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The file you requested could not be loaded. This typically means you either are not permitted to access the file or that the file could not be found. There are typically three reasons you would receive this error:

  • The page you attempted to access does not exist. This could result from a number of causes including the file has moved or you did not have a complete or correct URL.
  • You attempted to access a password-protected site and did not enter the correct password.
  • You were trying to access a Web page which can only be accessed from a computer on campus. Among the Web sites restricted in this manner is the UH Network Associates Site License pages. To access Network Associates software, you must be on a UH-System campus due to contractual restrictions in UH's agreement with Network Associates.

If you are seeking college or department specific information, such as deadlines, application status, scholarships, etc. please contact the college or department directly.

If you are experiencing a technical problem or have updates for the web, please select the correct contact from the list below.  

  • For questions regarding AccessUH, please send an e-mail to
  • For questions regarding Blackboard and password reset, please send an e-mail to
  • For questions regarding parking and transportation on campus, please send an e-mail to
  • Report broken links
  • If you are experiencing any other technical issues, please send an e-mail to
  • Call (713) 743-2255 from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday-Friday to reach our main operator for assistance

Thank you.
The UH Web Team