tap into the free flow of energy

Are you fueling your people with the capacity they need?


It’s an inside job.

tap into the free flow of energy

Are you fueling your people with the capacity they need?


It’s an inside job.

Who your people are isn’t all they can become.

What’s going on inside your people is powerfully influencing how they show up on the outside. We take them on a journey to their core, because that’s where their deepest wisdom resides – mostly untapped.

Listen to a roundup of leaders who’ve gone through our work talk about how it influenced their leadership and their lives.


Learn more about the experience of each of these individual leaders.

Access your core operating system

We take our clients on a journey to transform themselves and your culture.


Build your capacity for greater resilience and more sustainable high performance.

This work is applicable at all levels in an organization, and especially so for leaders, who serve as Chief Energy Officers for those they lead – for better or for worse.

Accessing the free flow of energy – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – increases engagement, builds capacity and fuels more sustainable high performance.


Understand why you are the leader you are and what stands in the way of you’re becoming all you’re capable of being.

The more energy we spend defending our value, the less energy we have available to create value. When we can understand and accept all of who we are, we have nothing left to defend.

For leaders at all levels, this three-month intensive focuses on helping your leaders see more, so they can lead from their wisest and most capable selves.


Take your leadership, your relationships, and your entire life to a whole new level.

A good leader can solve technical problems. Great leaders can transform lives and organizations.

This six-month program is for senior leaders who sense that there is more to life than the one they’re leading. Participants work in a cohort of peers, and also receive individual coaching in order to tap into the full range of their resources: mind, body, heart, and spirit.

Energy is your most fundamental resource

Twenty years ago, we transformed the world of wellbeing and sustainable high performance by introducing energy management to individuals and organizations.

Energy is defined as the capacity to do work. It is also fundamental to making any change.

Liberating the free flow of energy in your people gives them access to capacity they never knew they had – and equips your organization with a powerful competitive advantage.

See more, feel more, avoid less

Because energy is our most fundamental resource, we begin by helping your people to get fully fueled – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

You can’t change what you don’t notice, but noticing makes it possible to change almost anything.

The ultimate challenge is to see more, feel more, and avoid less. It opens up a whole new world.

Are your people keeping pace?

Think about the people challenges your leaders are facing: engagement, retention, overload, burnout, trust, prioritization, collaboration., communication, and innovation. Why are these issues so persistent, despite all your efforts to address them?

The answer is that most approaches to change address symptoms without exploring their underlying cause. Quick fixes, clever hacks, behavioral interventions and even “best practices” got us to where we are.

At best, they provide temporary solutions.

What our clients are saying

Listen to how our work has helped these leaders transform the way they lead and live.


Geoffroy von Raemdonck

CEO, Neiman Marcus Group


Phoebe Boyer

President & CEO,
Children's Aid


Gaurdie Banister

Chair, Russell Reynolds Associates


Dr. Yohana Quiroz

Chief Operations Officer, Felton Institute



Ted Kohnen

Park & Battery


Eric Severson

Chief People Officer,
Neiman Marcus Group


Michael Johnson

Executive Vice-President,


Jamie Bruning-Miles

President & CEO,
YMCA of San Francisco


Georgia Boothe

Executive Vice-President,
Children's Aid


Willis Weirich

Chief Supply Chain Officer,
SRS Distribution

Take a Quantum Leap

“The world is crying out for a different kind of leadership and a different level of humanity.”

– Tony Schwartz, Founder/CEO, The Energy Project

If you are serious about investing deeply in the development of your senior leaders, your future bench of talent, and your culture, let’s talk.