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 4 Hand-picked PHP Internet Sites

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 All 4 Matching Links - sorted by search engine weighting, sort alphabetically
  • NuSOAP   - PHP classes, that allow to create and consume web services based on SOAP, WSDL and HTTP.

    Own description: "Download NuSOAP - SOAP Toolkit for PHP. NuSOAP is a rewrite of SOAPx4, provided by NuSphere and Dietrich Ayala. It is a set of PHP classes - no PHP extensions required - that allow developers to"

  • PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser   - Open source HTML parser for PHP.

    Own description: "PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser CSS Selector"

  • W3Techs - PHP   - Usage statistics of PHP for websites

    Own description: "W3Techs shows statistics and trends in the usage of PHP, 1 October 2014."

  • phpCipher   - Online PHP source code encryptor and licensing system.

    Own description: "PHP Encoder - Encrypt PHP Scripts with PHPCipher - PHPCipher"