disease.  To submit, click Learn More. 

How to Properly Measure Blood Pressure

Our Partners

International Society of Hypertension
World Stroke Organization
Resolve to Save Lives
Coalition for NCDs
World Heart Federation (NHF)
National Forum
Hearts in the Americas
International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
Hypertension Canada


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